Combining the concepts behind shamanism and reiki into a single healing session increases the benefits of the beliefs and practices of both. Shamanic reiki draws its foundations from concepts of shamanic journeying and channeling the living energy to create healing techniques that are powerful and effective in alleviating anxiety, depression, stress, fatigue, and even illnesses.
This reiki technique fully encompasses treatments on the spiritual and energetic levels, allowing the practitioner to discover new ways of healing.
Shamanism is a very old system of beliefs whose roots can be found in pagan traditions and practices that uses the products of the Earth to heal. You’ll find different kinds of shamanism but all practices healing techniques that incorporate the use of herbs and communicating with spirits.
Other similarities of the different forms of shamanism include the belief that shamans are able to control or cooperate with spirits for the benefit of others that existing spirits can be good and bad, and that shamans are capable of treating sicknesses and illnesses. In other words, shamans are often seen as not only priests that communicate with the living world and the world of spirits but as healers, magicians, and teachers as well.
When integrated to the Japanese Reiki, shamanism becomes more encompassing and a lot interesting. With shamanic reiki, the spiritual energy is used to see where exactly in the body do we need to concentrate healing techniques. In shamanism, the healing process revolves around the seven chakras in the human body. Determining which of the seven chakra or life forces is blocked will determine which area to concentrate healing techniques.
Once the area has been determine, shamanic reiki practitioners combine traditional concepts of chakra healing techniques, the use of stones and crystals, as well as the use of medicinal herbs, all of which draws foundations from ancient shamanic healing. Combining these shamanic elements to channeling energy techniques from reiki, and the results can be quite effective.
Among the most popular techniques used in shamanic reiki is the use of crystal during the heal process. More specifically, practitioners of this reiki technique use quarts, rose quarts, and amethyst as a means to channel the life force energy from the hands of the healer to the person being healed. The shamanic reiki energy, together with the crystals helps increase the flow of spiritual energy regaining the balance that was lost. Mental, physical, emotional and spiritual imbalances will be regained after sessions of shamanic reiki procedures.
To increase efficiency, there are combinations of crystals that seem to work well doubling the healing process. Shamanic principles are at play when choosing combinations of crystals, mostly pairing them with the colors that corresponds to the chakras of the human body. For example, tailbone chakra would require black, red, or brown stones and the heart chakra would need to be paired with pink or green stones. The crown requires a white stone or crystal while the throat area requires blue stones.
Also, shamanic reiki incorporates other shamanic healing elements like shape shifting techniques, the use of symbols, the use of spiritual guides and even the shamanic time journeying or astral travel. Shamanic reiki can be complicated but the idea is rather simple.
The use shamanic traditions and techniques to channel the life force energy in all of us to induce healing. Everything boils down to this.
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We wish you well in your search for solutions to this problem and your movement towards better health in all areas.
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