Hypertension is the term used to describe high blood pressure. There are different reasons why a person suffers from high blood pressure. The force applied to arteries, when the heart pumps out blood into them, is defined as blood pressure. The measurement of blood pressure is taken in millimeters of mercury (mmHg).
The measurements are calculated using a special device called blood pressure machine. It contains a small amount of mercury in a sealed tube. Normal hypertension is diagnosed when a person’s measurements are 120 mmHg and 80 mmHg or higher.
The measurement of blood pressure provides an insight into the working of the heart and the arteries. The top reading is the measure of systolic pressure. Systolic pressure is considered to be normal when the reading is 120 and lower.
Any increase in the value which is greater than 120 is defined as high blood pressure. This problem must be addressed immediately to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. This is necessary as there is lot of stress on the heart to pump blood.
The lower number is the measure of diastolic pressure. Its natural level is around 80 mmHg. Decrease in the value under 80 mmHg usually depicts lower blood pressure. If the value is greater than 80 mmHg, then the person has hypertension. A person suffering from high blood pressure may experience different symptoms at different times.
These may include a burning sensation near the heart area, sweating continuously, dizziness and irregular heart beat. High blood pressure creates adrenaline rush in the body. This adrenaline rush creates a sudden increase of stress on the heart and this may lead to a heart attack. Hence, treatment is necessary help a person overcome high blood pressure.
There are natural ways to cure high blood pressure. Still, one will have to follow the medical treatment procedure strictly to keep the condition under control and to maintain good health. Regular exercises and reducing stress levels will help a person reduce their blood pressure and stay in control of their health.
Many people experience high blood pressure due to the increasing stress levels in their lives.
Stress at the work place and stress at home are cited as the main causes of blood pressure apart from hereditary causes. The need to address and treat this condition is great. One has to undergo a health checkup to find out more and get the complete details.
Warren Tattersall has been a full time nutritional consultant for over a decade and works with people all over the world to help them improve their health, increase their personal energy levels and to use supplements to assist with diet related health issues.
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