Hypnotherapy is the application of therapy during hypnosis, to change or modify behaviour patterns that we wish to change, such as the compulsion to smoke, gamble, drink etc.
It can help in the cure of phobias such as the fear of spiders/insects, fear of flying, fear of thunder and lightning, fear of injections etc.
It can help with motivation, confidence building, reducing stress and can be very effective in pain control.
Hypnotherapy deals with Psychosomatic problems - that is, problems of the mind that are rooted in and controlled by the subconscious mind. We always do what our subconscious mind tells us even if it goes against reason and logic.
Hypnotherapy therefore, bypasses the conscious mind to allow the positive life-affirming suggestions for change, of our own choosing, to be fed to our subconscious mind directly, for us to act upon.
Hypnotherapy, and more precisely, hypnotic suggestions, have a cumulative effect, so over time there is a build up of suggestions being reinforced in the subconscious mind that it will act upon, and will do so more rapidly than if you were feeding the suggestions to your conscious mind.
For problems where a causal event or events may exist in the past, hypnoanalysis is used initially in order to find the sensitising event or events and release the emotion and motor actions associated with them, thus freeing the individual from the grasp of an outdated and obsolete (possibly never really needed at all) thought pattern and/or conditioning.
Following this, healing suggestions and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) are used to build on the individuals desire for change to strengthen and support forward movement into a positive future.
Hypnotherapists do not control your mind!
Hypnotherapy empowers you to take control of your mental resources to bring about the changes you want. You are always in control during hypnosis and hypnotherapy, and the therapist cannot make you do anything against your will, or that is not within you as an individual to do.
With a little work a good therapist and a good client who wishes to make changes and is motivated to, will be able to achieve success in about 95% of cases.
Who can be hypnotised? I would say that virtually everyone can be hypnotised if they have a good therapist and wish to cooperate with them in order to work on the problem with which they are presenting.
What does hypnosis feel like? I know how it feels to me, but it feels different to some people than to others. I would explain it as a relaxed easy feeling and a heightened state of awareness.
Sometimes you may be prone to drift away for a while just like day-dreaming, and you might just as easily be concentrating on your therapist’s voice. Your good therapist will ensure you get the very best from your hypnotherapy session and will guide you in everything you need to know.
Hypnotherapy can help to address many problems including:
• Fear of Flying
• Fear of Crowds
• Lack of Confidence
• Stress Issues
• Low Self Esteem
• Fear of Heights
• Panic Attacks
• Exam Nerves
• Driving Test Nerves
• Smoking
• Weight Loss
• Nail Biting
• Relationship & Sexual
• Tinnitus
• Stop Smoking
• Stress
• Anxiety
Hypnotherapy is not magic but it sometimes seems magical!
Alan Crisp Clinical Hypnotherapist
What would it be like if you could sleep whenever you felt tired? Clinical Hypnotherapy can help with your sleep problems, and your initial consultation is free of charge.
http://www.hypnoseek.com BACK TO “Your Health Online”
the A to Z directory of dealing with Health Problems & Self Care Strategies for natural remedies to your health issues.
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We wish you well in your search for solutions to this problem and your movement towards better health in all areas.
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