What is a Midlife Crisis?

A health article about midlife crisis from Your Health Online the A to Z directory of dealing with Health Problems & nutritional Self Care Strategies


Experiencing the midlife crisis kind of confusion and health issues? You thought it would never happen to you.

Maybe you watched your mom or dad struggle with a mid-life crisis and thought, “Ridiculous. That will never happen to me.” Until, it did.

However, all is not lost. A middle aged crisis is a part of the human experience. Most importantly, not only can you survive it, you can thrive.

The period of life that corresponds to a midlife trauma like this also has opportunities.

You’re well into your career, and the kids are out of the house. You have time, money, and fewer obligations.

This period of your life has a lot of potential. You can make some drastic changes to your life if you choose.

Or, you can make a few adjustments and discover the life you were meant to live but couldn’t up to this point.

With a healthy lifestyle and appropriate medical care, you can lower your risk for many serious medical conditions associated with aging.

So this crisis just might be a reason for celebration!

This is a wonderful opportunity to discover new passions, find your purpose, and boost your income.

You can have a lot to look forward to if you take full advantage of the possibilities. You can ultimately be happier than you’ve ever been.

All of these things add up to a new and exciting life. This might become the best time in your life. The opportunity is there.

“With aging comes physical and emotional challenge.

We cannot seem to get as much done in an hour as we did in youth.

And it is harder to be patient with others, and they seem more demanding.”

Consider these topics as a way to learn more about yourself and your options for using a midlife crisis to enhance your life:

Midlife Crisis: The Causes and Signs

man midlife crisis stress

Aging isn’t for sissies, and a midlife crisis is often catalyzed by the recognition that one is aging.

A midlife crisis typically happens between the ages of 35 and 60.

Women experience this phenomenon at an earlier age than men.

A midlife crisis is a crisis of purpose and identity.

It’s a lack of satisfaction.

It’s desire for significant change.

It's becoming aware of your body aging.

There are many possible causes for a midlife crisis:

1.      Aging itself.

It could be balding, wrinkles, aches and pains, failing eyesight, or aging in general. There are no 90-year old people that look 20.

At some point, we all begin to show signs of aging. This can be hard to accept.

2.     Serious medical issues.

A heart attack, stroke, kidney stones, diabetes, or other serious medical condition after 40+ years of good health can be a wakeup call that you’re not going to live forever.

3.     Regrets over a lack of education or making poor educational choices.

You might suddenly decide on your 50th birthday that you really blew it and should’ve taken your studies more seriously.

Or, you could just kick yourself for never having gone to college in the first place.

4.     Regrets over choice of career or lack of career progression.

Do you wish you had been a nurse instead of an engineer? Are you annoyed that you’re still a supervisor and never made it to manager?

These types of regrets are a common part of a midlife crisis.

5.     Children growing up and leaving the home.

When you’re a parent with kids in your home, raising your children takes a lot of your time and attention.

When they leave, that can leave a gaping hole in your life.

6.     Aging or death of peers or parents.

Most of us outlive our parents, and we expect to outlive our parents. When your parents die, you realize that at some point they were the same age you are now.

It becomes painfully obvious what’s in store for you down the road.

7.     A birthday. It might be your 40th, 50th, or 60th.

Many people view a certain age as “old”. When you finally hit that age, you can suffer from a midlife crisis.

There are a variety of potential causes of a midlife crisis. The cause isn’t as important as dealing with the crisis effectively.

Regardless of the triggering event, the result is the same. It’s time to take control of your life and make the most of it. These can be the best years of your life!

If you’re not certain whether you’re experiencing a midlife crisis, there are common signs.

Read through the following list and see if you’re able to recognize yourself.

“Everything I read about hitting a midlife crisis was true. I had such a struggle letting go of youthful things and learning how to exist and have enthusiasm while settling into the comfort of an older age.”

There are several common signs that you might be experiencing a midlife crisis, such as:

1.      A belief that your life lacks meaning.

Is this all there is? What is the point? These types of questions are common during a midlife crisis.

There’s a general dissatisfaction. You’ve put in a lot of time and effort into your life, but you’re not satisfied with where you ended up.

2.     Regret for all the goals you never accomplished. 

You’ve wanted to do, see, and accomplish a lot of things over the course of your life.

You’ve left a lot of them undone, and now you’re beginning to recognize that it might be too late for some of them.

3.     Resentment over career or financial success.

You wanted a more successful and lucrative career than you’ve had to this point.

Feeling this way is a strong sign that a midlife crisis might be happening.

4.     Resentment toward spouse or partner.

Resentment can extend to your significant other. You may be wishing you had chosen someone else or had never gotten married at all.

Maybe you believe it’s their fault that your life turned out this way.

5.     A strong yearning to feel younger.

Are you suddenly wishing you looked or felt younger? We all feel that way, but has the feeling suddenly grown stronger?

6.     A strong urge to make drastic physical or social changes.

A sudden urge to get in great shape or get plastic surgery is a common sign of a midlife crisis.

Do you feel like reconnecting with friends from college and hitting the bars? Do you want to dance all night long like you did 30 years ago?

7.     A strong urge to start over.

Do you wish you could blow your life up and start again?

What did you discover? Most people dealing with a midlife crisis know that something is off. Your normal view of you and your life is different.

This is an exciting time in your life. Let’s look at some ways to make the most of this grand opportunity.

Re-Discover Your Purpose


Life is seemingly more well-defined when you’re entering the world as an adult. There’s your career, your social life, and the basic urge to find a spouse and have children.

