What is Reiki?
A health article about Reiki from Your Health Online the A to Z directory of dealing with Health Problems & nutritional Self Care Strategies
Reiki which is pronounced as Ray Key is a holistic healing system that uses universal energy to heal an individ master. Since its rediscovery in the early 1900’s, various forms have evolved and some of them use Reiki music.
This Japanese spiritual practice is also used for stress reduction and relaxation. It is a technique that also helps promote healing either for self or for other people. It is characterized as a practice of "laying of hands".
The healing powers of the technique are based on the idea that there is an unseen "life force energy" that flows through each person. This life force is said to be the reason why people are alive.
When one's life force energy is low, then people are likely to get sick or feel weak. If the life force is high, people fell healthy and happy.
Reiki is also a form of meditation used as a type of therapy for treating physical, emotional, and mental diseases. The name Reiki is taken from two Japanese characters that describe energy itself.
The word "rei", which means "unseen" or "spiritual" and "ki" which means "energy" or "life force" is combined to become Reiki. In English, its meaning is usually given as "universal life energy".
It was Mikao Usui who was known to have developed Reiki in 20th century Japan. Story has it that Usui received the ability of healing after going through three weeks of fasting and meditating on top of Mount Kurama. Practitioners of Reiki use a technique similar to that of the laying on of hands.
This action is said to promote the channeling of "healing energy" to another person. The energy flows through the palms and brings along with it healing powers that can be used for self-treatment as well as for treating others.
Reiki is a simple, natural as well as safe method of dispensing spiritual healing and self-improvement. It is said to be effective in providing alternative treatment for virtually every known illness and malady.
Not only that, Reiki also helps create an added beneficial effect, that of spiritual healing. This method is also said to work well when combined with other medical or therapeutic techniques to help relieve side effects and promote recovery.
Reiki, although seen as a very powerful healing technique, is an amazingly simple to learn. Reiki and the ability to use it effectively cannot be taught in the usual sense. The skill is said to be "transferred" to the student during a Reiki class.
This ability is not merely learned but is passed on by a Reiki master to the student during a gathering known as "attunement". After the skill has been passed on, it allows the student to tap into an unlimited supply of "life force energy" that can then be used to improve one's health and enhance the one's quality of life.
Although the practice of Reiki may be spiritual in nature, it is not considered as a religion. There are no set of beliefs that one should learn about before learning to practice the technique known as Reiki. The practice does not depend on any form of dogma.
It will work whether the student believes it or not. But it is said that the practice of Reiki helps people to keep in touch of their spiritual selves rather than the intellectual concept that it provides.
The practice of Reiki also aims to develop and promote living in harmony with others. Aside from practicing Reiki and its principles, the founder of the Reiki system, Mikao Usui also recommends the practice of simple ethical ideals that can lead to peace and harmony among people.
Getting to know what Reiki is may help people not only become a healing channel but also a tool to promote peace among other people.
The Purpose of Reiki Healing
Reiki healing has been in continuing practice for several years now. It is recognized to be a great tool that is aimed at personal treatment and growth. Reiki energy is rooted from an optimal spiritual source which never fails to come up with the best results.
The healing applies for the spirit, the mind, and the body which has to serve as the guide in an individual's journey called life. Reiki likewise aids in the enhancement of the personal talents.
Of course, all of these can only materialize if you prefer to get attuned to this sacred practice. There exists a sacred covenant that has to be maintained and nurtured for always.
Learning the Program of Self-Healing
For you to be able to acquire the depth of the knowledge on Reiki's self-healing process, you must develop a sensible time for practice. You need to master different techniques.
The way on how you execute it will move you forward near your goal or pull you away from your desired aim. In the course of self-healing, the appropriate technique must be used and thus should be learned by you.
If you are qualified enough to do so, you may choose to develop your own healing system which will work to your advantage. If you have your spirit, mind, and heart into Reiki, you will surely succeed.
The Allotted Time for Self-Healing
The Reiki system of self-healing is best done by regularly allotting at least 30 minutes to yourself. It is time that you realize how important it is to value yourself and therefore spend some time for your complete healing.
You may use either the scanning or hand positions as your technique. Your focus should be on those regions that require healing the most. As the session begins, you will be carefully guided as to where your hands should go and which body part should you touch.
