What is Anxiety?
A health article about Anxiety from Your Health Online the A to Z directory of dealing with Health Problems & nutritional Self Care Strategies
Anxiety is a natural reaction that everyone experiences - part of our fight or flight response - which helps us to be alert for potentially dangerous or fearful situations such as crossing a busy road or approaching a big black spider in the bathtub!
However for some people anxiety prevents them from living their life in the way that they would like.
Problem anxiety can take various forms - panic attacks that occur out of the blue; incredible fear about situations or objects that are not actually dangerous or usually scary; uncontrollable concerns and worry about almost everything; or compulsive repetition of a ritual due to an idea that it will reduce anxiety i.e. washing hands repeatedly to get rid of germs.
Anxiety is a complex combination of negative emotions, (fear, apprehension and worry), that is often accompanied by physical sensations such as palpitations, nausea, or shortness of breath.
Anxiety, in medical terms, is described as having cognitive, somatic, emotional, and behavioral components where the cognitive component causes the body to expect uncertain danger. On doing so, somatically the body prepares the organism to deal with threat and blood pressure, heart rate, and sweating is increased. This is followed by an increase in blood flow to the major muscle groups and inhibition of the immune and digestive system.
Signs & Symptoms
People who may have an anxiety disorder often experience common symptoms of fear and panic.
Fear vs. Anxiety - Anxiety has similar physical and emotional symptoms to fear. Fear, however, is always based on, or triggered by something. A person with an anxiety disorder feels the fear but cannot necessarily name the reason they feel anxious.
Panic attacks - During a panic attack, fear may be so intense that you feel like you will lose control, have a heart attack, or “go crazy”. Panic attacks can occur with different anxiety disorders.
In addition to fear and panic a person with an anxiety disorder may experience symptoms including:
Feeling irritable or uneasy
Excessively worrying about things
Appearing to others as being “highly strung”
Difficulty relaxing, concentrating and sleeping
Developing elaborate plans to avoid certain places, situations or objects
Physical symptoms such as heart palpitations, muscle spasm, sweating, shortness of breath, headaches and nausea, with no other cause
Imagine being stood in front of a high speed locomotive and you are frozen solid to the
spot. Unable to move, knowing what is about to happen, and can do NOTHING to help
yourself escape.
Now imagine being plunged into this scenario several times A DAY.
This is what it feels like for an Anxiety Disorder sufferer. Or as close as it can be
described. The only difference is, there is no speeding train barreling towards you. It's
unseen. And comes from out of no where. Without warning. Crippling you in utter fear.
Sound intense?
It IS.
The 'official' 'unofficial' description of Anxiety is a disorder in which the individual
afflicted feels an intense, irrational fear and an impending sense of doom or dread.
What this means is that, in 'layman's terms', if you suffer from Anxiety Disorder, or any
form of it, that you will be confronted with paralyzing fear for no apparent reason that
will make you feel as if there is no possible way out of it. And you can experience this
unprovoked fear at any time within the course of a day.
In addition to suffering from Anxiety Disorder, an individual may also have other
common disorders that go hand-in-hand with it such as Depression, Obsessive-
Compulsive Disorder, Agoraphobia, or any other number of Phobias that make it all the
more important to seek treatment for.
Types of Anxiety
Some of the main types of anxiety disorders are:
Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD) - marked by unrealistic and excessive worry accompanied by constant and often unnecessary concern about anything or everything.
Phobias –including Social Phobia – fear of being judged negatively by other people; Agoraphobia – fear of certain objects or places; Specific Phobia – intense fear of particular objects or situations.
Panic Disorder - extreme panic attacks including all of the physical symptoms of panic along with a fear that the panic attack itself will lead to a total loss of control or even death.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) - Persistent and unwanted thoughts which constantly invade and disrupt a person’s life. People may end up performing the same action or processes over and over in an attempt to ease their anxiety about these thoughts.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) – feelings of uncontrollable fear or flashbacks after a traumatic experience resulting in a person feeling unable to function in their daily life.
Anxiety/Panic Disorder
This is the form of the disorder that brings on sudden attacks that paralyze you with fear
for no apparent reason. Of course there are absolutely underlying factors that cause
these attacks, however, the sufferer rarely knows what those are, unless they seek
professional help from a family physician or a clinical specialist who are equip to deal
with this type of disorder.
Most common symptoms, or the symptoms of the attacks would be dizziness, feeling
faint, increased breathing, pounding heart, tingling or numbing sensations in the hands
and feet, fear of impending doom, a disconnection with reality, or a total lack or loss of
People that suffer from this disorder may honestly feel as if they are dying, having a
heart attack, or losing their minds. These attacks can occur at any time, and even while
the sufferer is asleep.
Anxiety/Panic Disorder is often connected with other serious disorders such as
depression. Due to the fact that the attacks associated with this disorder are such
terrifying events, the sufferer may make several trips to the local emergency room not
really knowing the true cause as it may be difficult to get a correct diagnosis at first.
This disorder can be very debilitating to the sufferer and can extremely hinder their
daily activities. If a sufferer experiences an attack while driving, they will avoid driving
to avoid having another attack. This can be true of any type of daily activity such as
grocery shopping, doing dishes, watching television, etc.
However, this form of disorder is the most treatable of all the Anxiety Disorders, and so
an individual experiencing, or believe they are experiencing symptoms of this disorder
should seek help and effective treatment through their chosen health care professional.
Social Anxiety Disorder
This type of disorder more commonly strikes when a sufferer is placed within a social
setting. It is also referred to as Social Phobia and can be a very traumatic and
debilitating disorder making it near impossible for one afflicted with it to be
comfortable at any social gathering. This includes everyday functions such as attending
class, going out to dinner at a restaurant, or even going to work.
The person suffering from this disorder has strong self-conscious issues and may often
times feel as if they are not welcome, or really a part of the social setting. They feel as if
they are constantly being judged or watched by others for no apparent reason other than
those things they themselves feel self-conscious about.
The social settings can be those that occur on a daily basis, or those that are rare
occurrences, such as a party, public speaking events, etc. Often times, the sufferer will
experience any of the following symptoms when placed in social gatherings: profuse
sweating, trembling or shaking, feeling sick to their stomachs, inability to speak, or
A person suffering from this type of disorder can become so upset by an upcoming
social event that it will plague them for weeks in advance working them into an anxious
frenzy by the time the event finally comes around.
In an attempt to 'self-medicate', a person experiencing this disorder will often times turn
to alcohol or 'street' drugs to cope which leads to more disorders springing up.
This disorder usually happens sometime during early childhood or adolescence and
continues on throughout adulthood.
Treatment for this disorder can be accomplished through careful and consistent
counseling and medication.
