Midlife Crisis: Finding Your Passions Again

Discovering and pursuing a meaningful purpose is one of the best ways to leverage a midlife crisis.

Be sure to find your purpose sooner rather than later. The big things always seem overwhelming, but they are the things that matter.

“Aging does not make women powerless objects of pity but colorful and entertaining individuals and, on occasion, fire-breathing dragons that wise people don't cross.”


What is your passion? Is it fine wine? Watercolor painting? Dogs? Needlepoint? Do you even have a clue what your passion is? Perhaps you haven’t had the time to follow or even determine your passions. That’s about to change. A midlife crisis is a wonderful time to finally spend your time on activities that you truly enjoy.

Consider these significant differences between your purpose and your passions:

1. Your purpose is meaningful. Saving the environment is a purpose. Mastering racquetball is a passion. You build your life around a purpose. You plan your free time around a passion. That’s not to say that the topic of racquetball couldn’t be a purpose for a select few people.

2. Your passion is about your personal interests. A passion is something that interests you. It’s something that you enjoy. It doesn’t have to serve the greater good or take other people into consideration at all. A passion can be 100% selfish.

● Your passions might be skateboarding, cooking, and pistol shooting. It’s entirely up to you.

3. Passions can grow, wane, and change over time. A purpose tends to stick for a long time, even a lifetime. Passions can change over time. You might be obsessed with long-distance running for a few years and then suddenly decide to drop running from your life and switch over to creating a YouTube channel on dog training.

4. A passion is essentially a hobby. A passion is like a favorite hobby. It’s something you really like to do or study.

A purpose isn’t the same as a passion, but it’s important to have both. A complete life is driven by a purpose and includes various passion activities as the cherry on top. You can have both, and your midlife crisis is a sign that you’re ready for both.

“I sometimes miss the sense of excitement that I remember having when I was younger. I miss that sense of, 'Oh wow.' I think it's part of aging.”


A midlife crisis can be the perfect time to explore your passions! Try these activities:

1. Remember your interests as a child. You had a lot of interests as a child that you never explored. Perhaps it wasn’t practical to take SCUBA lessons as an eight-year-old living in Kansas. Maybe your parents couldn’t afford a telescope. Surfing might have been out of the question, too.

● It might be a good time to reconsider some of those potential passions that you may have forgotten.

2. Make a list of topics that interest you. Return your attention to the present and consider your current interests.

● What are you curious about?
● What would you like to try?
● What do your friends do that sounds interesting to you?

3. What makes you lose track of time? We all have an activity or two that makes us lose track of time or forget to eat.

● These are the activities that our brains love to do. They’re so interesting and rewarding that little else matters during the time we do them.

4. Consider the social factor. Maybe you want an activity you can do alone on your schedule without the hassle of dealing with others.

● Or, maybe you’d prefer to spend time with others and make a few social connections. Keep the social factor in mind while evaluating your options.

5. Consider the financial costs. A few hobbies are free or close to it. Most will require at least some expenditure of your hard-earned funds.

● What training, equipment, and fees are involved? For example, backpacking requires equipment. Golf requires equipment, greens fees, and probably some instruction.

● Unless you’re made out of money, there are some potential passions that might be out of reach. However, there’s certainly something you can do that will fit your schedule and budget.

6. Consider the time required to engage in your passion. Woodworking in the garage is flexible. Traveling 100 miles to the nearest rock-climbing crag requires a real investment of time.

● Some activities can be done after work. Others are better suited to the weekend.

● When do you want to engage in your passion? What days and times are convenient for you?

7. Do a little exploring. You wouldn’t just marry someone you haven’t met. You’d go on a few dates at least. Before jumping in with both feet, give a few of your options a try. Go watch a SCUBA class. Take a complimentary ballroom dancing class. Buy some cheap artist paints and try your hand at landscape painting.

● Avoid dedicating a lot of time or money until you’ve experimented with all the potential passions that fit your time and money constraints.

● Giving an idea a trial run can save you a lot of time and money. Some things seem like a perfect fit, but you can never be certain until you’ve actually experienced them for yourself.

8. Make a decision. Finally, which activity do you want to pursue?

What is your passion? Have you ever asked yourself? Do a little experiment and ask your friends what their passion is.

You’re likely to get a lot of blank stares. However, you might get a few good ideas, too.

A midlife crisis is a sign that you’re ready to have a hobby that you love. So, find it and pursue it.

Learn more about your health online when you read the rest of our information here about: midlife crisis management guide

Warren Tattersall has been a full time nutritional consultant for over 35 years and works with people all over the world to help them improve their health, increase their personal energy levels and to use supplements to assist with diet related health issues.

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