You have to feel everything that you are doing. Let the energy flow and feel it vibrating. While the session is going on, ponder on your daily activities and where your life is heading. It is by means of thinking over your practice in life will your quest for self-healing produce a great impact.
This is a kind of technique that promotes the development of a healthy attitude. More so, this self-reflection technique will similarly give you more room for the generation of very creative ideas and ways on how it will be best to handle your own troubles.
Self-Healing in Groups
Again, Reiki treatment can be administered to yourself or to others. You may form a special group with the rest of the Reiki self-healers whom you know and do the session altogether.
This practice is a lot more effective because you don't only get to heal yourself but the rest of your group mates as well. A daily practice can do wonders.
You will heal each other faster. The complete healing is also sure to materialize. The secret to it is the sharing of energy and support as the group gets on with the session.
Being in a group will give you the opportunity to discuss among yourselves the things that you want to get healed with. A once a week meeting will generate a more serious focus and a deeper purpose in each and every one of you. Let the prayers guide you through as you convene in the Reiki healing practice.
Reiki Symbols and their meanings:
There are many Reiki symbols that have already been revealed and each of them is thought to possess a unique vibration of energy.
At one point, they didn’t have any names and were simply numbered from one to five. But later on, each one of them stood for something and here they are.
What role do the Reiki symbols portray?
First and foremost, it is vital to understand the main role of these symbols. They are not ordinary in such way that they do stand for the sacred healing icons which are meant to improve the flow of the Life Force Energy.
They are believed to be the keys that are able to open the doors to the higher level of manifestation and awareness. While the meaning that they denote may sound astounding, it is necessary for you to look at them in the same manner.
After all, it is only by means of putting your faith in them that you will be able to achieve a different level of healing.
Where did they come from?
These symbols are derived from the Sanskrit language but which have taken the Japanese formation. The Sanskrit is considered to be the mother tongue of all the languages known to man.
The Vedas own the language and Sanskrit forms most of the oldest writings. The Vedas claim that the latter is nonetheless the lingo utilized in the spirit world.
Why are these symbols shown?
Someone who studies these icons should be exposed to the forms and meanings of each and everything. The symbols likewise connect to the metaphysical energies. It is necessary to learn to associate every symbol with its corresponding purpose.
Before a student gets attuned to the purpose of the use of the symbols, he has to understand that such procedure has been crafted with a strong sense of Divine covenant and the sacred connection must be maintained between the Creator and the one who is attuned.
The symbols also function using their own awareness. One can meditate on them and attain the guidance on their usage.
What are the symbols in Reiki?
These Reiki symbols are considered sacred and are only to be employed by the rightful people.
Even in its absence, the Reiki Energy will continue to flow. However, as it is used, it is powerfully believed to heighten the amount of energy flow.
It is centered at the treatment of the physical body and is commonly utilized at the very start of the healing session and at any moment that there is a need for more power.
The first is called Cho Ku Rei and is referred to as the Power Symbol . In simple terms, this means, “put all the power of the universe here.” This allows the user to draw energy from the surroundings so you can focus it where you want it to.
This can be used for aid in manifestation, cleanse negative energies, empower other Reiki symbols, for spiritual protection, spot treatments, and seal the energies after the treatment.
Second is Sei He Ki also known as the Mental Emotional symbol because it helps those who are suffering from an emotional or mental imbalance.
Sei He Ki means “God and Humanity Becomes One.” This enables the person to find activate Kundalini during meditations, balance between the left and right side of the brain, bring harmony and peace, cleansing, improve one’s memory, clear blockages and aligns the upper chakras, provide psychic protection, remove addictions, bad energies and negative vibrations.
It is also used for the purposes of purification, protection, balancing, and clearing. It targets the cause of any disease which normally lies in the subconscious mind or within the emotional body or within the conscious mind or the mental body.
The healers believe that diseases are the manifestations of some things that need to be attended to and those which require mending. This symbol aims to correct the balance between the left and the right brain.
Third is called Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen . This is a distance symbol that is used to enable the Reiki channel to be able to channel Reiki at a distance regardless if this event happened in the past, the present or the future.
This is an aggregate from the 5 Japanese kanji namely; source, origin, person, right or just, correct certainly and thought or idea. It is also know as a Buddhist chant which means right consciousness is the root of everything.
