Your Health Online | Male Age Spots

Women aren’t the only ones who are overly conscious about their age. Men can also feel insecure, especially when age spots start to show.

But contrary to popular belief, the age spots that appear on both the men and women’s skin are not caused by aging. Credit is given to the person’s constant exposure to the sun's harmful UV rays.

When you often stay under the harsh heat of the sun, your skin cells will produce excessive melanin. This, in turn, darkens the skin tone and makes it look patchy.

The melanin will be unevenly distributed all throughout the exposed areas, thus causing spots to appear on different areas. With men, they can even appear on the scalp if they are starting to lose hair there as well.

To prevent male age spots, you should at least try to limit and minimize your exposure to the sun. You also have to keep in mind that ordinary sunscreen lotions are not sufficient enough to protect you.

If you want the optimum protection, you need to look for certain ingredients in your lotion. The very best and most effective of which is extrapone nutgrass root.

This has the ability to inhibit the production in the exposed areas of your skin. Essentially, it will prevent the formation of spots that appear to look like freckles.

Clinical tests have revealed that it prevents and inhibits the formation of melanin on your skin by more than an impressive 41%. Another ingredient to look for is Cynergy TK.

This amazing substance is very similar in structure to the ones you already have in your skin. Cynergy TK helps in manufacturing new skin cells while repairing the ones that have already been damaged.

It is especially helpful because it also reverses the signs of aging because the antioxidants present in it reduce the damaging effects of free radicals.

Age spots start to appear when you hit the age of 40 or more. People know that the sun is harmful. Its ultraviolet rays can penetrate your skin and make you look much older than your actual age.

Men with fairer skin tone should be more careful because they have less melanin present in their skin. Lighter people are more prone to it. And because of the color of your skin, they are more visible to the people.

When it comes to skin protection, the natural means is so much better. You need to avoid the use of chemical based products.

They may contain substances that can do more harm than damage. If you are not careful with what you slather on your skin, you may see skin irritations, rashes, and allergic reactions start to appear.

Plus, some of these chemicals contain added preservatives that are potential cancer-causing agents. Look for the word parabens, and never purchase the product when you see this on its list of ingredients.

Male age spots can be treated by using natural skin moisturizers that come only from the most trusted brands. Remember, because most of you are more likely to lose the hair on your head, don’t forget to apply it on your scalp as well.

Warren Tattersall has been a full time nutritional consultant for over a decade and works with people all over the work to help them improve their health, increase their personal energy levels and to use supplements to assist with diet related health issues.

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