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11 Tips to Help You Deal with Insomnia What’s keeping you up at night? Insomnia is a broad term that can refer to several different sleep disorders with
Diabetes is the kind of disease that requires careful monitoring. When diabetes is under control, you can live a normal life. But when you have stress
Many people don’t take the time to engage with their own emotions. They prefer to distract themselves with anything that they can, whether they realize
There’s a reason many educators and parents push kids into developing musical talents from an early age. Learning to play an instrument is something that
Continue reading "Learning to Play an Instrument Can Improve Your Cognitive Function"
Vitamin C is an incredibly important part of your immune system and your health in general. Vitamin C deficit once frequently caused a disease known as
Continue reading "Vitamin C Is a Natural Barrier for Diabetics Against Viruses"
Getting out and about in the sun is important for maintaining good overall health and wellbeing. It helps us to increase those all-important Vitamin D
Bilateral alternating stimulation is an innovation in stress relief that’s designed to use gentle vibrations to reduce stress and, in particular, to improve
You might notice that whenever you’re stressed, you feel it in your stomach. Everything tightens up and you just get a feeling of dread or it feels like
According to research presented by the United Kingdom’s Autistic Society (NAS), the unemployment rate for people on the spectrum is very high. They surveyed
Continue reading "Why Do People With ASD Struggle to Get Hired and Keep Jobs?"
The Health Success Site answers your health online problems on its A to Z Health Problems Directory, Warren Tattersall .
Continue reading "The Health Success Site: your health online answers for A - Z Health!"
Sound Vibration Healing: Discover How to Reduce Stress, Alleviate Pain, and Strengthen Your Health With Sound Vibrations
Continue reading "Sound Vibration Healing - How To Heal Yourself With Sound Vibrations"
Have you ever heard ringing in your ears after attending a loud concert or fireworks display? If so, you’ve experienced a temporary form of chronic tinnitus
Do you ever feel like your life has no purpose – like you're just going from one day to the next, without really loving or hating it? If you're in this
Continue reading "How to Discover Purpose in Your Life and Avoid Boredom"
We all know the importance of looking after our bodies. We need to live a healthy lifestyle that strengthens both mind and body. But what does this actually
Mental toughness can benefit you in many ways. When you’re mentally tough, it’s easier to overcome challenges, whether they be mental, physical, emotional,
Sleep is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. When you don't get enough rest, you'll feel frustrated and lethargic. This can become a real challenge
If you’re feeling lethargic, or you’re struggling to lose weight as quickly as you’d like, you might have considered trying a cleanse. Otherwise known
Continue reading "What Is A 3 Day Cleanse And Is it Useful?"
The human body requires certain vitamins and minerals to function optimally. A well-balanced diet can reduce or even eliminate the need for supplementation.
Continue reading "10 Supplements All Women Should Consider Taking for Good Health"
Like many things, anxiety is a disorder that only people with anxiety can truly understand. This makes it really hard for others to empathize with you,
Most experts would recommend medication to treat bipolar disorder but changes in lifestyle can also help. Some helpful tips for managing symptoms of
Continue reading "Changes in Lifestyle for Bipolar Disorder"
If your doctor is telling you that your cholesterol is too high, you’re probably wondering about your options. Drugs like statins can lower your cholesterol,
Continue reading "12 Natural Ways to Manage Your Cholesterol"
Life can seem pretty hectic. Work, family, kids, and budget: balancing it all gets too much at times, and we feel like we’re at our ropes’ end. We feel
Continue reading "Are You Weighed Down Because You Hate Your Life?"
Discussions about adult ADHD tend to focus on the challenges. You hear so much about impulsivity and reduced concentration that you might forget there
You may have heard of omega-3 fatty acids before, often times found on pill bottles of vitamins. Omega-3s are very good for you, with their primary benefit
Continue reading "How Omega-3 Foods Bolster a Diabetic Immune System"
Impulsivity is one of the most common symptoms of ADHD. It’s also one of the most difficult to manage. While any adult might sometimes act without thinking,
Continue reading "A Guide to Impulse Control for Adult Women with ADHD"
Pain management is complicated. Sometimes, the tools available for managing pain aren’t immediately obvious. For instance, you might know to pop a couple
Continue reading "What Is Arnica And Why Is It Good For You?"
In a world that is filled with a wealth of conflicting evidence online and various opinions from health professionals (or not professionals), it can be
Continue reading "The Good and Bad of Cholesterol - Made Easy"
Does your boss keep giving you the same feedback? You need to follow instructions and pay more attention to details. These could be signs that you have
We work hard, socialize, and see family. We decorate our houses and make memories. There is one area of life, however, that many of us seem to neglect
Continue reading "Why We Need To Start Talking About Our Feelings"
Daily Fitness Without The Gym. It’s more effective to focus on constantly moving your body instead of worrying if you’re lifting weights.
Continue reading "How To Achieve Daily Fitness Without The Gym"
You can have stress in your life from a variety of sources and it can be emotional or physical, but the impact caused by any type of stress affects your
Continue reading "Stress Will Defeat Your Anti Aging Efforts"
When someone says they're having sleep issues, you usually assume they’re getting less than the recommended 7 to 9 hours. You might be surprised to hear
Unlike many other sports, running is not an activity that you need a large amount of training or expensive gear to get started with. In fact, there are
Continue reading "How To Become A Runner In Five Simple Steps"
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is an ancient system used to diagnose and treat health conditions based on natural principles. The system of traditional
Continue reading "Your Guide To Traditional Chinese Medicine"
What you think you know about serotonin and depression may be outdated. A new study calls into question the theory that a chemical imbalance causes the
Continue reading "Surprising News about Serotonin and Depression"
Skin conditions can be unsightly to the point that they cause social embarrassment - especially if they’re on the hands, face or arms. Sometimes people
One common cause of emotional eating among many people is that they’re thinking in a sort of entitled way that makes sense to them. You can find people
Continue reading "Is Entitled Thinking Driving Your Emotional Eating?"
While there are a plethora of supplements available on the market, the best and most healthful thing you can do for your body is to ensure you get all
Let’s face it, the gym environment (despite the diversity of options for gyms that are present in most places) is not for everyone, either due to personal
Continue reading "5 Ways To Stay Fit Without Entering A Gym"
Mental health is just as important as physical and spiritual health, and together they all make up a whole: wellness. When we think of wellness, many
Continue reading "Your Health Matters: 10 Strategies To Reconnect With Wellness "
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