This is the symbol that transmits the Reiki energy across space and time. Meaning, the energy may transpire across the town, across the room, and even across several places all over the world. It transcends distance and can be used to connect time either in the past or future.
The fourth symbol is the Tamarasha . It is a basically a balancing and unblocking symbol that may ground and balance energy.
The fifth and last symbol is known as Dai Kyo Mo or the Master Symbol . It can be written in a couple of different ways and it is used to initiate a student to various initiatory Reiki degrees. This is considered to be the most powerful symbol and can only be used by Reiki masters.
The Light of the Buddha or the Light of the Awakened Heart is its primary essence. It denotes clairvoyance and wisdom which are important elements in the healing of the soul.
This symbol is used to heal the soul since it deals with the person’s spiritual self that can cure a disease or illness from the original source in the aura or energy fields. It can also provide enlightenment and peace as it allows the person to become more intuitive and psychic.
Each of these symbols are activated by drawing them in the palm of your hand, visualizing it or spelling the symbols’ name three times. Then this is placed or drawn on the client’s chakra, hands or wherever this should be treated.
Symbols have power and if you can’t remember how to right it correctly, try recalling the alias because this can also be used to harness that energy. With practice, you will no longer need to remember how they look because you will be able to harness it when needed.
Now that the Reiki symbols have been revealed, you will now be able to use them. Just remember that it is the intention that really matters because as mentioned earlier, each of them are used for various things.
And using the right one is the only way you will be able to solve a problem whether it is physical, mental or psychological.
Reiki Training
The Reiki practitioner can come from any part of the world, study at different institutions or Reiki clubs, and be under different Masters too. Generally, the very first form of Reiki was divided into three degrees or levels with an addition, that is the Master Level or Master Degree. After the completion of the latter, a practitioner qualifies to train others.
There are multiple branches of the instruction, take a look at their different forms by reading below.
The Usui Shiki Ryoho. Originally pioneered by Mrs. Takata, several other solitaries like the Reiki Alliance Masters began to form. As a part of the oral tradition, this medium of instruction employs three degrees which are taught to the learners.
The first degree covers four attunements including mythos and history, the hand positions, and the channeling of Reiki energy for self-healing and in healing others.
The second degree impart more forms of attunements that cover the teaching of three among the four sacred symbols, healing of mental as well as emotional disorders, and the absentee or distance healing.
The Master Degree involves only one attunement and that includes the fourth sacred symbol as well as the techniques for the channeling of more energy.
The Raku Kei Reiki. Someone by the name of Iris Ishikuro who trained under Takata contributed much to this branch of the instructional system. The term Raku Kei Reiki is also called "the way of the Fire Dragon".
It is comprised of the directional energy flow wherein Raku signifies the vertical flow while the term Kei means the horizontal energy flow.
Both the first and the second degrees are discussed in a class that touches on the positions of the hand, the techniques in healing, the four traditional symbols, the distance healing, and the use of the Master Frequency plates.
The third degree on the other hand promotes three attunement levels along with the two other additional symbols, the use of crystals, herbs and white light in healing.
The Tera Mai or Tera Mei Seichem. A few changes have been made to this type of instruction which covers the energy activation of the Angelic light, Sakara, and Sophi-el. There are also symbols which have been added to the older ones.
The Usui or Tibetan Reiki. This mode of instruction combines the traditional and the understandings expressed by Rand and Raku Kei.
A learner has the option to choose which Reiki instruction he feels to study. The Masters are everywhere and one has to simply get in touch with them.
Reiki training is different when you are beginner compared to someone who has already been introduced to it. In this article, we will talk about the first four levels to give people an idea of what actually happens.
During level one, the instructor will introduce you to the energy. Here, you get to develop a relationship with it by learning how to work with it, how it feels through your body and the effects on using this on yourself and others.
Over the course of two days, you will learn the 4 attunements. There will be enough time given to allow your system to settle into the new space and after a 21 day cleansing session, you will no longer feel any negative energy in your system.
Level two Reiki training should be done at least two months after you have completed level one. During this time, your vibration level should be much higher.
This is also a two day training course where you will receive another attunement that will increases your vibration and make you familiar with three of the four Reiki symbols.