General Anxiety Disorder
This disorder is a heightened sense of anxiety or worry experienced on a daily basis. It
is a chronic disorder that is continuous throughout the sufferers day. They experience
difficulty concentrating or constant, excessive worry about every day concerns with an
inability to control those overwhelming feelings of worry.
Symptoms can also include increased nervousness, irritability, fatigue or restlessness.
While not as extreme a condition such as Anxiety/Panic Disorder, it is still a serious
illness that requires professional treatment from a qualified health care provider or counselor.
What Causes Anxiety?
Anxiety can be a result of an interaction of a number of factors including:
Environmental factors - some people become anxious when faced with certain situations, life events, people or places. When these triggers are gone, the anxiety eases or disappears altogether.
Biological factors - an imbalance of the chemicals in the brain that regulate feelings and physical reactions can alter someone’s thoughts, emotions or behaviour, resulting in anxiety.
Genetic factors - It is still unclear whether Anxiety Disorders can be inherited but research shows that anxiety disorders run in some families. They may take on a different form for each family member.
Personality - some personality types are more prone to anxiety. A person who often reacts in a very emotional way and who is easily upset may experience anxious thoughts and behaviours.
In most documented cases of Anxiety attacks, the patient rarely reports any event that
would have triggered the onset of the attack itself.
Now, with that said, let me also explain that when an Anxiety sufferer returns back to a
situation or setting where a previous attack happened, this could trigger another attack,
just because they'll be reminded of how terrifying that first attack was, and
unconsciously be thinking about it successfully triggering yet another attack! It's a
vicious cycle of fear.
And the greatest fear of an Anxiety attack/disorder sufferer? To have ANOTHER
ATTACK! Hopefully this is beginning to make a little more sense to you now. Of
course the attack hasn't killed them, and most likely won't, but it can sure feel like
you're dying at the moment when an attack is occurring though.
So, the greatest determiner of having an Anxiety attack is also your greatest treasure,
your MIND. Even though you can tell someone that is having an Anxiety attack that
"It's All In Your Mind", this usually comes out leaving them feel you are trying to be
condescending to their plight. Not a nice feeling I'm sure you'll agree. Even though you
don't mean it in that way, this is most likely the way it is received.
To be more 'clinical' about Anxiety, it is, in fact, 'all in your mind'. Because the BRAIN
is where all your Anxiety stems from. Many studies have focused mainly on two
specific portions of the brain that are responsible for inducing feelings of fear and
anxiety. It is simply an unannounced trigger that sets off one's “fight or flight” defense
mechanism, kicks in the adrenaline, and BAM! A full blown Anxiety attack is on it's
way forward.
Many times, Anxiety is brought about due to increased stress from daily life. Bills
piling up, children seemingly out of control, pressure from work, family, and other
events can trigger this disorder bringing it to the surface of an otherwise “dormant”
carrier of the genetic traits passed on by their parents.
Stress is an abnormal condition that disrupts the normal functions of the body or mind.
No two people are affected in exactly the same way, or to the same degree, but most people living in our highly industrialized society suffer from its effects at one or more times during their lives.
Symptoms range from mind headaches, occasional bouts of insomnia, overall restlessness, digestive problems, irritable bowel syndrome, constipation and diarrhea, and abdominal pain.
Death of Spouse.
Death of a close family member.
Death of a close friend.
Major personal injury, illness or pregnancy.
Sexual molestation, drug abuse.
Major change in the health or behavior of a family member.
Gaining or losing a new family member.
Sexual difficulties.
Marital separation from mate.
Marriage, marital reconciliation, divorce.
Arguments with spouse, family members, friends, co-workers.
Changes in sleeping habits or change in part of day when asleep.
Vacations, Major holidays. In-law troubles.
Financing major purchases.
Beginning or ceasing formal schooling.
Change in usual type and or amount of recreation.
Change in outside social activities, religions, etc.
Major change in eating habits, Iiving conditions, moving.
Spouse beginning or ceasing work outside the home.
Changing to a different line of work.
Major change in responsibilities at work.
Changes in working hours or conditions.
Troubles with the boss.
Being fired at work.
Starting a new job or career.
Retirement from work.
Business readjustment, changes in financial condition.
Minor violations of the law (e.g., traffic tickets, disturbing the peace, etc.)
Detention in jail or other institution.
Dealing With Work Related Stress
Examples that can cause work related stress are trying to get too much work done in too little time, cutting corners or otherwise taking chances that may put you, or someone else at risk, and trying to get along with superiors and co-workers.
Everybody has days when there simply seems there's too much work to get done. Trying to get everything done by yourself can bring on stress. Some people try and deal with the pressure by delegating certain jobs to others.
Generalised Anxiety Disorder is one of the Anxiety disorders.
A person with GAD is in a state of constant anxiety over many aspects of their life - relationships, work, health, family and/or finances.
Just about anything that a person can think about - they worry about.
The concerns are ongoing, extreme and unrealistic.
The person feels worried and anxious most of the time.
Anxiety is a normal response in a scary, dangerous or unknown situation.
Anxiety involves the physical and psychological reaction that is necessary to prepare a body for either running away or fighting if necessary - known as the "flight or fight" response. This was certainly how we were able to equip ourselves to deal with danger in our distant past.
The autonomic nervous system prepares the body to cope with danger by releasing adrenaline which in turn increases blood pressure and puts the body and senses into a state of intense awareness, increased sensitivity and hyper alertness.
When the body triggers off this response the person essentially feels "nervous". You would have felt this when you had an exam coming up or had to give a talk or found yourself having to cross a very busy road. The nervous system puts your body in an alert state so that you can be at your best to deal with what it interprets as a dangerous or life threatening situation.
These days, however, events that trigger the flight or fight response are not usually life threatening or dangerous. Our stresses are more likely to involve meeting a deadline at work, being stuck in traffic or finding our bills are piling up.
The flight or fight response doesn't help us with these modern day stresses. Anxiety becomes a problem when it is so constant, so pervasive that it interferes with our lives.
If a person is always feeling nervous, then they are constantly getting the internal message that something is "wrong". They have difficulty relaxing enough to get on with day-to-day responsibilities and commitments. If anxiety is constant it has a detrimental effect on a persons physical health. It is physically stressful for a body to feel anxious all the time.
The flight or fight response decreases the effectiveness of the immune system - thus a person is more vulnerable to becoming sick.