It’s a little different for everyone, but that’s the path many choose and never take the time to question whether or not it’s the best choice.

When a midlife crisis hits, these default decisions are often questioned. And even if they aren’t questioned, they begin to unravel.

●       Your kids finish school and move on. So, parenting and family obligations suddenly require far less time and attention.

●       You might be sick of your career after 20 years or more. The interest in continuing down that path might be less than appealing to you at this junction in your life.

●       You’ve probably had a close friend or family member pass away by this point in your life. It can make you wonder if you’re spending your time on the right things.

●       Your social circle has perhaps begun to dwindle, or it has grown stale.

You might feel that your life lacks purpose. If that’s the case, it’s time to find a new purpose for your life!

Studies have demonstrated that those with a strong sense of purpose tend to live longer.

Feeling like you have a strong purpose in life reduces the likelihood of suffering a stroke, heart attack, or from dementia.

If you haven’t recently considered the purpose for existence, you might be surprised by what you discover.

You have far more options available to you than you when you first started a family or were struggling to get your career off the ground.

Before we get started, consider these questions:

●       What do I think is the overall meaning of life?

●       What do I want the meaning of my life to be?

●       What have I achieved so far? What else do I want to achieve?

●       Who do I want to become?

●       How do I define myself? Is this the best way to view myself?

Give these questions a few days to percolate in your mind.

It can be useful to get out of your house for a while and think in a more neutral location where you feel less defined and confined.

A long weekend in a new location can be a great environment for thinking some new thoughts.

Re-discover your purpose in life with these strategies:

1.      Make a long list of your values.

When you’re living your purpose each day, it just feels right.

In order to feel right, your purpose has to be aligned with your values. Take a day or two and list your values.

What are the qualities you admire in others? What are the qualities you want to have and demonstrate?

●       Once you have your list, prioritize it.

●       Circle the top 10 values on your list. Keep the list handy.

2.     Make a list of your strengths and skills.

What are you good at? What can you do better than most people?

●       Can you motivate people?

●       Are you great at building websites?

●       Do you write well?

●       Are you great at finding solutions to complex problems?

●       Do you have spectacular welding skills?

●       Can you play an instrument?

●       Are your outdoors and survival skills beyond compare?

●       Take some time to compile this list. Ask a friend what you’re good at.

3.     Consider a challenge in the world you’d like to address.

A purpose is meaningful. What do you consider to be a meaningful challenge in the world? Here are a few general ideas:

●       Poverty

●       Homelessness

●       Elderly care

●       Human trafficking

●       Environmental issues

●       Illiteracy

●       Hunger

●       Animal welfare

●       Anything else that you think is meaningful and important

4.     What do you enjoy doing that is useful to others?

Collecting bottle caps might be enjoyable, but it’s not something that readily translates into value for others.

What are some things you like to do that others can get some value from?

5.     What is your gut telling you?

There’s a good chance that you already have a decent idea or two for your purpose. What is your gut telling you? What are your instincts on the matter?

Perhaps you know what to do, but you’re lacking a little confidence? You can worry about the confidence issue later.

6.     Set a deadline.

Time is always passing. If you’re having a midlife crisis, you already feel like you’ve wasted a lot of time. There’s no point is wasting anymore.

Avoid the mistake of believing you can approach this decision without focus or a deadline.

●       Set a goal to determine your purpose in the next two weeks. “On or before (date), I will have decided on my life’s purpose. I will be confident in my decision and excited by the prospect of focusing my life on this purpose.”

●       Read this goal statement each day until the 14 days are up. Then choose whatever idea you have that seems to be the best fit. Just choose!  Make a decision, so you can get started.

All the information you’ve gathered and processed will make it easier to discover your purpose.

The right purpose for you will address something you believe to be meaningful.

It will fit well within your values. It will, ideally, use your strengths and skills. It will feel right to you.

It might not impress others, and that’s just fine. Your parents might think it’s silly that you want to dedicate your life to saving the bumblebees, but if that’s your thing, pursue it!

You have to live with yourself 24/7.

The grief you get from others only lasts a few seconds, so do what’s best for you.

“The Boomers will eventually have to accept that it is not possible to stay forever young or to stop aging.

But it is possible, by committing to show up for others in community after community, to earn a measure of immortality.”

Make a Plan

Finding your purpose is one thing. That’s the part that so many people find to be enjoyable. It’s always amusing and easy as long as it stays in your head. But, now it’s time to get serious!

Knowing your purpose is a start, but it’s only a start. It’s like knowing your destination. You need a map to make any progress!

Follow these strategies to create a plan to live your purpose:

1.      Remember that your purpose doesn’t have to be a career.

It could be, but it doesn’t have to be. In fact, you might be better able to pursue your purpose if you keep your original career.

If your purpose doesn’t lend itself to making a living, that’s okay.

2.     Go back to your list of skills and strengths.

How can you apply those to your purpose? The more you can contribute, you better you’ll feel about what you’re doing. So, how can you contribute the most?

●       For example, if you want to help pit bulls, and you’re great at web design, you could volunteer your web design services to pit bull rescue groups.

●       Do you want to help the homeless and are handy with a hammer? Habitat for Humanity would be a great fit.

●       Look for ways to dovetail your strengths and skills with your overall purpose.

3.     Make a long-term plan.

Where do you ultimately want to take this? Would you be happy swinging a hammer on the weekends? Or do you ultimately want to be the CEO of Habitat for Humanity?