You will learn here how to make each of these symbols work and after a couple of days, you will again have to undergo a 21 day cleaning period to remove any negative energy that you may have.
Most people do not go beyond level two because they are already happy with what they have learned. But for those who want to push on and even become a master, they can continue on their way to level three.
It is recommended that you wait at least 6 to 12 months before you take level 3. When you are ready, you will again undergo a two day session so you may received your final attunement.
There is another 21 day cleaning period and you may even be taught another Reiki system like the Seichim to help you through.
From here, we go the fourth and final level where you will be taught how to become both a master and a teacher so you may also teach those who want to learn about the Reiki. What makes this different from the first three levels is that you will be taught now from an instructor’s perspective.
This will enable you to come up with your own lesson plans and manuals that you will distribute to your students. You will also learn about boundaries and ethics being a Master Teacher. You might even be given a test by creating a level one training which you will use to treat new comers.
Reiki training is now available in some institutions. You can even enroll in home study programs, online learning and distance instruction. You just have to find the right instructor that can teach you everything there is to know about this healing technique so you get your money’s worth.
If you attend to join a class, you shouldn’t worry about if this is crowded because batches are limited to 4 or 8 students. This will allow each one to have individualized attention from the instructor aside from the manuals that will be given at the start of the class.
Everyone is more than welcome to experience and embrace what Reiki training can do. You just have to keep an open mind and let the positive energy flow within you and cleansing yourself of the negative energies that fill your body, mind and soul.
Getting to Know the Reiki Hand Positions:
With Reiki treatment, the energies are balanced so a new kick for life is furthermore promoted. Through all of these, the Reiki hand positions play a vital role.
As the treatment session is conducted, the hand positions are importantly executed. They are able to let the individual feel the strong sense of coldness, heat, tingling, or pulsations vibrating within him. It is also possible to be devoid of any sort of feelings.
Reiki treatment may be performed on yourself or to another. The positions of the hand are definitely meant to cure the diseases that affect the parathyroid, thymus, thyroid gland, asthma, and the throat, among others.
If you have not witnessed an actual healing procedure, then you may not be familiar with the various hand positions. This article is going to give you an idea of what they are. Read on and find out below.
The first position is the hand that is placed on the face. To do this, you should put your palms either on your own face or on the person who is receiving Reiki. The palms should form a cup over the eyes while the fingers are on the forehead. There must be no pressure at all but only a gentle touch.
The second position includes the hand on the crown and on the top of the head. Both hands must be on the sides of the head whereas the heels of the hands are located near the ears. The fingertips must be able to touch the crown.
The third position is at the back of the head. Form a cross by using your arms. One of the hands must be on the head while the other one is above the neck's nape.
The fourth position includes the touching of the heart and collarbone. Make a V-like shape with the thumb and fingers. You must be able to easily hold your neck via the V formation. Lower one of your hands and have it resting in between the collarbone and the heart.
The fifth has something to do with touching the jaw line and the chin as well. Again, let your hands form a cup and let your chin rest in it. Let your hands wrap themselves on your jaw line.The sixth position includes your ribs.
Put your hand on the upper portion of the rib cage and provide some support to the bended elbows. The other hand should be on the abdomen. Let your fingertips touch your tummy.
The pelvic area is included in the seventh position. Put your hands on your pelvic bone and allow your fingertips to touch your pelvic region.
Then the eight position concerns your shoulders. Bend your elbows and arms over the head and touch your shoulder blades with your hand. While your elbows are bent, put your hands onto the center part of your back.
The final position includes the lower back and the sacrum. Let your hands rest on your lower back. Lower your arms and then place them on the sacral area and then proceed to relax.
The main intention of the Reiki hand positions is to let the energy flow and retain its balance once more. A practitioner will not apply a heavy pressure on the body parts but will simply touch them to promote the general flow of the somehow trapped energies.
How will You Choose Your Reiki Master?
It is a glaring fact that these days, there are numerous teachers, institutions, training courses, and practitioners of Reiki all over the world. This then opens up a pool of confusions especially on the part of those interested apprentices.
It is common for someone to entertain the feeling of being lost. There are several people who are serious in their desires to attain the Reiki attunements which are but essential so they can practice the art of healing by themselves.
