Egyptian Reiki

Egyptian Reiki is better known as Reyad Sekh Em? Rei is the universal life force while Sekh Em is energy from the four elements namely air, earth, fire, ether (spirit) and water. It is designed to heal more deeply bringing greater balance on all levels be it emotional, mental, physical or spiritual.

Egyptian Reiki just like the Japanese version commonly being practiced today includes a negative energy drain that helps remove symptoms of depression or deep seated pain.

This ultra high vibrational healing system was developed by Joanna Bristow Watkins who traveled to Egypt several times and came up with this using an authentic Khemitian approach.

Patients who will undergo treatment will receive a 5 minute consultation prior to the treatment and asked to remove any jewelry or any items that may restrict the healing process except for one’s clothing.

The practitioner will then place their hands lightly on the patient’s body in different positions to start the healing process. However, if the session is to treat bruises or burns, the hands will not touch the body.

The session will last for one to two hours. If you happen to fall asleep, don’t feel bad because this is the body’s way of healing itself.

Egyptian Reiki is different from other types of healing because it usually takes just one session before results are noticed. Although it is very similar to Japanese Reiki, this method can help the person deal with spiritual problems while the other cannot.

Most people that have undergone Egyptian Reiki claim they feel sensations such as tingling warmth or heat while others feel cold. It is also possible that one may have a heightened sense of emotions but the vast majority felt a sense of calm and relaxation.

After the session, the patient may feel a renewed zest for life while others may feel exhausted. Although you may feel something in the first session, the healing process usually takes three days to three weeks to complete before everything is back to normal. During the course of the healing process, the patient is advised to drink lots of water and rest whenever possible.

Egyptian Reiki has been effective in treating chronic aches and pains as well as energetic, mental and physical disorders. But because it is only an alternative form of medicine, this must be not be substituted with medical science.

Reyad Sekh Em is completely safe. Those who want to practice it can also learn this so they too can help others that are suffering.

There are five levels that people have to master to become a master and it doesn’t matter if you have experience in Reiki or not because everyone will be taught at an even pace so no one will be left behind.

There is also a three week cleansing process. During this time, the person should let go of old issues, eat healthy and organic food, drinks lots of spring water, exercise and rest. This will prepare you for the next lesson so eventually you may become a master.

The extent to which cleaning is felt during the cleansing process shows how much a person has changed. This can change you entirely and even your outlook in life because you need to harness unconditional love to give this to whoever needs it and which is the true essence of Egyptian Reiki.

Further reading through our articles on health issues will give you a body of information that will help you decide what options you have to deal with the underlying causes of your problem through giving your body the nutrition products that will assist you body to heal from the inside out.

You can visit our health food products page here: Herbalife Health Nutrition Supplements and learn more about our core nutrition program, the Cellular Nutrition Advanced Program and also check out these targeted products, Florafiber to replace your healthy flora and Aloe Vera Juice to help cleanse your system.
We wish you well in your search for solutions to this problem and your movement towards better health in all areas.


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