Do you want to start your own organization? Do you want to start a for-profit company that focuses on low-income housing?

●       Think about your long-term plan. It’s necessary to know your long-term outcome to set appropriate short-term plans.

4.     Make a short-term plan.

The best way out of a midlife crisis is to get busy doing something meaningful. Think about what you want to accomplish over the next few months.

●       Be very specific regarding how you’re going to get started. Think of something you can do today to get the ball rolling. It can be as simple as sending an email to the appropriate person.

●       Make it a point to never make a decision without taking some action at the same time. Tomorrow is too late. Think of something you can do today.

Be sure to think about how you can integrate your purpose into your life. Or more appropriately, think about how you can build your life around your purpose.

Once you have your purpose figured out, many of the challenges surrounding your midlife crisis will be eliminated.

You’ll have a good benchmark for making your decisions: Ask yourself, “Does this assist me in the pursuit of my purpose or is it an obstacle?”

Find your purpose, and you’ll have taken one of the biggest steps toward getting a new lease on life. Discovering and pursuing a meaningful purpose is one of the best ways to leverage a midlife crisis.

Be sure to find your purpose sooner rather than later. The big things always seem overwhelming, but they are the things that matter. Avoid stalling!

Explore Your Passions


What is your passion?

Is it fine wine?

Watercolor painting? Dogs?


Do you even have a clue what your passion is?

Perhaps you haven’t had the time to follow or even determine your passions. That’s about to change.

A midlife crisis is a wonderful time to finally spend your time on activities that you truly enjoy.

Consider these significant differences between your purpose and your passions:

1.      Your purpose is meaningful.

Saving the environment is a purpose. Mastering racquetball is a passion. You build your life around a purpose. You plan your free time around a passion.

That’s not to say that the topic of racquetball couldn’t be a purpose for a select few people.

2.     Your passion is about your personal interests.

A passion is something that interests you. It’s something that you enjoy.

It doesn’t have to serve the greater good or take other people into consideration at all. A passion can be 100% selfish.

Your passions might be skateboarding, cooking, and pistol shooting. It’s entirely up to you.

3.     Passions can grow, wane, and change over time.

A purpose tends to stick for a long time, even a lifetime. Passions can change over time.

You might be obsessed with long-distance running for a few years and then suddenly decide to drop running from your life and switch over to creating a YouTube channel on dog training.

4.     A passion is essentially a hobby.

A passion is like a favorite hobby. It’s something you really like to do or study.

A purpose isn’t the same as a passion, but it’s important to have both. A complete life is driven by a purpose and includes various passion activities as the cherry on top.

You can have both, and your midlife crisis is a sign that you’re ready for both.

“I sometimes miss the sense of excitement that I remember having when I was younger.

I miss that sense of, 'Oh wow.'

I think it's part of aging.”


When you hit your 40s, you begin to take notice of the effects of aging because people that you know begin to die of heart attacks and tumors, so we take notice of the effects of aging.”

A midlife crisis can be the perfect time to explore your passions! Try these activities:

1.      Remember your interests as a child.

You had a lot of interests as a child that you never explored. Perhaps it wasn’t practical to take SCUBA lessons as an eight-year-old living in Kansas.

Maybe your parents couldn’t afford a telescope.

Surfing might have been out of the question, too.

 It might be a good time to reconsider some of those potential passions that you may have forgotten.

2.     Make a list of topics that interest you.

Return your attention to the present and consider your current interests.

●       What are you curious about?

●       What would you like to try?

●       What do your friends do that sounds interesting to you?

3.     What makes you lose track of time?

We all have an activity or two that makes us lose track of time or forget to eat.

These are the activities that our brains love to do. They’re so interesting and rewarding that little else matters during the time we do them.

4.     Consider the social factor.

Maybe you want an activity you can do alone on your schedule without the hassle of dealing with others.

Or, maybe you’d prefer to spend time with others and make a few social connections. Keep the social factor in mind while evaluating your options.

5.     Consider the financial costs.

A few hobbies are free or close to it. Most will require at least some expenditure of your hard-earned funds.

What training, equipment, and fees are involved? For example, backpacking requires equipment.

Golf requires equipment, greens fees, and probably some instruction.

Unless you’re made out of money, there are some potential passions that might be out of reach.

However, there’s certainly something you can do that will fit your schedule and budget.

6.     Consider the time required to engage in your passion.

Woodworking in the garage is flexible. Traveling 100 miles to the nearest rock-climbing crag requires a real investment of time.

Some activities can be done after work. Others are better suited to the weekend.

When do you want to engage in your passion? What days and times are convenient for you?

7.     Do a little exploring.

You wouldn’t just marry someone you haven’t met. You’d go on a few dates at least.

Before jumping in with both feet, give a few of your options a try. Go watch a SCUBA class.

Take a complimentary ballroom dancing class. Buy some cheap artist paints and try your hand at landscape painting.

 Avoid dedicating a lot of time or money until you’ve experimented with all the potential passions that fit your time and money constraints.

 Giving an idea a trial run can save you a lot of time and money. Some things seem like a perfect fit, but you can never be certain until you’ve actually experienced them for yourself.

8.     Make a decision. Finally, which activity do you want to pursue?

What is your passion? Have you ever asked yourself? Do a little experiment and ask your friends what their passion is.

You’re likely to get a lot of blank stares. However, you might get a few good ideas, too.