Symptoms associated with generalised anxiety disorder include:
Mind becomes alert
Heart rate increases, blood pressure rises
Sweating increases
Muscles tense
Mouth gets dry, increased thirst
Breathing rate increases
Immune response decreases
Feelings of fear and apprehension
Feeling sick or nauseous
Trembling and shaking
Butterflies in the stomach
Startling easily
Frequent urination
Sleeping difficulties
Feeling out of control
Feeling as if you are going "crazy”
It is difficult coping with constant anxiety - some people smoke, drink or use other recreational or non-prescription drugs - however these drugs only exacerbate the problem. Cigarettes, coffee and other stimulants decrease the anxiety for short periods but the stimulant nature of these drugs actually puts more strain on the nervous system as it increases the alert mode.
Alcohol and other depressants are other short term fixes - anxiety often couples with depression - so alcohol only leads a person to increased anxiety when they are not drinking and depression when they are.
An absolute cause for GAD is not known. Some ideas that researches have include-
a) An imbalance of certain brain chemicals/hormones - neurotransmitters could be at the source of GAD. Certain chemicals control the fight or fight response in times of a real emergency. A change in the balance of these chemicals could lead to someone always being in a state of readiness for an emergency even when none exists. Some researchers think people can inherit a predisposition to chemical imbalances.
b) Certain personality traits, such as being sensitive and emotional can make people more vulnerable to anxiety. Being a sensitive person often leads the caring, empathic person to over concern and worry about lots of things beyond their control and/or responsibility.
c) Anxiety may onset particularly during periods of high level stress; in some cases the body may not be able to stop the physiological response after the stress has gone. Having to deal with a lot of stress all at once, or in seemingly endless succession, can stretch the mind and body's ability to cope and make a person vulnerable to developing GAD.
Various talking therapies can be helpful in lessening anxiety problems, one example is Cognitive Therapy - this aims to change thinking patterns - negative thought patterns that trigger anxiety are substituted for positive ones. Psychodynamic Therapy seeks to find the underlying cause of the anxiety so the person can learn to deal with problems more effectively.
Another way to deal with anxiety is to prevent or interrupt the fight or flight response. This can be done by learning body/muscle relaxation techniques and learning to control breathing. Medication is also available if the anxiety is severe. However anxiety therapy is shown to be more effective than medication in the long term.
If anxiety levels remain high over an extended period of time then it can have a detrimental effect on the body. Physical problems can arise because there is a decrease in immune response to illness and infection, increased chance of heart trouble due to increased blood pressure and intestinal problems such as irritable bowel syndrome.
Without any treatment anxiety can become quite severe and the following symptoms may become more troublesome:
Jumping at sudden noises
Muscle aches and pains from persistent tension
Trouble concentrating
Urinating frequently
Excessive thirst
Losing interest in activities usually enjoyed - socialising etc.
Digestion and stomach problems
Feeling overwhelmed
Feeling demoralised
Ongoing difficulties with relationships
If you notice these symptoms or the general symptoms associated with anxiety then it is important to speak to someone about it and to seek help.
If you can unburden yourself and not worry about when and how the work gets done, if you can put full faith and trust in co-workers or subordinates it can be an effective escape valve.
Trouble is, most people can't let go. If you have the type of personality that demands to know how things are going, chances are you're only increasing the pressure and stress on yourself by constantly worrying if the work is getting done or not.
To lessen stress you must either learn to trust others to get the job done, or prioritize jobs to get rid of "what must be done" first. Many people tend to "put off" the difficult jobs they hate to do until the last possible minute.
Of course, this only makes it all the more difficult and stressful when you finally get around to doing what you should have done earlier.
When you feel the "walls closing in on you" if possible, take a break. Many people in trying to relax actually kick their bodies into overdrive by using their break time to either get a nicotine or caffeine fix.
Instead of calming you down, both substances being stimulants speed up your body processes. You may think you're relaxing, but your blood pressure and heart are working harder.
Instead of coffee or cigarettes try a brief chat with friends, a short leisurely walk, even just looking out the window for a few minutes.
Never take breaks, or eat lunch at your work station. The point of a break is to get away from whatever work you're doing. You can't get your mind off your work if you're chained to your work area.
Getting along with your co-workers and the boss can be more than a sore point. It can be something you learn to put up with, or it can turn into a festering wound that only gets worse with time. If you're having problems, get them out in the open.
Most managers today at least have some training in dealing with personal problems. If you can't clear the air or have tried using all the company procedures to resolve a grievance, and you no longer enjoy your job, hate to go to work in the morning, or feel that the pressure is getting to be too much, it may be time to seriously consider a change.
Anyone who's ever been stuck in a major traffic jam probably has seen the darker side of many people's personalities. It seems everyone is always in a hurry to either get, or go somewhere, and never seem to allow enough time for the everyday problems that are bound to crop up from time to time.
Banging on the steering wheel, laying on the horn, giving someone the "finger," or shooting a string of obscenities is only reacting to something that has already happened.
You can't make the guy in front of you go any faster, or prevent someone from cutting you off. Accidents, road repairs, and just plain heavy traffic happens. Learn to deal with it or don't drive. If you must, at least change your route from time to time.
Always allow plenty of time, and try and make all trips as pleasant as possible. You may not realize it, but how you act on your way to work, or on your way home will have either a positive or negative impact. Accept the fact that it's something you just have to get through so you may as well try and make the best of it.
Most people are smart enough to know that they should set some time aside to take it easy. If you participate in some sports activity, remember you're doing it to relax! While many people naturally have their competitive nature come to the surface when engaging athletics, don't lose sight of the fact you're participating to have fun.
Don't get bent out of shape if you don't always win or otherwise play up to par. The whole point is to enjoy yourself and forget your everyday worries. Treat it as a night out with the "boys," or gals and relax!
Families can be as source of support, an oasis away from the everyday pressures or sometimes it's only a place to grab a few hours sleep and get back in the rat race. Your children, spouse, family members, in-laws can be a source of irritation at times.
If someone is constantly doing something that really "bugs you," tell the offending person or persons and see if things can be straightened out before things get out of control.
A man's home (a woman's too) should indeed be a place to rest and relax. Many people find it helpful unwind by sharing the day's events with their loved ones. It should not develop into a daily routine, nor should you give a detailed blow by blow recap of the day's events, but when things go wrong, who better to talk to than your family?
Holding things back, keeping it inside yourself, almost always does more harm than good and can affect not only your well-being but everyone else in your family as well. Talking things over is a great way to get rid of built up stress that many people overlook.
You should also be a good listener. Don't unload your problems and have no time for your mate's or children's problems. They may seem trivial to you, but they are real problems that need solving just like yours.
A great way to get rid of stress is, every once in a while, do something totally different and unexpected without any prior planning.
Don't fall into a trap when you must do such and such thing a certain way, or at specific time or place. If you always put on a blue suit on Thursday, or go to an Italian restaurant on Tuesday, break the habit every once in a while.
Even doing things you like can become stressful if you're stuck in the same old rut week after boring week.