With the large number of institutions and trainers around, it is a bit hard to find out the exact person who can teach you of the relevant methodologies. As a would-be Reiki student, finding the appropriate Reiki Master can truly be challenging.
You should spot that particular person who has the full energy within him, one who is proficient in practicing the rituals and techniques, and one who is every inch an expert in Reiki.
An Important Understanding
As a learner of Reiki, you should understand that this healing process is nonetheless a holistic system that covers several factors in relation to healing, balancing, and harmonizing every single aspect of an individual. The balanced and harmonized factors can be utilized to promote both the spiritual and personal consciousness and growth.
The healing technique is basically safe. You may ask why. The main reason is that all the strategies used are executed gently. The healers actually make use of the spiritual energy in the treatment of the mental, physical, and emotional diseases and problems but with the absence of massage or any other pressure or manipulation.
Reiki is all about doing good in one's lifetime. It applies to where it is necessary. The client will only receive the appropriate energy that he requires at the time being.
Reiki is not in any way pushed by the practitioner but the energy from it is being drawn in by the client himself. It is also necessary to note that throughout the session, the client will not take the energy that belongs to the therapist. What he gets to absorb is the pure and the clean Reiki energy.
Top Tips in Finding the Best Master
During your search, you will be drawn towards the rightful Master who will be perfect for you and your needs. You should go to the person with whom you feel comfortable. He should be the one who can teach and guide you. He is someone who can feel for what you need and what you desire for.
As you take a trip to several Reiki institutions, here are the tips that can help you out in seeking for your ultimate Master.
Proficiency. Your Master should have worked hard and long to know every single detail that comprises the art of healing. He should be able to perform the techniques based on what he has learned, experienced, and practiced with or without them having been mentioned in the Reiki books or manuals.
Lineage. The Masters belong to different categories. You should find out his affiliation to be able to know the teachings and techniques that he is likely to impart.
Qualifications. Be sure that your Master is certified. There are prerequisites prior to being qualified to become a mentor.
Class Coverage. What will he teach you? Will he reveal the symbols? Will he teach you self-discovered techniques?
Fees. Know the relevant fees that you need to settle to start with the course.
Overall, the Reiki Master will be the one who will hone your skills with the right amount of techniques, hand positions, energy usage, and the likes. It is a must to look around for the best Masters who are qualified to provide the teachings.
The Beauty in Reiki Healing
In a stressed out world like what we have today, more and more people are opting for other treatments other than using medications to help them achieve a more stable levels of thinking and emotions. This is because they have noticed that the more they depend on medication and treatments related to it, the more they feel weak, stressed out, and sick.
So, instead to suffering from the side effects of various medications, many people opt for a more traditional treatment such as Reiki healing.
Founded on the significant benefits of the human touch, Reiki healing is preferred by more and more people—especially those who are suffering from terminal cases and illnesses—because it provides a more "human" approach to healing.
Since it is more soothing and comforting that the number of apparatus that are used in various hospitals and medical centers, Reiki healing has become an option to people who are tired of relying on medical treatments.
What sets this alternative therapy from the modern form of healing today is the more "human" feel into it. Many people prefer this because it lessens the depression their feel brought the illness or emotional pains knowing that a person/people understand what are they going through.
How Reiki healing works
Reiki healing works through the use of the never-ending cycle of love energy in people. Reiki healing utilizes the innate life force energy flowing in each individual and converts it into a more productive energy force.
Transferred from one person to another, this life energy force can heal a person's emotional imbalance, heals the dying spirit, and calms the mind. If it cannot be channeled from one person to another during a Reiki class, an individual can also use it alone especially if there's a great need to boost a person's morale or spirit.
Reiki healing can be a perfect key in solving people's personal predicaments if only they give it a try. Unlike modern medications that can cost so much money along with numerous side effects, Reiki healing would not rob you off so much money especially if you have mastered it for yourself.
The only expenses you'll be needing to achieve the benefits of Reiki healing is the fee for enrolment in a Reiki class and references such as magazines and books for practicing Reiki.
For Reiki healing to work properly and effectively, a person must first be able to achieve a higher will. When a person has a high will, it can enable somebody to set aside his or her self-centered intentions. Once this is done, a person can experience a blissful encounter with his or herself and can share this wonderful feeling of healing and contentment to other people.