A midlife crisis is a sign that you’re ready to have a hobby that you love. So, find it and pursue it.

Have a Spiritual Awakening

Your spiritual development can take a back seat to your career and family in your younger adult years.

There’s a good chance that you’re more interested in your spiritual development now than you were then.

There’s also a good chance you have enough flexibility in your life to pursue your spiritual interests.

Spirituality is a very personal topic with no right or wrong answers.

We all have a need to gain a better understanding of life, the world, and our place in it.

It’s time for a spiritual awakening!

A regular spiritual practice provides amazing benefits:

1.      It provides clarity to your daily life.

A spiritual practice grounds you. It provides a foundation that keeps your life steadier and more reliable.

It’s easier to make decisions when you engage in a regular spiritual practice. What is and what is not important becomes more obvious.

2.     It elevates your mood.

When you’re taking this time for yourself each day, your mood improves.

You feel like a more complete person, rather than just a body going through the routine of living each day.

3.     It decreases stress.

A spiritual practice reduces anxiety and stress.

Spiritual people have lower blood pressure and suffer from depression less frequently. You’ll sleep better, too.

4.     It can provide a community of people that provide support. You can explore your spirituality on your own.

That can be the best path for many people.

However, there is also the option of exploring this part of life with others. A spiritual community can be a great support system. It can do wonders for your social life, too.

5.     It helps you to learn more about yourself.

Exploring this part of life is a way of exploring yourself. You learn so much about yourself. Some of what you learn, you won’t like.

But, it’s always better in the long run to know more about yourself. A spiritual journey is a journey of self-discovery.

6.     You develop a better understanding of life. 

When you think about life, you learn more about life. Just asking the right questions will begin the process of developing your own answers.

A spiritual practice teaches you about yourself and life. This can help to make your purpose clearer.

If you don’t already have a spiritual practice, it’s time to create one. The advantages are too significant to ignore.

“It's kind of like a midlife crisis kind of thing. When you turn 40, you have to run the marathon, while all the parts still work properly.”



Exploring Your Spirituality

Spirituality doesnt have to be complicated.

Learn from those that have come before you.

Use their wisdom and experience as a foundation for your spirituality practice.

In time, you can develop your ideas, theories, and perspectives.

You can use your midlife crisis as a springboard to become a spiritual person.

You know that spirituality is important, but how do you become more spiritual?

What’s involved?

How do you learn?

It’s a vast subject, but there are plenty of materials and people to guide you along the way. Just start where you are and begin educating yourself and moving forward.

Use these techniques to develop your spirituality and enhance your understanding of life and of yourself:

1.      Remember that you’re not the first.

It might be a very individual journey, but countless others have done the same journey.

Billions of people, over many thousands of years, have gone before you.

Many of these people were very intelligent, insightful, and wrote down their thoughts and observations.

●       Use the experience of others as a starting point. It’s time to put your library card to good use!

●       Of course, there are also many materials and information available online to guide you on your journey.

●       Set aside a specific amount of time to read and learn each day.

2.     Spend some time being still each day.

Any spiritual practice requires you to be alone and still for a few minutes each day. Fifteen minutes is the recommended minimum.

●       This is not a time to pray, find solutions, or planning your future. This a time to be still with a quiet mind. It’s about being fully present.

●       Stillness gives you the ability to be less reactive and maintain a reasonable perspective.

●       Stillness connects you to your true self.

3.     Use your body in some way.

Spirituality isn’t an excuse to ignore your body and physical health. Spend some time each day using your body.

This can take the form of stretching, yoga, or general exercise. You’re a complete being. You’re not just a brain trapped in a body.

4.     Sleep and eat well.

Get enough rest. If you’re sleep-deprived, your spirituality and perspective will suffer.

A diet high in processed foods isn’t conducive to a spiritual practice either. Your mind and body are working against you when you eat poorly.  Eat the way you know you’re supposed to eat.

5.     Find a group of like-minded people.

Getting together with others that are also exploring spirituality can aid in your journey. You can learn from each other.

There’s bound to be someone in your group with more experience and insight that you can learn from.

You might find this group in a church, monastery, a yoga class, or even in someone’s living room. You can even find a community online.

6.     Read daily.

Find a good book on the subject that appeals to you and read each day.

Once you’ve read something, find a way to apply it to your life.

The Secret to Staying Active at Midlife


“When you hit your 40s, you begin to take notice of the effects of aging because people that you know begin to die of heart attacks and tumors, so we take notice of the effects of aging.”


A recent study confirms what you may have suspected. Adults tend to become much less active as they reach their midlife years.

Researchers at the University of Texas have completed the first large scale study of activity levels among subjects 38 to 50 years old.

As they followed them for ten years, they expected that intense activity would decrease, but they were surprised to find a decline in ordinary daily activities like walking as well.

It’s a serious issue because, as we age, we lose bone and muscle mass and gain weight more easily.

Our heart also becomes smaller and less flexible.

On the other hand, research shows that even elderly adults can start to turn back the clock with regular and appropriate exercise.

If you want to beat the odds, it’s important to start making choices at midlife that will lower your risk for serious conditions like obesity, cancer, diabetes, and dementia.

Consider these tips for staying active and living healthy.

1. Protect your joints.

As you age, your joints become stiffer and more brittle.

You can slow the process down by losing weight, staying hydrated, and choosing exercises that are safe for your body.

2. Check your eyes and ears.

Most adults experience age-related hearing loss and vision changes.