Stress can best be managed by realizing what you can change about your life and knowing what you can't. Learn how to recognize the difference and you'll enjoy life more and be better able to deal the ups and downs that are part of everyone's life.
Tension: Ten Easy Ways to Handle It.
Pray and meditate.
Sing or listen to music.
Laugh and use humor.
Hug someone. It’ll remind you you’re not alone.
Get together regularly with your friends and family.
Play a noncompetitive game or go swimming.
Take a hot bath. Heat relaxes your muscles and causes stress to decrease.
Take a brief rest during the day.
Get away for a while.
Spend money without overdoing it.
1. Inhale deeply through your nose, then purse your lips and exhale slowly through your mouth while letting out an audible sigh. Do this ten times, visualizing your troubles blowing away with each breath.
2. Lower your chin to your chest. Slowly rotate your head up the right shoulder and continue around and down the left shoulder in a complete wide and easy circle. Do this five times. Then straighten up, and shrug and wiggle your shoulders. Then do five more head rolls in the reverse direction.
3. While seated, take your shoes off and roll a walnut or golf ball under your foot, including heels and toes, for one minute. Then repeat the exercise with the other foot.
4. Sit down, close your eyes, relax and slowly rotate your shoulders forward, up-ward, backward and downwards. Do five complete rotations one way and five the other way.
5. Sit down and let your chin slump to your chest. Close your eyes and picture the most beautiful sunset you’ve ever seen. Then massage your temples and the corners of your jawbone under each earlobe. Use the tips of your fingers to tap rapidly and gently all over your head and the back of your neck. This entire exercise should take about five minutes.
6. Sit with your elbows propped on a table. Slowly rotate your wrists while keeping your hands limp. Do this five times in one direction, five times in the other. Then get up and shake your hands as if you were shaking water from them. Imagine you are shaking off whatever has been causing you to feel stressed.
7. Put your arms at your side and shake your hands vigorously. Bend your elbows, bring up hands up to shoulder height and shake your hands once more. Make a tight fist with each hand and hold for a minute or two. Now, extend your fingers into a wide span. Relax, and repeat the exercise about five times.
8. Rub your palms together briskly until they feel warm. Then quickly cup the palms of your hands over both eyes. Close your eyes and breathe deeply and quietly. Imagine the sound of your breath as a light wind rustling through the trees. When you feel completely relaxed, you can stop.
9. Slap your whole body with warm water for a few minutes.
10. Get into a warm bath, lean back, relax and breathe very deeply.
First and foremost, you MUST realize this Anxiety attack for what it is when you are
having one. Understand that you ARE HAVING AN ANXIETY ATTACK, and that it
won't last forever. Most attacks only last anywhere from a few minutes up to no longer
than a half an hour. Give or take.
Even though it may be difficult, try to lay down and RELAX. If you can't lay down, sit
still, close your eyes and focus on slow, even, breathing. This will help ease the
symptoms somewhat. Not completely mind you, but enough that you can make it
The REAL trick in battling Anxiety is to redirect your train of thought. Keep yourself as
busy as you can and let the thoughts of fear of an oncoming attack melt away. They
will. And the more you practice this reversal of thought, the better you will get at it and
be able to manage your Anxiety attack better the next time you feel one coming on.
If it becomes too much to manage on your own, seek medical assistance quickly. Don't
feel stupid for having to call an emergency squad. That's their job! These courageous
folks get calls like this ALL THE TIME, so you shouldn't feel the least bit of
embarrassment or guilt in needing their aid.
When to seek Medical Advice:
A lot of people who are exerting too much of their brain power usually exhaust not only their physical strength when engaging in various multi-tasking activities, they also tend to over extend their brains up to the point when it plainly needs some good old time for relaxation.
A lot of busy people who seem to cannot fathom the idea of relaxing and taking time of from work, as well as their worries, tend to actually start having nervous breakdowns, anxiety depression and all sorts of mental illnesses that can cause a person's sanity to go haywire, fortunately, if you're one of those poor unfortunate ones who are unable to distress and is constantly worried and fussing over things, there are actually available cures and various treatments for treating anxiety depression.
Anxiety depression is actually characterized by all sorts of irregularities and erratic behavior from the person who is suffering from it, this is usually due to certain stress triggers that may tend to easily cause a person undue jitters and stress.
Also, a lot of people who tend to get easily nervous over stressful activities are actually prone to having anxiety depression, its just a matter of being strong-willed when it comes to facing difficult and stress-prone activities. It may be pretty hard to overcome at first, but trying to be calm and cool in times of extreme pressure is what'll actually save your mental health from going totally downward spiral.
When it comes to effectively curing one's self from a mental illness, one must keep in mind that you have to be actually honest with yourself and assess what kind of depression or mental illness you actually have, go to reputable psychiatrist to get yourself diagnosed correctly as well as be able to get the right depression treatment for yourself. Here are the various types of depression:
Manic or Bipolar depression - characterized by sudden and extreme changes in one's mood wherein one minute he or she is in an elevated state of euphoria while the next minute (day or week) he or she is feeling to be in a personal hell.
Postpartum depression - characterized by a prolonged sadness and a feeling of emptiness by a new mother wherein physical stress during child birth, an uncertain sense of responsibility towards the new born baby can be just some of the possible factors why some new mother go through this.
Dysthimia - characterized by a slight similarity with depression, although this time, it's been proven to be a lot less severe, but of course with any case, should be treated immediately.
Cyclothemia - characterized by a slight similarity with Manic or Bipolar depression wherein the individual suffering from this mental illness may occasionally suffer from severe changes in one's moods.
Seasonal Affective Disorder - characterized by falling in a rut only during specific seasons (i.e. Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall) studies however, prove that more people actually fall in to a rut more during the Winter and Fall seasons and lastly, Mood swings, wherein a person's mood may shift from happy to sad to angry in just a short time.
But the type of depression that has actually been proven to be quite common among people is anxiety depression, which is actually characterized by the state of being overly anxious about things. Anxiety, a supposedly normal behavior that'll actually help a person adjust more to a certain stressful activity like first date jitters or a grueling exam the following day.
Anxiety actually helps you get psyched up towards facing certain "difficult situations"; anxiety therefore is actually a good thing. Anxiety depression however, is simply the opposite, not to be easily dismissed as a "case of the nerves"; Anxiety depression is in actuality an illness that can be caused from the biological makeup of an individual, or in other words, a hereditary illness.
Also, there are actually various types of Anxiety depression, each having its own unique characteristics. Take for example Generalized Anxiety Disorder or GAD, this kind of Anxiety depression is a lot more complicated than the average Anxiety depression, in spite of possibly being a day-to-day habit for those who suffer this kind of Anxiety depression, Generalized Anxiety Disorder actually makes the individual quite more paranoid than usual, anxiety attacks are more frequent, even absurd at times.
