High blood pressure is a common problem that many in our population have to deal with. The dangers associated with having high blood pressures are really intimidating. Hardening of the arteries is the first hazard. It’s among the key problems. Hypertension can cause the stiffening of your arteries.
Just in case you did not know, the hardening of your arteries happens to be a unique condition which tends to worsen over time. As this condition can really cause your blood vessels to constrict, it’ll boost the risk of heart attack and stroke. There are other ways in which your arteries can harden up. Nevertheless, uncontrolled hypertension can surely increase the risk of heart disease.
Kidney failure can occur when hypertension goes untreated for a long time. Some key symptoms of kidney failure can worsen most of the heart conditions. A person suffering from different kinds of kidney problems might undergo tremendous shortness of breath. This means that they might not be capable of working out at all. And there are high chances that the person will also face difficulties while walking a few yards or so.
Another key hazard of high blood pressure is stroke. It’s among the key consequences of blood pressure hikes and must be controlled well when it occurs. Stroke is unfortunately a highly dangerous matter.
Fortunately, it’s possible that you survive a hard stroke and still manage to return to your lifestyle and general daily routines. But on the other hand, there are some people who do not manage to recover from stroke entirely. Some people die due to strokes.
Aneurysm is another problem that may be caused by hypertension. Aneurysms happen to be the weak spots developed within the veins. Such weak spots have small bubbles on the vain walls. There are different ways in which these aneurysms could be discovered before you end up with any kind of disease.
It is really fortunate that with modern day technologies when these sorts of problems are discovered, they can be safely fixed and you, the patient, may go back quickly to your normal activities.
Nevertheless, there are some instances when aneurysms go unnoticed. They can break. When this occurs inside the brain, people die before they can even call an ambulance. Sounds pretty scary, huh? But, high levels of blood pressure are really very scary. You want to lower the risk of heart attack, stroke, aneurysms and other dangers pertaining to high blood pressure.
Everybody knows that high levels of blood pressure are regarded as a serious problem by the doctor. If high levels of blood pressure are left unchecked, you can end up with serious diseases.
The higher the blood pressure, the higher the risks of a massive heart disease or stroke is. Some guy with a blood pressure reading of 120/80 mmHg remains in a much greater risk compared to one who has a blood pressure levels of 110/70 mmHg. It’s as simple as it sounds.
How does this condition impact the heart? As the heart gets forced to work too hard for too long, it’ll enlarge gradually. And just a small enlargement of the heart could cause different types of malfunctions.
The fact is that high blood pressure happens to be the top risk factor when it comes to congestive heart failure, which is a serious condition. The heart cannot easily pump sufficient blood so that enough is supplied to the cells of the body. And the consequence of the inability of your heart to pump sufficient blood could be many. This could damage your kidneys or cause a stroke.
About the kidneys, when left unchecked, high blood pressure could narrow and thicken the blood vessels that feed your kidneys. The preliminary function of your kidneys is to work as the body’s filter.
They have to effectively dispose of the waste that has piled up. If there is no sufficient flow of blood for the proper functioning of the body, your kidneys start to filter much lesser fluid than before.
Then again, the excessive waste will start to build up into your body. Ultimately, if left untreated, the kidneys could fail altogether. This will call for regular dialysis. This dialysis will be doing the job that the kidneys normally do.
Lower your blood pressure to reduce the dangers you face.
Warren Tattersall has been a full time nutritional consultant for over a decade and works with people all over the world to help them improve their health, increase their personal energy levels and to use supplements to assist with diet related health issues.
This site has many helpful tips about nutrition and free health plans to reduce your high blood pressure and help you with a healthy heart. Not only will you get valuable :cardiovascular problems health tips about fish oil for cardiovascular health.
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