If you’re over 50, experts recommend eye exams at least every 2 years and hearing tests at least every 3 years.

3. Mind your feet.

You may think you’ve stopped growing, but your feet will probably become flatter and longer at midlife.

Wearing correctly fitted shoes can help keep you comfortable and active.

4. Schedule screenings.

Your doctor can recommend the tests you need based on your individual and family history.

For adults over 50, that usually includes blood pressure, colorectal cancer, cholesterol, and blood sugar.

5. Deal with menopause.

The average age for menopause is 51.

If hot flashes and other symptoms are disrupting your life, you may find relief through natural remedies or your doctor may recommend treatments such as hormone therapy.


Exercise Tips for Midlife:


1. Condition your heart.

Cardiovascular exercise is key to keeping your heart muscles flexible and powerful.

Interval training where you alternate between higher and lower intensity movements seems to be especially effective.

Start out gradually and talk with your doctor if you have any questions.

2. Train for strength.

According to some estimates, our muscle mass declines by almost 10% for each decade after 30.

Lifting weights or using your body weight can help you hold onto your muscle and bone.

Being leaner will also enable you to burn more calories even at rest.

When you are mature your body needs clean eating and healthy nutritional supplements when you want to bulk up and build stronger muscles.

As someone who has spent decades in the gym working on my muscles and weight lifting body building, I am happy to share my expertise on your journey if you Contact me for some workout and nutrition coaching.

3. Build your core.

Your abdominal and back muscles are especially important for healthy aging and overall strength and balance.

While spot reduction is a myth, firming up your midsection will help you to look less flabby if extra pounds have been settling around your waist.

4. Stretch out.

Flexibility exercises protect your mobility and extend your range of motion.

They may even reduce the discomfort associated with arthritis and back conditions.

Finish each workout with some stretches or do them while you watch TV.

5. Work on balance.

Being steady on your feet reduces the risk of falls and may sharpen your thinking.

Preventing falls is a major part of aging safely.

Practice yoga and Pilates.

Standing and balancing on one foot only can train you to stay steady on your feet.

Try just standing on one foot at a time while you brew coffee or brush your teeth.

6. Make adjustments.

You can enjoy time on the courts even if your tennis game is slower than it used to be. Play doubles or switch to pickle ball.

Many sports and pastimes can be modified for older bodies.

7. Move more.

Use your daily routines to maintain fitness and lose weight.

Walking to the store instead of driving is a great start to moving more. Take the stairs instead of the elevator.

8. Check your posture.

Correct alignment reduces pressure on your joints so you can move more comfortably and efficiently.

Make it a habit to lift and broaden your chest and knit your hips and pelvis together.

Diet and Lifestyle Changes for Midlife


Eat healthy.

Choose nutrient dense foods and avoid added sugar and excess salt.

Try the Mediterranean diet or similar plans that have proven benefits for your heart and overall wellbeing. Add Supplements!

Less junk food and more pure, natural, organic, unrefined nutrition, with top quality nutrition supplementation is the key to clean eating and optimal health.

Limit alcohol.

Alcohol affects you more as you grow older.

If you do drink, keep it to one drink or less daily if you’re a woman and two if you’re a man.

Lose weight.

More than 40% of adults over 40 are clinically obese.

If you’re unable to reduce on your own, talk with your doctor about finding a safe strategy for you.

Most experts believe that weight loss has more to do with our diet than with exercising.

If you want to slim down, fill your plate with vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, and other whole foods.

Supplement your daily nutrition with optimal foods and vitamins that are convenient and value for money. 

As you age you need to pay more attention to the needs of your body to keep it strong and supple for as long as possible.

Losing weight becomes much more difficult after middle age for both men and women, so you sometimes need help to work out how to support your body and ensuring your diet plan is effective in managing your weight.

Contact Me if you would like to learn about the herbal based nutrition program that I have been taking myself and recommend as a nutritional health coach for over 35 years.

2. Sleep well.

A lack of sleep can trigger weight gain, and you may find it more difficult to sleep through the night as you approach middle age.

Try natural remedies like going to bed early and limiting alcohol, caffeine, and screen time.

I have a comprehensive Guide here about your daily sleep requirements and also about managing common sleep disorders.

3. Manage stress.

Many adults develop less resilience as they age.

You can boost your powers of recovery with physical exercise, meditation, and relaxation practices

Many physical and mental health symptoms can be aggravated by stress.

Learning effective Stress Management techniques is essential to managing times of emotional and health crisis like now to stop yourself getting into a downward spiral and making poor decisions that affect you the rest of your life.

Aging is easier when you rely on safe methods of relaxation like daily meditation or taking a walk outdoors.

Make your midlife years the start of a healthy and fit future.

Staying active will give you the strength and energy you need to continue enjoying the things you love.

Connect with others.

Maybe you’re single or dealing with an empty nest now that your children have moved away. Stay engaged by keeping in touch with old friends and making new contacts who share your interests.

Keep learning.

Continuing your education can slow cognitive aging too.

Take courses online or visit the adult education center at your local college. Travel and hobbies can also be enriching.

Having goals that excite you and a sense of purpose to your life is key to being happy as you age.

There are many ways to keep stretching your mind and motivate yourself to achieve dreams that you may have let go of.

If you have the drive you still have plenty of time to start new life ventures, career, and new business ventures.

And there are even ones you can work from home at your own pace and grow to the size of operation that fits in with your personal goals and plans!