They can even be anxious even when there's no apparent reason that calls for them to behave in such a way. People suffering from Generalized Anxiety Disorder actually shows a lot of symptoms, from lack of sleep, to being unable to relax, getting tired easily, cannot concentrate on what they're doing and even suffering from depression. This kind of Anxiety depression is still curable; just a little work will actually do the trick.
Consult a reputable cognitive behavior therapist who'll help give the individual the therapy that he or she needs to help him or her loosen up, also prescribed medicines are sort of a must to help these individuals battle anxiety attacks, help them calm down and relax.
Anxiety can be a big deal and you don’t have to work it out on your own. There are some very successful treatments and strategies available for people with an anxiety disorder. These include:
Counselling and therapy, in particular Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
Self-help support groups and self-treatment programs
Alternative therapies
To help relieve mild anxiety and assist in the long term management of feelings of anxiety:
Find out as much as you can about anxiety by accessing the resources and information listed on the internet
See your local GP or have an assessment conducted by a mental health professional
If treatment is required, discuss your options with your health professional and decide on a program that is right for you
Don’t let misconceptions about mental illness or the worry of anxiety stop you from seeking help.
Remember that everyone experiences feelings of anxiety - it can often be very calming to talk to a friend, relative or counsellor so that these feelings don’t end up getting beyond your control.
Always look after your mind as well as your body by adopting a healthier lifestyle including regular exercise, a healthy eating plan, regular sleeping patterns and learning to reduce your stress levels and relaxing. This is different for everybody. You may watch TV or read a book, go for a walk, see a movie or have a bath, others find slow breathing or remedial massage beneficial.
Please note, the use of alcohol, cannabis and other recreational drugs is discouraged for anyone suffering Anxiety. Rather than assisting with long term recovery, these substances can cause a temporary worsening of symptoms.
Conventional treatment for anxiety includes prescription of anxiolytic agents and/or cognitive-behavioral therapy. A combination of the two can be more effective than either one alone.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy is the most popular and effective form of psychotherapy for treating anxiety. CBT decreases avoidance behaviors and help the patient develop coping skills, which may include challenging false or self-defeating beliefs; developing positive self-talking skill; developing negative thought replacement; systematic desensitization; and providing knowledge that helps the patient cope.
What do you do when your fears, anxieties, and depression are
stronger than what you can handle? There are times that no
matter what you do, your fears have the best of you. As a
result, here is a brief list of techniques that a person can
use to help manage their every day anxieties, stresses, and
When facing a current or upcoming task that overwhelms you with
a lot of anxiety, divide the task into a series of smaller steps
and then complete each of the smaller tasks one at a time.
Completing these smaller tasks will make the stress more
manageable and increases your chances of success.
Sometimes we get stressed out when everything happens all at
once. When this happens, take a deep breathe and try to find
something to do for a few minutes to get your mind off of the
problem. A person can get some fresh air, listen to some music,
or do an activity that will give them a fresh perspective on
Sometimes we encounter a scary situation that gets us all
upset. When encountering these events, always remember to get
all of the facts of the given situation. Gathering the facts
can prevent us from relying on exaggerated and fearful
assumptions. By focusing on the facts, a person can rely on
what is reality and what is not.
In dealing with your anxieties, learn to take it one day at a
time. Instead of worrying about how you will get through the
rest of the week, try to focus on today. Each day can provide
us with different opportunities to learn new things and that
includes learning how to deal with your problems. You never
know when the answers you are looking for will come to your
doorstep. We may be ninety-nine percent correct in predicting
the future, but all it takes is for that one percent to make a
world of difference.
At times, a person might encounter a fearful thought that may
be difficult to manage. When this happens, visualize a red stop
sign, which can serve as a reminder to stop thinking about that
thought. Regardless of how scary the thought may be, do not
dwell on it. This technique is good in dealing with obsessive
and scary thoughts.
Sometimes, it helps to be able to talk to someone about our
stressful situations. Talking to a trusted friend, counselor,
or clergyman can not only make us feel better, but they can
give you additional advice and insights on how to deal with
your current problem. Managing your fears and anxieties takes
practice. In time, you will become better able to deal with
your stressful problems.
Herbal anxiety treatments
If you are someone that is suffering from anxiety, this can be a frustrating experience. You will want to feel better and have the sense to find something that will make the fears and anxiety that you are feeling go away.
You do not want to take the harsh medications that many of the doctors prescribe. You will want to use your better judgment and use something that will make you feel better.
There are different herbal anxiety treatments. You can find most of them in the herbal shops and online sites. You should not have to suffer from this and live your life being afraid or so doped up that you cannot even think anymore. You want to have the ability to move past these feelings and have a better life that you can feel good about.
Herbal anxiety treatments are going to make it easier to function on a daily basis. You will see that you will feel better and have more energy to do the things that you want to do. You will not be tired and having bad feelings anymore.
You can trust the herbal remedies to make your life easier and get you to where you want to be in life. You will not have to be afraid that you are going to feel weird because the herbs are all natural and this is something that you can actually benefit from too.
Taking herbal treatments for your anxiety will get you to where you need to be. You can go out and enjoy life and feel good about meeting others instead of hiding from them. You will not have to live your life in fear of everyone else. You can focus on the good things and move past the pain and the suffering that you have been doing for many years. You will have no more need to stay inside and now you can live your life to the fullest.
If you are not sure what the herbal anxiety treatments can do for you, you may want to consult with someone that has already taken them. You may want to find out what you can expect from these herbs. Herbs are not going to have the same effect on everyone, however you can make a great difference in what you are doing so that you can feel good about your life again and start living the way that you want without fear and anxiety.
There are many children that can even take the herbal anxiety treatments. They may be something that can help them function through life and feel much better about who they are and what they do in life. This is something that can be a huge help to parents that do not want to see their child take on this challenge anymore.
I look forward to sharing my experiences with these wonderful nutrition products and helping others to improve their health and wellbeing, through the information and self care strategies for your health online here.
Learn How to Relax.
The following exercise will introduce you to deep relaxation. It will help create a refreshed and peaceful feeling for the body and mind. Try to do this especially upon arising and before retiring.
1. Lie flat of your back, placing the feet about 18 inches apart. The hands should rest slightly away from the trunk, with the palms up.
2. Close your eyes and gently move all the parts of the body to give a general feeling of relaxation.
3. Start relaxing the body by part. First think of the right leg. Inhale and raise the leg about one foot off the floor. Hold it fully tensed. After five seconds, exhale quickly and relax the muscles of the right leg, allowing it to fall to the floor on its own. Shake the leg gently from right to left, relax it fully and forget about the existence of this leg.
