What You Need to Know about the New Physical Activity Guidelines

For the first time in ten years, the US government has updated its physical activity and exercise guidelines. While most of the recommendations remain the same, there are a few additions that could make it easier to reach your fitness goals.

That’s important because only about 20% of Americans are getting adequate exercise.

In addition to the consequences for your own health, such inactivity costs the public about $117 billion a year in extra medical expenses.

If you want to enjoy the mental and physical health benefits of staying fit, find out what these changes mean for you.

You may discover that regular exercise is easier and more rewarding than you think!

Move More

One highlight of the new guidelines is an increased focus on overcoming the effects of prolonged sitting.

While experts used to believe that exercise sessions needed to last for at least 10 minutes, they’re now convinced that any movement is preferable to being sedentary.

Use these strategies to add more activity to your day:

1. Take more steps.

If you live in an area where a car is essential, you can still spend more time on your feet. Park further away from your office and other destinations so you can walk the rest of the way.

Pace around while you’re on the phone and climb the stairs whenever possible.

2. Limit screen time.

Spend more of your leisure hours playing sports instead of watching TV.

If you want to keep up with your favorite show, do push-ups during the commercials.

3. Liven up your desk job.

Schedule a break at least once an hour to stand up and stretch. Go out at lunch to stroll through the park or attend a dance class.

Customize Your Workouts

The revised guidelines also pay more attention to how individual factors affect your workout.

Make your routines safer and more productive by adapting them to your age, ability level, and any special conditions you may have.

Follow these important recommendations:

1. Start early.

Preschoolers aged 3 to 5 now have their own recommendations. Their goal is at least 3 hours of daily activity.

For children 6 to 17, the target remains at one hour including strength training and vigorous activities at least 3 times a week.

2. Stick with it.

For adults, the minimum range continues to be the equivalent of 150 to 300 minutes a week of moderate aerobic activity, as well as strength training at least 2 days a week.

By adding in balance work, seniors can reduce their risk of falls and extend their ability to live independently.

3. Measure intensity.

How do you distinguish between light, moderate, and intense activity? You can use fancy monitors or simple tests.

Light activity requires little perceived effort. Moderate activity makes it uncomfortable to sing, and intense activity makes it very difficult to speak.

4. Talk with your doctor.

Pregnancy, diabetes, and other conditions require their own strategies.

Your physician can help you understand your individual needs.

Other Suggestions:

1. Aim higher.

You can make big gains with just 3 hours of exercise a week, but additional efforts pay off.

With more training, you can build greater aerobic capacity, strength, and flexibility. You may even extend your life.

2. Think beyond weight.

Physical activity helps with weight loss, but it can do a lot more. Think about being fit rather than feeling pressured to be thin.

3. Celebrate your progress.

Maybe the happiest news is that the new guidelines confirm the amazing results exercise can have.

There’s strong evidence that physical activity can help prevent 8 types of cancer and other serious diseases, reduce anxiety and depression, and enhance your overall quality of life.

Move more each day and design your workouts to suit your age and level of ability. Even modest amounts of exercise can help you to lead a longer and happier life.

Learn more about your health online when you read the rest of our information here about: Lifetime Fitness Exercise guide and also download the free health report available there!

Warren Tattersall has been a full time nutritional consultant for over a decade and works with people all over the world to help them improve their health, increase their personal energy levels and to use supplements to assist with diet related health issues.

Just send him a note on the form here - Contact Us - to request a personal no obligation one-on-one consultation with Warren

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5 Unusual Tips to Ease Your Workouts

Is your workout a pain? There are many things involved in your exercise sessions - besides the exercises themselves - that can cause issues that contribute to unpleasant workouts.

And when your workouts are uncomfortable, it's harder to motivate yourself to exercise.

You'll be pleased to discover some simple changes that can make a big difference!

Adjusting elements such as your sneakers or clothes can make exercise a less challenging experience.

Try these unusual tips to make your workouts easier:

1. Wear comfortable and new sneakers.

You may think you're being frugal by wearing old sneakers, but you're increasing the risk of injuries and actually making it more difficult to work out.

If you're struggling to keep your old shoes from falling apart, you're not getting the full benefit of the exercises. Make your workouts easier and faster with the right shoes.

* It's important to find sneakers that fit you and are comfortable. Try a store that offers free consultations, so you can get the right pair for your lifestyle.

In addition, different workouts require different shoe styles. For example, you need sneakers with extra support for running and different soles for mountain climbing.

* It's not just the shoes that matter. Your laces should also be new and strong.

2. Handle your hair before you start working out.

It's easier to exercise if you're not worried about your hair. Short or long, hair can act as a distraction while you try to exercise.

This is why it's important to find a comfortable style that works for you while working out.

* Did you know that wearing your long hair down can put your life at risk during some gym activities? It can also make your workouts more difficult.

If you have long hair, pull it back into a ponytail or bun. This keeps it out of your face and makes it less likely that it will get stuck in an exercise machine.

3. Avoid baggy clothes.

You don't have to select revealing outfits, but fitness experts recommend that you opt for fitted clothes while exercising.

Baggy clothes that are too big can be a hindrance to safe, effective, and comfortable workouts.

Although they may seem more convenient, they can get in your way and become caught in the machines.

* Baggy clothes can also make it more difficult to exercise if you're working on specific muscle groups.

It's easier to pay attention to your movements and avoid mistakes if you wear fitted clothes.

4. Try moisture-wicking fabric.

Moisture-wicking fabric quickly absorbs moisture, so you stay cool, dry, and comfortable.

Used for tops, pants, and other exercise clothes, this fabric can help you focus on your exercises instead of your clothes.

5. Add more chocolate to your diet.

It can benefit you to eat dark chocolate or drink chocolate milk before and after workouts.

Researchers have found that the ingredients in chocolate can strengthen your endurance.

* A study, titled "Epicatechin Enhances Fatigue Resistance and Oxidative Capacity in Mouse Muscle," showed that dark chocolate can help workouts.

Epicatechin is a flavonol, or compound, found in cocoa. Researchers believe epicatechin is responsible for promoting muscle growth.

* Chocolate with higher cocoa content will have more flavonols. This means you can eat less of it and get the same results.

Get the benefits of exercise with workouts you can enjoy. Try these simple adjustments and make your workouts easier.

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Warren Tattersall, health coach consultant.

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