Creating a New Stream of Income

midlife laptop

A midlife crisis can be a good time to think about boosting your income in a new and exciting way. This might take the form of a side hustle, or it can be your very own business.

You have more options available to you than you realize.

There’s something out there that you’d love to do that will also provide a new stream of income.

See how a second stream of income can be beneficial during and after a midlife crisis:

1.      Retirement.

It’s never too late, or too soon, to set yourself up for a pleasant retirement.

If you’ve finally gotten your kids out of your hair, it’s time to shore up your retirement income.

2.     Additional funds for exploring passions.

New activities frequently require money. Maybe you already have the funds available, but maybe you don’t.

Having some extra money to throw around opens up more opportunities than you might have had otherwise.

3.     Spending money in general.

Maybe it’s finally time to enjoy the finer things in life, but you’re not interested in raiding your savings.

The earnings from a second income could be used to purchase those nice things that you’ve always been too practical to consider.

If you’re finding yourself with more free time on your hands that you’re accustomed to having, you don’t want to waste that time sitting around the house watching TV.

With some extra money, you can go to the movies, go out to dinner, or participate in other activities.

Save up for that fancy vacation you’ve always wanted to take. Now is the time to focus on yourself.

4.     It’s a great way to get out of the house and make money at the same time.

If you don’t like sitting at home, but would rather not spend money, a side-job can be a great option.

You can get out of the house, make money, and hopefully have a good time, too.

5.     It can rejuvenate your social life.

Think of how many people you could meet working at a bar, coffee shop, or as a waiter at a restaurant. You can expose yourself to a new crowd and earn some money, too.

A midlife crisis can signal the beginning of the most lucrative period in your life.

Your expenses are likely to be lower than they’ve been in the recent past. You also have more time available to earn more money.

More money and time sound like a pretty good deal!

Second Income Options

A new source of income isn’t just going to fall out of the sky. You’ll have to do something to earn it.

Fortunately, there are countless ways to use your available time and skills to do just that.

A second income at this point in your life can open up the possibility of pursuing your passions and enhancing your life overall.

Follow this process to maximize the benefits of your midlife crisis by creating a second income:

1.      Go back to your lists of potential passions.

Review your list of passions for ideas. If you can monetize something that interests you, you’ll have an enjoyable way of making additional income.

 Go through each item on your various lists and ask yourself, “How can I generate income with this?” Take your time and give it your best effort.

2.     Go back to your list of strengths, talents, and skills.

You’ve already listed the things you’re good at. Consider how you can use those strengths to earn more income on the side.

Again, give this a solid effort and really think about it for a few days.

3.     Review your available time.

When are you available to do additional work? Weekends? After work? Are you only free on Thursday nights? How will this fit in with your passion and your purpose? Do you need a part-time job with a flexible schedule?

4.     Determine your long-term objective.

What are you trying to accomplish long-term? Are you hoping to make a full-time career from this? Are you just looking for some spending money?

Is this a way to spend some time on your purpose and make money at the same time? Are you simply trying to get out of the house and make money instead of spending it?

●       Some options will have more potential for creating a full-time income than others.

●       In some cases, the pay might be more important than the level of enjoyment. Or, perhaps the opposite is true.

5.     Make a decision.

Again, it’s important to choose and get started. A midlife crisis is often grounded in resentment.

You can avoid creating additional resentment by taking control of this part of your life and making an intelligent decision.

Here are a few ideas to spark your thinking:

●       Work at a gym.

You’ll get a free membership and meet a lot of health-conscious people.

●       Work at a bar or restaurant.

This can be a great social atmosphere. You can earn a lot of money from tips if you find a good place to work. You might even get free food in the deal.

●       Clean houses.

The money can be good if you stay busy. It can be a great way to spend some time alone and keep your hands busy.

●       Find gigs online.

There are plenty of options: Upwork, Freelancer, Elance, and many others.

●       Tutor or be a consultant.

Consider your areas of expertise and help others.

●       Buy and sell.

There are a lot of people that make good money scouring craigslist or yard sales for underpriced items and then reselling them for a nice profit.

●       Walk dogs.

Great exercise, and you can spend time with animals.

These are just a few ideas.

Give yourself a little time to compile your own list of ideas. There are plenty of people in the world with money to spend.

Give them a good reason to spend it on you. Apply your strengths and interests to a need that you see in the world.

The result is a second income that will allow you to maximize the benefits of your midlife crisis.

Start Your Own Business

couple mature work at home business

Maybe your dream is to own and run your own business. This can be a risky proposition with a young and growing family.

However, your obligations might be a lot lighter these days.

Maybe you’ve even saved enough money that you have nothing to lose at all. It might be the best time in your life to finally start that business!

Here are a few considerations to keep in mind:

●       Be realistic about your income needs and the likelihood of success. If you’re behind in your retirement savings, it might be better to keep your current full-time gig and also earn some extra money on the side.

●       Most people that own their own business discover that it’s a lot of work - much more work than the average job.

And, no one is paying you while you’re chatting by the coffee pot, surfing the internet, or checking up on Facebook. You have to actually work when you own your own business.

●       However, if you’re financially in a good place, or very determined, your own business might be the best decision for you.

Tips for Starting a Business:

1.      Minimize your financial risk.

Some businesses require a lot of investment. If possible, it would be best to avoid these types of businesses.

Banks want their loan money back. What happens if you invest in a lot of inventory and you can’t sell it?