Reiki healing can also be more effective when a person can channel or transfer his or her energy to those people in need. Once a person can do this, his or her will be accredited to a higher level, which can enable him or her to achieve peacefulness, calmness, and optimism in life.
In Reiki healing, the life force energy is channeled or transferred from one person to another through attunement. Usually takes place in Reiki classes and supervised by a Reiki master, this transfer of life force energy is remotely done to ensure its success.
Aside from healing a person's spirit, Reiki also helps a person to balance his or her priories in life to achieve a more relaxed and content life.
What You Need to Know about Reiki Treatment:
If you have not yet heard of Reiki treatment, then now is the best time to get to know it. Reiki is an age old healing technique that utilizes energy of different levels to cure and attain the balance that should exist among the spirit, the mind, and the body.
There are claims that the same technique had been used by none other than Jesus Christ along with the rest of the great spiritual healers of the times. The Reiki which the contemporary world is familiar with in these days is the same thing that had been rediscovered by Mikao Usui in the 20th century.
Through time, the strategies have been adapted, used, and then mixed and matched so that explains why there are different variations that we have today. The variations that exist are in support of the known interpretations and belief systems. It is to be taken note that Reiki is not in any way related to a body of faith or religion. It exists in its own consciousness.
Understanding Reiki in a Better Way
In order to achieve a clearer view of Reiki and the system of treatment that it covers, one has to dig deeper into the essence of the philosophy of illness. The modern medical arena feeds on the fact that the human body is similar to a mechanical device that when any of the systems get damaged, it can be mended by means of repair or replacement.
As a typical way of handling the human body dilemma, surgeries and drugs are often recommended. Say for example, a headache is cured by taking a pain reliever pill.
On the other hand, what is known as the holistic medicine employs a very different type of approach in addressing the human health. It respects each part that comprises an individual. It looks into the mental, the physical, the spiritual, and the emotional components of a person.
It relies on the concept that once parts of the abovementioned systems malfunction, the rest of the body structures get affected. In fact, it poses its effect on the person's life in general.
To solve such ordeal, the main root of the problem should be tracked down. Once the body feels bad, the symptoms can be felt and spotted sooner or later. What the busy individuals fail to realize is that the body indicates some warning signs which when ignored may lead to more serious problems.
The Main Role of the Reiki Practitioners
The Reiki practitioners emphasize that the little warnings should never be ignored. They may appear insignificant at first but later on you will find out how serious the problem may be. Thus, they address this concern by making use of the Reiki energy to free or heal the problematic tissues.
As soon as the symptoms have been eliminated, they encourage a change in the person's way of life. They fully point out how the balance in the overall health should be maintained and why it is very necessary to do so.
Many a times have Reiki treatment been regarded as valuable. Since the earliest time, this technique has never faltered. In these modern days, one should consider looking back to the days of yore when everything was yet balanced and harmonized. After all, it doesn't hurt to give it a shot.
Reiki music
Reiki music is used to create calm and peaceful atmosphere in order for the healing to take place. This is available for download while some retailers sell these in CD online. One example of this is Shamballa that is often used by seasoned spiritual travelers.
For those who have never done a Reiki session with music before, it is recommended to use one with gentle tunes first before trying out something more diverse. If the site you are visiting allows you to hear a sound clip, try it out so you have an idea where the music can take you.
Do you really need to use Reiki music during a healing session? The answer is no because meditation music or any other kind may also work as long as it is designed for relaxation purposes.
As much as possible, the recording should last for about 60 to 75 minutes which is the average time it takes to feel energized after a session.
Just like a regular session without music, you can tell if it is working when you feel different sensations throughout your body. An individual who feels down will afterwards experience an emotional release or relief.
Once you have found the right Reiki music, you can put it on and then simply sit or lie down in a comfortable position. You then place your hands over your face with the palms over the eyes, touch the tongue to the roof of the mouth with the tip of your tongue just behind the teeth. Remember to inhale and let the energy flow into your body and then let it go out along your arms and out through your face.
The same slow movement should be done with the other parts of the body so you wake up feeling refreshed and recharged.
