What is stroke prevention? If you have a family member who’s experienced a stroke or even if you have experienced one in the past, you’re probably looking for answers to help you prevent this from happening.
The good news is that strokes can be preventable. While there are some factors such as family history and aging that you can’t change, there are several things you can do to prevent your risk of dealing with a dangerous stroke.
Your diet is critical when it comes to stroke prevention. Diets that are high in saturated fats and salty foods can actually increase your risk of stroke.
That’s because high blood pressure and cholesterol are major risk factors for stroke and heart disease.
When you eat a lot of saturated fat it can clog your arteries and increase your risk of blood clots.
A diet high in salt can lead to high blood pressure. Eating a diet that’s low in saturated fat and high in monounsaturated fats can protect your blood vessels.
Eating a diet low in sodium can also help you to reduce your risk for stroke. Sodium is found in many foods when you wouldn’t expect to find it. Make sure to check labels and whenever possible look for the label to say “low sodium”.
Exercising can also help to reduce your risk of stroke. It helps to control blood pressure as well as to increase your good cholesterol. This good cholesterol actually protects your blood vessels and keeps them cleaner.
If you’re a smoker, stroke prevention means quitting. While this can be a difficult habit to quit – in fact it may seem impossible at times – it’s one of the best ways you can reduce your risk of stroke. Smoking causes an increase in heart rate and blood pressure and can lead to blood clots.
Heavy drinking can also lead to a higher risk of stroke. You should try to limit your alcohol intake to fewer than three drinks daily.
And if you don’t drink, just don’t start. High alcohol intake can lead to an increase in blood pressure that can be dangerous.
If you’re overweight and have other risk factors for stroke, you may need to lose weight. Obesity has been shown to increase your risk of stroke.
A healthy, balanced diet coupled with regular exercise can help you to control your weight and reduce your risk.
What is stroke prevention may also prevent other deadly conditions such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.
Learn more about your health online when you read the rest of our information here about: stroke heart attack and cardiovascular health tips
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