4. Repeat this process with the left leg, and then with both hands one at a time.
5. Then bring the mind to the muscles of the pelvis, buttocks and anus. Tense them and relax. Once again, tense them and relax. Next, think of the abdomen. Inhale deeply through the nose and bloat the abdomen. Hold your breath for five seconds and suddenly let the air burst out through the mouth, at the same time relaxing all the muscles of the abdomen and diaphragm.
6. Move on to the chest region. Inhale deeply through the nose, bloating the chest. Hold your breath for five seconds and suddenly let the air out through the mouth while relaxing all the muscle of the chest and diaphragm.
7. Move on to the shoulders. Without moving the forearm off the flow, try to make the shoulders meet in front of the body. Then relax and let them drop to the floor.
8. Slowly, gently, turn the neck right and left, right and left then back to center, mentally relaxing the neck muscles.
9. Now coming to facial muscles, move the jaw up and down, left and right, a few times then relax. Squeeze the lips together in a pout, then relax. Such in the cheek muscles, then relax. Tense the tip of the nose, then relax. Wrinkle the forehead muscles, then relax.
10. Now you have relaxed all the muscles of the body. To make sure of this, allow your mind to wander over your entire body, from the tips of the toes to the head, searching for any spots of tension. If you come across any, concentrate upon this part and it will relax. If you do this mentally, without moving any muscle, you will notice that the part concerned obeys your command.
This is complete relaxation. Even your mind is at rest now. Observe your thoughts without trying to take your mind anywhere. Remain in this condition at least five minutes. When you decide to wake from this conscious sleep, do so quite slowly. Imagine that fresh energy is gently entering each part of your body from the head down to the toes. Then slowly sit up. This exercise helps create a refreshed and peaceful feeling for the body and mind.
Self Care strategies for Living with Anxiety
Self-help and relaxation techniques for relieving anxiety:
Proper diet - reduction in consumption of caffeine, sugar, and generally an improvement of eating habits
Exercise - exercise is thought to relieve stress
Laughing and breathing techniques - often recommended for reducing anxiety.
Proper sleep - helps reduce anxiety significantly.
Relaxation techniques - can be achieved with the help of relaxation tapes, Yoga or relaxation therapy.
Stress management - changes in lifestyle and time management
What Can You Do To Support Someone
Suffering From An Anxiety Disorder?
As we go through this information, I want you to understand that this section is of
importance to those trying to help another person who is experiencing, or dealing with,
Anxiety on a daily basis. How you provide support to them may help them to control
their Anxiety to some degree.
First thing is first. NEVER belittle or try to downplay someone's Anxiety Disorder.
This is a REAL disorder and should be respected as such. Don't just dismiss their
episode as a one time event, or try and 'solve' their problem through rationalization.
You have to understand that when a person is actually going through an Anxiety attack
rationality is not something they are concentrating on. Or listening to. This is an
extremely frightening experience and no matter how much you'd want to, you CANNOT
MAKE THIS EXPERIENCE GO AWAY. Only the individual who is HAVING the
attack has the power to do this. Not YOU.
The absolute WORST thing you can do is to act as if they are LYING or ACTING to
get attention. This is simply not the case. While you may BELIEVE this to be true
because you have never yourself experienced the unrelenting terror of an Anxiety
attack, that doesn't mean that it isn't happening to someone you care about.
Imagine for a second that you had witnessed a "physical" accident that your loved one
or dear friend was a part of. Something you could SEE the outcome from. Wouldn't you
do everything in your power to help them?
What if they were trapped inside a car that was on fire? What if they were trapped
underwater and were drowning? You would want to aid them, wouldn't you? What if
they had stopped breathing? Would you just stand around watching them pass away? Or
would you do everything you could to administer CPR to them, even if you weren't sure
you were doing it correctly?
While the above examples are extreme, sometimes, to an Anxiety sufferer, it absolutely
feels like the end of their world. As if they are drowning in a sea of chaos and
disparity,unable to pull themselves out.
Also, by attempting to in effect ignore the Anxiety attack, you are probably contributing
to another disorder that goes hand in hand with Anxiety. . .Depression.
Instead of holding them down 'under water', try throwing them a life preserver the next
time they have an attack.
How can you do that? Just BE there for them. Let them know that while you may not
understand what they are going through, you are there for them and will stay until they
feel better.
Do NOT try and force someone out of an Anxiety attack. It could make the attack that
much worse for them. Just let the attack happen naturally, and in most, if not all, cases,
their bodies will help them come out of the 'hot' zone all on it's own. And if it doesn't,
get them to the nearest emergency room as soon as you can. Or call an emergency squad
to take them.
Also, NEVER try and give someone suffering from an Anxiety attack any type of
prescription drugs that have not been prescribed by their family physician. Seems like
common sense, but when you see a loved one going through such a painful event, you
really want to help them. Believe me, THIS WILL NOT HELP THEM. Getting them
to a professional source, such as an emergency room or their own family physician, for
help WILL.
Where To Get Help For Your Anxiety?
If you have exhausted all your own mental power to overcome Anxiety on your own,
there is still help for you. The best course of action for you at this point is to seek out
professional help through your trusted family physician. He will tell you what you
should do and the best steps for you to take to have fulfilling life with a dash of Anxiety
on the side ;-).
If you don't have a family physician, you can still get help for Anxiety through your
local area mental health facilities. Places such as NetCare are equipped to deal with
many different mental health disorders and illnesses, one of which is Anxiety and Panic
Never think that you are going through this alone. There are millions of other people
struggling with Anxiety just as you are every single day. There are support groups,
counseling services you should take advantage of, Anxiety related programs to help you
make sense of and learn to control your Anxiety, and of course there are effective
medicines your doctor can prescribe for you if necessary.
Diet change strategies:
Herbs can be an easy way to help ease anxiety naturally. If you are taking anti-depressant drugs, however, do not try to substitute herbal remedies. Talk to your doctor before taking herbal remedies.
When treating anxiety, start with the mildest remedy in the mildest dosage and go from there. Many of the herbs used to treat anxiety are safely compatible.
• Oats – Oat seeds are calming and soothing and are helpful for those suffering from daily stress or who feels frayed. Tea is the common method of taking oats. Steep 1 to 2 tablespoons of seeds in a cup of hot water for ten minutes. You can drink a cup of tea every two hours as needed. Tincture is also available and you can take up to 3 teaspoons every two hours. Oats are also available as capsules.
• Chamomile – Used often as tea, chamomile has a very soothing and calming effect on you. It helps relax the muscles and also helps ease a tense stomach. Drink one cup of tea every two hours or up to 3 teaspoons of tincture every two hours. Chamomile is readily available as tea at most supermarkets, but it’s a good idea to keep some on hand.