Reiki wouldn’t be around for more than a hundred years if it is not able to help those recover from emotional disturbances and addictions
In fact, various studies have been conducted and results have shown that patients are able to recover faster after surgery. This is the reason that there are more hospitals and clinics that have started to practice Reiki even before an operation to help them relax.
Those who worship Christianity have also embraced Reiki because its methods help them express compassion towards others and bring them closer to God. This is because Jesus healed with his hands and so is the hand healing technique used in Reiki that has made this very appealing.
Anyone can practice Reiki and you can do this with or without Reiki music because the tune that you hear only helps you relax when the most important thing to learn is the proper hand technique. This can only be taught by a master Reiki and when this is passed on to you, this can also be shared with others.
You just need to keep an open mind and have faith so you may also experience the positive energy that is needed to heal whatever part of the body, mind or soul that requires healing.
Should you use Reiki to treat Anemia or Diet change strategies?
Anemia is a common blood disorder and this happens when the person’s red blood cells are below normal. This often leads to other health problems like fatigue and stress that affects the body’s other organs.
Until such time that there is scientific proof that it can help patients who are suffering from anemia, Reiki should not be recommended or even attempted. The person should seek the help of a medical professional and then work with what is available.
But if Reiki cannot be used to treat those suffering from anemia, where can it be used? This technique has been known to energize the body and relieve it from stress, prevent physical disorders, maintain a balanced state of health as well as minimize a sense of helplessness when faced with a daunting situation. It can be used anywhere and at anytime that may also be used on plants and animals.
The medical community for its part has only done a few tests to check on Reiki’s effectiveness. For instance, a random test shows that it has an adverse effect on the nervous system as it can lower one’s blood pressure, heart rate and breathing.
Another suggests it can help the person fight the symptoms of depression. There was also a report stating that Reiki can aid in patients who are in stroke recovery since positive effects on both energy and mood have been noted.
The nice thing about Reiki is that it is completely safe. The patient does not have to be injected or required to swallow anything. He or she will just have to sit still and just relax while the practitioner puts the hand over the body.
It should also be pointed out that it does not attack the disease but rather supports the person experiencing the disease to encourage him or her to fight it in order to once again have a state of balance.
For those that want to try it, they can do so as long as they use their common sense. If the doctor tells them that they have to take certain medication, it is best that they do follow it and they use alternative forms of medicine like Reiki to help them out.
This is after it has been pointed out that doctors have taken interest with Reiki and other forms of complementary and alternative medicine or CAM which is already taught in most US medical schools.
Despite the lack of tests, some doctors also insist patients to try it out since these are low risk practices that do not have adverse side effects.
The difference between conventional medicine and Reiki is the approach. The traditional way focuses on detection on treatment while the other sees it from a holistic, whole person approach that extends way beyond the person’s pathophysiology.
Is one better than the other? That is really hard to tell. So until such time that Reiki can cure anemia and any other disorder, patients and their loved ones are advised to approach this situation the conventional way given that this the most logical choice.
Just remember that there is nothing wrong thinking outside the box because you might just get lucky and find a cure.
Vitamin & Nutrient Associations
Even when we try to eat well, we're disadvantaged. The nutritional content of most food has been compromised over the years, not only by deficient soils and modern production, transportation, storage and processing methods, but also by the enormous amounts of chemical and artificial substances added to promote growth, storage life, taste and appearance.
It's for this reason that more and more medical authorities are advocating the use of vitamin and mineral supplements. However, finding them in the right combination can be both confusing and costly.
The nutrition products I am going to recommend you make use of knowledge gained from the botanical world's 6,000 year history. They incorporated health building nutritional herbs with the best modern technology to help our bodies cleanse and detoxify so that the cells - the tiniest living units - can be as fully nourished as possible.
This allows the cells to grow, repair and to perform their functions with the best possible efficiency so that we feel and look better and are more able to prevent and fight disease. Once the body begins to clear itself of toxins it can more efficiently absorb nutrition.
As Aloe Vera Juice is a refreshing and anti-bacterial drink, you might find that taking this daily, diluted in some filtered water will not only refresh you like ‘a shower inside you’ but also assists in dealing with any digestive issues you may also be experiencing. Taken with Flora-Fiber tabs it will cleanse your digestive system and improve your immunity levels overall.