●       A dog-walking business requires a leash and a phone. A vehicle is necessary if public transportation isn’t sufficient.

●       A used car lot requires quite a few cars and real estate.

●       Leasing heavy equipment would require millions of dollars in equipment alone.

2.     Expect it to require more time than you think it will.

Consider how much time you believe your business will require and add 50%. Would you still be willing to do it?

3.     Have a long-term focus.

Again, consider what you ultimately want out of this. If your desire is to make $200,000 per year, that’s a lot of dogs to walk.

You’d certainly need to hire multiple people. How many people can you tutor in a week? How many lawns can you mow?

Be certain your business idea is capable of meeting your income goals in the long-term. Certain types of businesses are difficult to scale.

4.     Avoid starting a business just because you hate your job.

It’s easier to find a better job. Avoid using a boss you despise as a reason to run to self-employment.

Owning your own business should be highly exciting to you, not just a better alternative to your current employment.

Be running toward self-employment, and not just fleeing a job you hate.

If owning your own full-time business has always been a dream of yours, now is the time to do it.

A midlife crisis is a signal that you’re ready for a big change in your life. Maybe this is the change you need.

Starting and running a business is a big commitment. Be sure you’re highly motivated!

Maybe A Home Based Business In Nutrition?


If you’re not familiar, direct sales / affiliate marketing is when you sell someone else’s products and receive a sales commission.

You build a networks in person, or online with a website, and sell products.

You develop your own style and methods based on having fun face-to-face with other people, or you can choose to work solo mostly online from your home to grow your business.

It’s not always easy, but with a mentor coaching your there are people that make millions doing it.

One huge benefit for this form of business ownership is that is requires very little financial investment to get started, can be done from home, and you build your business at your own pace... and you get to help others every day.

As a nutritional consultant and health coach for over 35 years now, I have build a business that has generated income for me every month for all those decades.

I live in a small country town but have traveled the world in this business, and have had clients in dozens of countries.

So many of my clients are still enjoying the health benefits of our nutritional supplements for over 30 years or more, so this business certainly is achieving lifelong consumers!

Now that I am in my late 60's I appreciate more than ever how great this business is and that it is all done part-time from my home at my leisure.

Please CONTACT ME if you would like to know more about this wonderful option for increasing your income.

There are offices and branches of warehouses in dozens of locations world wide, so wherever you live, I can work with you.

I'm available to help you every step of the way in building this business whether you want to build it online only, or as a traditional direct sales in-person network.

Its a wonderful way to make friends around the world while increasing your income.


A midlife crisis might be challenging, but it might not actually be a crisis.

It’s a signal that you’re ready for something more. It’s a tap on the shoulder indicating that it’s time for a change.

This can be one of the most exciting times in your life if you take advantage of it.

Now is the perfect time to re-evaluate your life and purpose. You can build your life around something that you believe to be meaningful.

You can have a compelling reason to get out of bed each day and conquer the day.

This is also a great time to explore your passions and find a hobby that’s exciting to you. With a purpose and a passion or two, your life can be far more compelling than you might think.

Spending your time in a meaningful way and having something fun to look forward to regularly is a pretty good life!

A midlife crisis is also a good opportunity to further explore your spirituality.

After all these years, it’s likely that your view of life could use an update. You have the time and wisdom for that now.

Finally, you’re in a position to boost your income and your potential to fully explore your interests. You can even start your own business.

A midlife crisis is starting to sound pretty good! Use your midlife crisis as a new starting point. You have a lot to look forward to!

“We are not victims of aging, sickness and death. These are part of the scenery, not the seer, who is immune to any form of change. This seer is the spirit, the expression of eternal being.”


Diet change strategies - Antioxidants You Should Know About:

mature diet food

If your crisis includes worrying about your body getting older and you want to apply anti-aging strategies to rejuvenate yourself, you can learn much on this site about how to do that.

Changing your diet to optimise your health and your energy levels is crucial.

One of the critical keys to aging well is getting plenty of antioxidants.

Surely you've heard that antioxidants are good for your health. But why, exactly, are they so important? And how do they help slow the aging process?

Antioxidants have the ability to neutralize free radicals. Studies indicate that the damage caused by free radicals can cause major diseases, including cancer, as well as contribute significantly to the aging process.

So antioxidants help protect you from disease and slow down the effects of aging.

Here are some essential antioxidants and where you can find them:

1.     Vitamin C.

This is a very important antioxidant, and perhaps the best known for its deficiency disease, scurvy.

·       Vitamin C is also essential for collagen production in the building of skin, blood vessels, and cartilage.

It has been shown to protect against heart disease, stress, and cancers. Some studies suggest vitamin C deficiency contributes to atherosclerosis.

·       While most animals can synthesize their own vitamin C, humans cannot.

·       Foods that are very high in vitamin C include red and green hot chili peppers, guavas, bell peppers, oranges, tangerines, kiwi, papaya and strawberries.

2.     Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol).

Alpha-tocopherol is the most active form of vitamin E in humans.

It primarily protects cell membranes by neutralizing the process where free radicals oxidize the cell membrane.

·       Vitamin E is also associated with a decreased risk for prostate cancer and Alzheimer's disease.

·       This vitamin is found in high amounts in wheat germ oil, sunflower, and safflower oils. Other sources include almonds, olives, boiled spinach, and papaya.

3.     Zinc.

Zinc is important to over 200 enzymes, in the healing of wounds and sores, the formation of bone tissue, the production of proteins, the regulation of insulin, and in carbohydrate metabolism.

