According to research presented by the United Kingdom’s Autistic Society (NAS), the unemployment rate for people on the spectrum is very high.
They surveyed 2,000 autistic adults and discovered that only 16% were employed full time. Even more revealing is that 77% of those unemployed wanted to work.
Though many people with autism spend their lives trying to fit into society, schools, workplaces, and businesses can also work towards making it easier for them to be themselves.
A Different Way of Looking at Disability
In a TEDx called Everything You Know About Autism is Wrong, speaker Jac den Houting explored a different way of looking at autism. Instead of blaming the autistic person for not fitting into a neurotypical (meaning non-autistic) world, it’s important to understand that our society and environment isn’t working for them.
Here is her definition of disability as it relates to autism:
Disability happens when a person’s environment doesn’t cater for their individual characteristics. In the social model, we don’t refer to people with a disability. Disability isn’t something that I carry around like luggage.
Instead, we use the word disabled as a verb. Disability is something that is being done to me.
I’m actively being disabled by the society around me. The shopping mall is designed in a way that doesn’t cater to my needs.
Simply put, many work environments don’t take into consideration the unique needs of people with autism.
That doesn’t mean that people on the spectrum can’t learn new things or strive to understand their neurotypical colleagues. But they don’t have to be the only ones adapting. Others around them can adapt as well.
Why Hire Someone on the Autism Spectrum?
Many employers are looking for the bottom line -- can they hire someone who will complete the job? For many on the spectrum, the answer is yes, but it may require some adjustments.
Today, companies are beginning to look at neurodiversity in a different light.
In fact, many businesses are realizing that neurodiversity can be a real benefit.
According to Forbes magazine, “Social difficulties are one of the hallmarks of ASD, making it hard for those with ASD to make it through a traditional hiring process.
Roughly 60% of people with ASD have average or above average intelligence, yet 85% are unemployed.”
In an article published by Harvard Business Review called Neurodiversity as a Competitive Advantage, authors Robert D. Austin and Gary P. Pisano write, “Because neurodiverse people are wired differently from “neurotypical” people, they may bring new perspectives to a company’s efforts to create or recognize value.”
How Does Neurodiversity Help Companies?
Over the past few decades, research has suggested that companies with a diverse workforce perform better. They experience lower turnover rates, higher productivity, and produce more creative solutions.
The same is true for neurodiversity. People on the spectrum may not excel in traditional workplace goals like teamwork, communication skills, or networking.
However, they provide different skills that are highly beneficial to businesses.
Some traits that many ASD people share are trustworthiness, reliability, attention to detail, focused effort, innovation, and logical thinking.
They also tend to follow rules and regulations very closely when they’re explained well.
What Jobs Are a Good Match for People with Autism?
While not every field or every job is made for people with autism, there are loads of places where they have the ability to thrive.
Below are some possible jobs that would work well for people with autism.
Of course, this isn’t an exhaustive list of jobs. Personality, ability, and interest will play a huge factor in finding the right job.
Just with neurotypical people, there’s no single perfect job for all neurodiverse people.
Tech Jobs
Some people with ASD are a natural fit in the tech world. With a global “tech talent gap,” many big-name tech companies are seeking autistic employees who are well suited for those types of jobs.
Some of the jobs include:
● Computer animation
● Video game designer
● Software developer
● UI or UX designers
● Social media marketer
● Website designer
● Computer repair
● Computer programming
● Coding
Non-tech Jobs For People With ASD
Not every person on the spectrum will have an interest or ability to thrive in the tech world. Technology isn’t the only field that can benefit from people with ASD.
Other jobs that may be a good fit are:
● Marketing
● Automobile mechanic
● Engineering
● Academia
● Library science
● Drafting
● Commercial art
● Photography
● Laboratory technician
● Paramedic or EMT
● Artisan or maker
● Building maintenance
● Factory maintenance
● Accounting
● Journalism
● Copy editor
● Telemarketing
● Statistician
● Physicist
● Mathematician
● Data entry
● Reshelving library books
● Factory assembly work
● Plant care
● Restocking shelves
● Lawn and garden work
● Recycling plant
● Taxi driver
● Animal trainer
Companies With Neurodiverse Hiring Practices
Over recent years, companies are tapping into the inherent benefit of a diverse workforce.
Here is a list of some of those companies who see ASD as a notable advantage and are actively hiring people on the spectrum:
● SAP, a German IT and software corporation, started an Autism at Work program in 2013 to actively recruit people on the spectrum. Their goal was to not only recruit neurodiverse employees but to also create a welcoming work environment. They report at a 90% retention rate of employees.
● Microsoft launched an Autism Program shortly after SAP to specifically hire individuals with autism.
● J.P. Morgan, an investment bank, started an Autism at Work program in 2015.
● Hewlett Packard began the DXC Dandelion Program to hire people on the spectrum to work in IT.
● Freddie Mac started an Autism Internship Program in 2012.
● Ernst & Young launched a neurodiversity program in 2016.
● Goldman Sachs began its Neurodiversity Hiring Initiative in 2019.
● Daivergent provides data labeling and annotation services and employs people who are neurodivergent. This company helps other companies connect with neurodivergent applicants.
● Specialisterne is a non-profit social enterprise that helps companies, universities, and schools work better with a neurodiverse community. Harvard Business School called them the “gold standard of neurodiversity.”
Learn more about your health online when you read the rest of our information here about: What is Austism guide and also download the free health report available there!
Warren Tattersall has been a full time nutritional consultant for over 35 years and works with people all over the world to help them improve their health, increase their personal energy levels and to use supplements to assist with diet related health issues.
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