• Linden – Linden gently relaxes and eases muscle tension, and is also used as a remedy for high blood pressure. Linden also makes a good all-around remedy for helping keep the cardiovascular system functioning well. It is most often used in tea, and you should drink one cup of tea every two hours as needed. Tincture is also available as well as capsules.
• Vervain – Vervain is an herb that soothes and calms the nervous system as well as helps with depression. Often found as a tea, drink one cup of tea every two hours. It is also available as a tincture and in capsules.
• Motherwort – This old-time remedy is useful for the cardiovascular system in general. It can help calm nerves and aids in soothing anxiety that can cause a rapid heart rate. Drink one cup of Motherwort tea every two hours. It is also available as a tincture and as capsules. Consult your doctor before taking Motherwort if you are currently taking any cardiac drugs.
• Lavender – Lavender is relaxing and uplifting. It is fragrant and offers relief for anxiety and depression. Lavender essential oil is used diluted in bath water or can be inhaled. To use in a bath, add 10 to 12 drops to a full tub. You can also dilute it with oil to use as massage oil. It should not be taken internally.
• St. John’s Wort - Commonly used to treat depression, St. John’s Wort is an overall health booster that helps the nervous system. As a tonic, take up to 3 teaspoons every two hours. It is also available in capsule form.
• Skullcap – Used for anxiety and hormonal mood swings, skullcap is relaxing to the nervous system. It can be taken as a tea, a tincture or in capsule form. To make tea, steep one or two teaspoons of dried herbs in a cup of hot water for 10 minutes. Drink one cup of hot tea every two hours as needed.
• Kava-Kava - This is an anti-anxiety herb that originated in the South Pacific islands. It works similarly to Valium, working with the part of the brain that controls the nervous system and emotions. It does not cause addiction nor does the body build up a tolerance to it. It also doesn’t impair thinking the way drugs may. In fact, in studies it was shown to improve brain function and memory. It is a good solution to treat anxiety on a short-term basis. The standard form is in capsules. Do not take with alcohol.
• Valerian – Valerian is considered a strong anti-anxiety herb. Similar to Valium, it works with the central nervous system; however it does not cause dependence. It is also used to improve sleep as well as a muscle relaxant. It is taken in capsule form. Note – a small percentage of users indicate an increase in anxiety when taking this herb. If that happens, discontinue use.
• Passionflower - Passionflower is a strong herb used primarily for calming and treating insomnia. It can also be used to help calm daytime anxiety. It is most commonly used as a tea. To make the tea, steep one to two teaspoons of dried herbs in a cup of hot water for 10 minutes. Drink one cup every two hours.
• Siberian Ginseng – This herb helps restore adrenal glands that are overstressed. It is a good choice for those who are chronically overstressed, and is taken as a tonic. It has a cumulative effect, meaning that it may take several weeks or even months to see results from taking the tonic.
Vitamin & Nutrient Associations
1) St. John's Wort
The herb St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) has long been used in folk medicine for sadness, worry, nervousness, and poor sleep.
Today, the results of over 20 clinical trials suggest that St. John's wort works better than a placebo and is as effective as antidepressants for mild to moderate Depression, with fewer side effects.
Studies suggest that St. John's wort is not effective for major Depression.
It's available at health food stores, drug stores, and online in the form of capsules, tablets, liquid extracts, or tea.
St. John's wort may take 4 to 6 weeks to notice the full effects. Side effects may include dizziness, dry mouth, indigestion, and fatigue. St. John's wort increases photosensitivity, so extra caution should be taken to protect skin and eyes from sunlight.
Although St. John's wort appears to be reasonably safe when taken alone, it can interfere with the effectiveness of prescription and over-the-counter drugs, such as antidepressants, drugs to treat HIV infections and AIDs, drugs to prevent organ rejection for transplant patients, and oral contraceptives.
St. John's wort is not recommended for pregnant or nursing women, children, or people with bipolar disorder, liver or kidney disease.
2) Omega-3 fatty acids
Omega-3 fatty acids are a type of good fat needed for normal brain function. Our bodies can't make omega-3s on their own, so we must obtain them through our diet.
Studies have linked Depression with low dietary intake of omega-3 fatty acids. In countries with higher fish consumption, such as Japan and Taiwan, the Depression rate is 10 times lower than in North American. Postpartum Depression is also less common.
Studies suggest that omega-3's together with antidepressants may be more effective than antidepressants alone.
Cold water fish such as salmon, sardines, and anchovies are the richest food source of omega-3 fatty acids. But instead of eating more fish which contain mercury, PCBs, and other chemicals, fish oil capsules are considered a cleaner source of omega-3 fatty acids. Many companies filter their fish oil so that these chemicals are removed.
Fish oil capsules are sold in health food stores, drug stores, and online. Most brands should be stored in the fridge to prevent the oil from going rancid. When comparing brands, the key active components for Depression are EPA and DHA.
Fish oil capsules may interact with blood-thinning drugs such as warfarin and aspirin. Side effects may include indigestion and bleeding. Fish oil should not be taken 2 weeks before or after surgery. Fish oil can also cause a fishy aftertaste. To prevent this, try taking the fish oil just before meals.
For more information on Omega 3 Fatty Acids review this University of Maryland Medical Center Study of Omega 3 fatty acid Clinical Trials
3) SAM-e
SAM-e, pronounced "sammy", is short for S-adenosyl-L-methionine. It's a chemical that's found naturally in the human body and is believed to increase levels of neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine.
Several studies have found SAM-e is more effective than placebo.
In North America, SAM-e is available as an over-the-counter supplement in health food stores, drug stores, and online. It should be enteric-coated for maximum absorption. Although it's one of the more expensive supplements, it remains popular as a remedy for Depression and osteoarthritis.
Side effects can include nausea and constipation.
4) Folic Acid
Folic acid, also called folate, is a B vitamin that is often deficient in people who are depressed.
Folate is found in green leafy vegetables, other vegetables, fruit, beans, and fortified grains. It's one of the most common vitamin deficiencies because of poor diet but also because chronic conditions and various medications such as aspirin and birth control pills can also lead to deficiency.
Besides food, folic acid is also available as a supplement or as part of a B-complex vitamin.
Researchers at Harvard University have found that depressed people with low folate levels don't respond as well to antidepressents, and taking folic acid in supplement form can improve the effectiveness of antidepressants.
5) 5-HTP
5-HTP is short for 5-hydroxytryptophan. It's produced naturally in the body and is used to make the neurotransmitter serotonin. Although taking 5-HTP in supplement form may theoretically boost the body's serotonin levels, many experts feel there is not enough evidence to determine the safety of 5-HTP. It should not be combined with antidepressants.