·       The antioxidant effects of zinc are believed to protect the skin and muscles against accelerated aging processes.

·       Approximately 2 billion people are deficient in zinc; studies indicate that this may contribute to the death of 800,000 children each year.

·       Some foods high in zinc include oysters, wheat germ, liver, beans, sesame seeds, beef, and dark chocolate.

4.     Carnosine.

Found primarily in brain and muscle tissue, carnosine inhibits glycation, which is an uncontrolled reaction between a sugar and a protein or fat molecule.

Glycation is believed to be a contributor to the aging process.

·       Carnosine also has an action similar to vitamin E and prevents free radical processes in cell membranes.

·       The sources with the highest levels of carnosine include beef, pork, chicken, fish, and dairy.

5.       Flavonoids.

These have a general antioxidant activity and are believed to be one of the reasons fruits, vegetables, wine, and tea have a positive effect on the body.

·       Several studies suggest flavonoids can have a preventative action for cancers and cardiovascular disease. It's believed they also are anti-inflammatory and anti-viral.

·       Over 3,000 flavonoids have been identified so far.

·       These chemicals are another excellent reason to eat your fruits and vegetables.

·       Flavonoids are even found in coffee and beer.

Antioxidants have a crucial role in the human body, minimizing the oxidative stress and damage, which is implicated in many diseases and the aging process.

Ensuring you have a sufficient (but not excessive) intake is beneficial to your health.

A good rule to follow is to include one or more foods at each meal that include antioxidants.

And if you experience constant exhaustion, maybe you should consider whether or not you have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

We have many suggestions for how natural herbal based supplements can assist you to push through your midlife crisis and have optimal health into your senior years!

Just Contact Us if you would like to get some personal coaching for your best health and youthful energy, and if you are curious about opening your own health consulting business with our internationally available range of nutrition products!

Vitamin & Nutrient Associations

Even when we try to eat well, we're disadvantaged. The nutritional content of most food has been compromised over the years, not only by deficient soils and modern production, transportation, storage and processing methods, but also by the enormous amounts of chemical and artificial substances added to promote growth, storage life, taste and appearance.

It's for this reason that more and more medical authorities are advocating the use of vitamin and mineral supplements. However, finding them in the right combination can be both confusing and costly.

The nutrition products I am going to recommend you make use of knowledge gained from the botanical world's 6,000 year history. They incorporated health building nutritional herbs with the best modern technology to help our bodies cleanse and detoxify so that the cells - the tiniest living units - can be as fully nourished as possible.

This allows the cells to grow, repair and to perform their functions with the best possible efficiency so that we feel and look better and are more able to prevent and fight disease. Once the body begins to clear itself of toxins it can more efficiently absorb nutrition.

Further reading through our articles on health issues will give you a body of information that will help you decide what options you have to deal with the underlying causes of your problem through giving your body the nutrition products that will assist you body to heal from the inside out.

You can visit our health food products page here: Herbalife Health Nutrition Supplements and learn more about our core nutrition program, the Cellular Nutrition Advanced Program and also check out these targeted products, Florafiber to replace your healthy flora and Aloe Vera Juice to help cleanse your system.

Also using NouriFusion Skin Essentials will clearly help provide you with excellent skincare support for your ‘outer nutrition’.

We wish you well in your search for solutions to this problem and your movement towards better health in all areas.

man obese

More Resources available about Midlife Crisis

Below here are examples of Health Success Results other people have had with using a self care strategy for dealing with this condition:

We would be very interested to hear your result stories with your problem if you are using some of our nutrition products. To send us your story just fill out the form below.

Healthline https://www.healthline.com ›

Midlife is a wonderful time to restart things that might have felt a bit stalled in your life. Whether it's your relationships or your health, you can take ...

10 Tips to Turn a Midlife Crisis into a Fresh Re(start)

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SITE DISCLAIMER: Do these products “cure” anything? Of course not… but it stands to reason that if you cleanse your body and feed it the finest nutrition available, giving it everything it needs in balance, on a daily basis, that your body will do what nature intended, and give you the best possible chance to fend off sickness and disease.

This midlife crisis information is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes only. The midlife crisis content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any midlife crisis questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read.

The midlife crisis resources on this site are not intended to be a substitute for professional advice. While all attempts have been made to verify midlife crisis information provided in this publication, neither the author nor the publisher assumes any responsibility for errors, omissions or contrary interpretation of the web site midlife crisis subject matter herein.

The site midlife crisis contents are solely the opinion of the authors and should not be considered as a form of advice, direction and/or recommendation of any kind. If expert advice or counseling is needed, services of a competent professional should be sought. The author and the Publisher assume no responsibility or liability and specifically disclaim any warranty, express or implied for any midlife crisis   products or services mentioned, or any techniques or  midlife crisis practices described.

The purchaser or reader of this midlife crisis publication assumes responsibility for the use of these materials and information. Neither the author nor the Publisher assumes any responsibility or liability whatsoever on the behalf of any purchaser or reader of these midlife crisis nutritional supplements materials. There is no guarantee of validity of accuracy. Any perceived slight of specific people or organizations is unintentional.

This website and its creators are not responsible for the content of any sites linked to. Since natural and/or dietary supplements are not FDA approved they must be accompanied by a two-part disclaimer on the product label: that the statement has not been evaluated by FDA and that the product is not intended to "diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease."

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Warren Tattersall, health coach consultant.

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