Simple Exercises to Reset Your Anxiety

Anxiety can come on you quickly, and then settle in for the long haul. If you’re looking for some tips on how you use simple exercises to reset your anxiety, these activities just might help.

Remembering to get up from whatever you’re doing and move your body is always a great way to calm the mind and help to alleviate stress.

If you’re worried that your anxiety is taking over, it’s time to find ways to stop it in its path.

Luckily, you can transform your current path and instead function without anxiety.

Simple Exercises To Reset Your Anxiety

Who knew that exercising could have such a positive effect on your stress levels?

* Going for a walk. Walking is not only a super simple exercise, but it’s one you can do anywhere. Stepping outside and taking a stroll around the neighborhood is a great idea.

If you’re in an office, walking around the block on your lunch break can help break up the day and calm your overall mental mood.

* Biking. Going for a bicycle ride isn’t just for kids. Biking is a great exercise that moves your body and strengthens your leg muscles as well.

Plus, when you’re on a bike, you can bypass many traffic jams by riding around them. If that isn’t a great way to relieve stress, what is?

* Stretching. The calming effect of stretching is one reason that millions of people do it on a daily basis. It loosens your muscles and can help calm your anxious nerves.

Stretching is another exercise that can be done daily and from anywhere. This can give you a bit of control over your daily anxiety and needs.

* Jumping rope. Everyone tends to forget about the jump rope, but they shouldn’t! What used to be done on the playground for fun is also a simple way to relieve stress easily at home.

The great part about jumping rope is that your mind is at ease while focusing on how many times you can jump. It’s a simple way to stop the anxiety, even for a moment.

* Running. Even if you don’t consider yourself a runner, get outside and hit the pavement. Or run on a treadmill indoors, too. The moment that your feet start moving, the stress will start to melt away.

And if there are times that you’re feeling extra stressed, just change up your run a bit and run in bursts or sprint out some of that stress. You just might be able to run it out of your system completely.

When you’re feeling like the world is coming down on your shoulders, it’s time to take charge and do something about it. Put on your workout gear and shoes and let your body movement transport your mind to a better place.

The great thing about using exercise to reset your anxiety is that you’re also resetting your health as well.

This means you’re clearing your mind and body to be a clean slate and healthier overall.

Use exercise as a simple way to lower your stress level and get your mind in a better place.

Learn more about your health online when you read the rest of our information here about: What is Anxiety? and also download the free health report available there!

Warren Tattersall has been a full time nutritional consultant for over a decade and works with people all over the world to help them improve their health, increase their personal energy levels and to use supplements to assist with diet related health issues.

Just send him a note on the form here - Contact Us - to request a personal no obligation one-on-one consultation with Warren

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Six Ways To Reduce Stress

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Stress affects everyone at some point in their lives, and it can be a difficult and painful emotion to experience.

Thankfully, there are things that can help - tips and tricks to try to ensure you don’t have to suffer from the nightmare of stress forever.

There are several things you can do to relieve stress and get back to normal life. We have put together six of the most effective methods to get you back on track and enjoying a stress-free life in no time.

Get Regular Exercise

Exercise has been proven to be one of the best ways to reduce stress levels. It helps your body release endorphins, which make you feel happy and relaxed, and is a perfect way to unwind after a stressful day.

If you find it hard to exercise regularly, start small by walking around the block or taking a brisk walk every morning before work.

You will soon see how much better you feel when you exercise, and you will want to continue doing it more often.

Take Time For Yourself

Stressful situations can take over your mind and body, so it’s important to take time out for yourself.

This could mean going for a long drive, having a bath, reading a book, listening to music, watching Netflix, or even just sitting down with a cup of tea and a nice piece of cake.

Whatever makes you feel calm and relaxed, go ahead and indulge!

It can be useful to schedule this "me time" into your diary, just as you would an appointment or other commitment. This will make it harder to skip your time for yourself.

Eat Well

Eating well is another great way to reduce stress. Try to eat a healthy diet packed with:

* Fruit
* Vegetables
* Lean meats
* Fish
* Nuts and seeds
* And other nutritious foods

You will not only feel healthier but also happier and less stressed.

Why not take some time to experiment with new dishes? Cooking for yourself is another form of self-love, and can help reduce stress levels.

Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is about being aware of what's happening right now, without judgment. When you practice mindfulness, you learn to observe your thoughts and feelings without reacting to them.

By practicing mindfulness, you can become calmer and more focused, and therefore less likely to react emotionally to stressful situations.

Try yoga, meditation, visualization, or even just a calm walk in nature. If you need more inspiration, there are many different types of mindfulness exercises available online, and they are easy to implement no matter where you are.

Learn How To Say No

When you say yes too often, you may begin to resent others who ask you for favors. Saying no to people is the first step towards saying yes to yourself.

Learning how to say no will help you avoid feeling guilty if you have to turn someone down, and will allow you to focus on your own priorities instead.

It can help to have some pre-prepared phrases to fall back on, as this can help you feel more confident about saying no.

Get Enough Sleep

Getting enough sleep is essential for reducing stress levels. Lack of sleep can cause you to feel tired, irritable, and anxious, and these emotions can lead to increased stress levels.

Make sure that you get at least seven hours of uninterrupted sleep each night.

If you're finding it difficult to do this, try getting up earlier and exercising during the early part of the day.

You'll find that you don't want to stay awake any longer than necessary when you exercise regularly.

Final Thoughts

Stress is something we all experience from time to time, but by taking steps to reduce stress levels, we can live happier lives.

Remember that you deserve to relax and that you should never feel guilty about doing things that make you happy.

Anxiety can come on you quickly, and then settle in for the long haul. If you’re looking for some tips on how you use simple exercises to reset your anxiety, these activities just might help.

Remembering to get up from whatever you’re doing and move your body is always a great way to calm the mind and help to alleviate stress.

If you’re worried that your anxiety is taking over, it’s time to find ways to stop it in its path.

Luckily, you can transform your current path and instead function without anxiety.

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