6) Diet
• Reduce your intake of sweets
Sweets temporarily make you feel good as blood sugar levels soar, but may worsen mood later on when they plummet.
• Avoid caffeine and alcohol
Caffeine and alcohol both dampen mood. Alcohol temporarily relaxes us and caffeine boosts energy, but the effects of both are short-lived. Both can worsen mood swings, anxiety, Depression, and insomnia.
• Vitamin B6
Vitamin B6 is needed to produce the mood-enhancing neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine. Although deficiency of vitamin B6 is rare, a borderline deficiency may occur in people taking oral contraceptives, hormone replacement therapy, and drugs for tuberculosis.
• Magnesium
Most people do not get enough magnesium in their diets. Good sources of magnesium are legumes, nuts, whole grains and green vegetables. Like vitamin B6, magnesium is needed for serotonin production. Stress depletes magnesium.
7) Exercise
Regular exercise is one of the most effective and inexpensive ways to improve mood.
Exercise, particularly aerobic exercise, releases mood-elevating chemicals in the brain and can decrease stress hormones.
One of the best options to bust the blues is taking a brisk walk outside each morning for at least 30 minutes five days a week.
But what's important is that you choose something you enjoy and will stick with, whether it's going to the gym, signing up for dance classes, playing tennis, or gardening.
8) Light Therapy
Getting enough sunlight has been shown to be effective for seasonal mood changes that happen in the darker winter months.
Exposure to light in the morning helps the body's sleep/wake cycle work properly. Production of serotonin, a brain chemical that key in influencing our mood, is turned on in the morning upon exposure to light. During the winter when there is less sunlight, serotonin levels can drop, making us feel tired and prone to seasonal affective disorder (SAD).
One of the most simple ways to increase your exposure to light is to walk outdoors in the morning. Just be sure to use sunscreen to protect your skin from ultraviolet light.
Another option is to use special lights that simulate natural daylight. Studies have found they are effective.
These lights can be found online. There are different types available, from light boxes to visors, that are typically used for 20-30 minutes a day. Look for lights with a minimum of 3,000 lux. many experts suggest 10,000 lux.
Although they are rather expensive ranging from $150 to $500, they may be covered by insurance.
9) Other Natural Remedies
• Flower remedies
• Yoga
• Acupuncture
This site offers a range of mediation tools -Meditation techniques and a set of Guided meditation videos
Many of the pressures of life sneak under our guard and affect us in ways we do not recognize that the time. If we are going to build our ability to withstand stress over the longer term we need to get our bodies as healthy as we can.
You might find that this article helps to understand how easy it is to become run down and lacking energy. Rebuilding that core wellness is a very strong foundation for fighting against depressive episodes. nutrition
Further reading through our articles on health issues will give you a body of information that will help you decide what options you have to deal with the underlying causes of your Depression problem through giving your body the nutrition products that will assist you body to heal from the inside out. We wish you well in your search for solutions to this problem and your movement towards better health in all areas.
More Resources available about Anxiety :
Our free Health Success Reports are each available for you to download when you subscribe to receive them and their 7 part eCourse. You can unsubscribe at any time, but we are sure you will want to receive all the email lessons of these informative ecourses. Read more below to select the subjects of most interest (or concern) to you.
Free Report Reveals How To Successfully Wipe Out All Traces of Harmful Stress From Your Life in the Shortest Time You Never Thought Was Possible!
Free Health Book.
Stress is a reality. It is inevitable and it can be acquired from all sources – at work, school, home, family, and relationships.
Click the link above or book cover to get your free Report & eCourse today!
What is The Interrelationship of Depression and Insomnia?
Depression is the most common cause of chronic insomnia, especially in the elderly. A study shows that depressed elderly patients, if they suffer from insomnia, have a tendency to be depressed for over a year.
Another study shows that even without a history of depression, if an elderly patient suffers from insomnia, they have a high risk of being depressed. This is usually observed in women.
(To read the rest of this article click on the Title above here.)
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Child Anxiety Disorder All children experience some feelings of anxiety and stress. These feelings are usually temporary and the child doesn’t suffer any lasting ramifications …
Separation Anxiety In a Child Every parent dreads leaving a child at day care, school or with family and friends if they’re throwing a temper tantrum or crying like her heart is broken. …
Social Anxiety for a Child Social anxiety for a child is similar to what we, as adults, sometimes feel when we step up to a podium to speak or enter a room filled with strangers. …
Alleviating Anxiety Alleviating anxiety is something we all need to learn how to do. Anxiety shows up in many different physical ways. You might not even know that’s what’s …
Anxiety Attacks Information If you or someone you care about is suffering with anxiety attacks, information that can help them and you as you support them is available. Most people …
Workplace Bullying Many people think of bullying as persecuting or ganging up on individuals. Most bullying is not so obvious.
Bossing people around, intimidating, threatening … Click here to write your own.
Web resource: www.mentalhealth.asn.au
See your local GP
Call your local Community Health Centre (listed in White Pages)
Australian Psychological Society (APS) 1800 333 497 for a referral to a psychologist in your area.
Anxiety Disorders Alliance (02) 9570 4126 or 1800 626 077
Call the Mental Health Information Service on (02) 9816 5688 or toll free 1800 674 200 (Outside Sydney metro) for services in your area

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SITE DISCLAIMER: Do these products “cure” anything? Of course not… but it stands to reason that if you cleanse your body and feed it the finest nutrition available, giving it everything it needs in balance, on a daily basis, that your body will do what nature intended, and give you the best possible chance to fend off sickness and disease. This Anxiety information is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any Anxiety questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read. Any natural and/or dietary supplements that are not FDA approved or evaluated must be accompanied by a two-part disclaimer on the product label: that the statement has not been evaluated by FDA and that the product is not intended to "diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease”.
The Anxiety resources on this site are not intended to be a substitute for professional advice. While all attempts have been made to verify information provided in this publication, neither the author nor the publisher assumes any responsibility for errors, omissions or contrary interpretation of the web site Anxiety subject matter herein. The what is Anxiety site Anxiety contents are solely the opinion of the authors and should not be considered as a form of advice, direction and/or recommendation of any kind. If expert advice or counseling is needed, services of a competent professional should be sought. The what is Anxiety author and the Publisher assume no responsibility or liability and specifically disclaim any warranty, express or implied for any products or services mentioned, or any techniques or Anxiety practices described.
The purchaser or reader of this publication assumes responsibility for the use of these Anxiety materials and information. Neither the author nor the Publisher assumes any responsibility or liability whatsoever on the behalf of any purchaser or reader of these Anxiety materials. There is no guarantee of validity of accuracy. This website and its creators are not responsible for the content of any sites linked to