You may find benefit from our information on detoxification as well as a bit about detoxing because of change of diet
It may be due to difficulties with your digestive system that is causing your body to be starved of key nutrients, vitamins or minerals. In this case you may find useful answers by reviewing our article on Nutrition For Your Cells. There is also more information here about why is nutrition such an issue nowadays?
It may be that your metabolism has slowed due to pressures that have been placed on your system through life in general or through specific “challenges” you have faced in the last few months or last few years. Review this by looking at our article about balancing your Metabolic Rate.
Further reading through our articles on Reiki health issues will give you a body of information that will help you decide what options you have to deal with the underlying causes of your problem through giving your body the nutrition products that will assist you body to heal from the inside out.
You can visit our health food products page here: Herbalife Health Nutrition Supplements and learn more about our core nutrition program, the Cellular Nutrition Advanced Program and also check out these targeted products, Florafiber to replace your healthy flora and Aloe Vera Juice to help cleanse your system.
You can visit our health food products page here: Herbalife Health Nutrition Supplements to learn more about some of the nutrition products mentioned in our recommendations above.
If you are interested in products mentioned on this site and want to check pricing and availability in your country, then please click back to the home page of the person who referred you here.
If you surfed in off the web then just drop us a note about what products you would like assistance with, on this Contact Us form and we will answer your questions & process your order for you.
More Resources available about other Alternative Therapies like Reiki:
Alternative Therapy - Alternative Health care
Body Mind and Spirit balance
Massage Therapy
Meditation videos
Meditation techniques
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This special report will dig deep into the triad of health and explain how the mind, body and spirit relate to one another to maintain wellness.
Click the link above or book cover to get your free Report & eCourse today!
Below here are examples of Health Success Results other people have had with using a self care strategy for dealing with Mental Health:
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Reiki Psychic Attunement Explained What is meant by Reiki psychic attunement? How does it happen? How is it done? These are just among the questions that bother your mind. Read on and you …
The Leading Facts about Reiki Healing If you have the fair interest in knowing Reiki and how it is practiced, the best thing to start with is that of getting familiar with the healing procedure. …
Who is a Reiki Master? The term Reiki has its Japanese roots. Literally, Rei signifies God's Wisdom or Higher Power whereas Ki denotes Life Force Energy. The Japanese Makao Usui …
Learning About Maori Reiki Maori Reiki is one of the many forms of the popular Reiki system of spiritual healing. And just like the original Reiki system, it is considered to be …
The Melchizedek Method Reiki The Melchizedek method reiki is one of the many types of reiki methods that have found to be widely practiced by people. This reiki method is considered …
Understanding Reiki With all the stresses brought by the modern world, it is only common to people to look for alternatives in relieving their stress. Aside from resulting …
Reiki Energy Reiki is a healing practice that has been practiced for more than a hundred years. By definition, the Reiki energy that is often referred as an essence, …
What is Reiki Nur Ilahi Reiki is an ancient form of healing that came from Japan using your hands. If you want to learn this technique, you have to learn this from a Reiki master. …
The role Reiki symbols play One of the significant things that a person—who is planning to get into the practice of Reiki—must know is the Reiki symbols. This is because these symbols …
Reiki Therapy Reiki therapy involves a lot of elements in just about every alternative healing practice. This is because it uses spiritual healing, meditation, aromatherapy, …
Egyptian Reiki Egyptian Reiki is better known as Reyad Sekh Em? Rei is the universal life force while Sekh Em is energy from the four elements namely air, earth, fire, …
Feiki Reiki Reiki is an ancient method of healing that has been used for centuries. Since it’s reintroduction in the early 20th century, various methods have been …
Kundalini Reiki For Free If you look at it, Kundalini reiki is quite simple. It aims to the open up the energy within our body and channel it into a form that can be used for healing. … Click here to write your own.
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SITE DISCLAIMER: Do these products “cure” anything? Of course not… but it stands to reason that if you cleanse your body and feed it the finest nutrition available, giving it everything it needs in balance, on a daily basis, that your body will do what nature intended, and give you the best possible chance to fend off sickness and disease. This Reiki your health online information is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any Reiki questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read. Any natural and/or dietary supplements that are not FDA approved or evaluated must be accompanied by a two-part disclaimer on the product label: that the statement has not been evaluated by FDA and that the product is not intended to "diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease”.
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