What is High Diastolic Blood Pressure?

Hypertension patients might wonder what the numbers signify when doctors check their BP. Here is an explanation it. Generally, you see 2 figures when your blood pressure is taken, for instance 130/80. Here, 130 stands for systolic pressure and 80 stand for diastolic pressure. A normal diastolic pressure should not go beyond 90 and normal systolic pressure must not be higher than 140. And increase in any of these means that you have a health problem.

Systolic blood pressure is highly different from the diastolic one. It is characterized by abrupt escalation in the blood pressure levels during the contraction of the heart. On the other hand, diastolic pressure is the blood pressure between the heart muscle's contractions. It has been suggested by experts that high diastolic blood pressure needs to be taken seriously, since it causes great harm to the body as compared to high systolic pressure.

In a study conducted recently, individuals between 65 and 70 years of age were diagnosed with high blood pressure. Researchers found out many incidences of high diastolic blood pressure in the group. This high rate of diastolic pressure affects the kidneys, brain and the heart of the patient adversely. The people who suffer from high diastolic blood pressure are recommended to lower it. Their aim is to keep their diastolic pressures below 90.

The causes of high diastolic blood pressure include aging of the heart. As you grow older, the heart muscle wears out and gets stiff eventually, thus making it difficult for the heart to pump the blood as required. If high diastolic blood pressure is not treated timely and properly, it can result into diastolic heart failure. This high blood pressure may increase the risk of an individual from illnesses and diseases such as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, coronary heart disease, pericardial diseases and aortic stenosis.

Besides aging, lifestyle habits such as drinking and smoking, obesity, higher levels of cholesterol, high salt consumption, and family history, prior cardiac surgery, and diabetes are all factors that increase the risk of high diastolic blood pressure. High diastolic blood pressure increases the risk of other cardiovascular disorders, but not as much as high systolic pressure.

Once you are aware of the problem, it is always better to start a treatment program soon, before the condition gets worse. Figures from the 1990's indicate that with 40% of the people who die from a fatal heart attack the attack that kills them was the first indicator that there was a problem. If you know that your blood pressure is high then you have already had the first warning so please pay some attention to it.

There are many natural and herbal remedies available to deal with high diastolic blood pressure in an easy and effective way. You should definitely take advantage of all of them.


Warren Tattersall has been a full time nutritional consultant for over a decade and works with people all over the world to help them improve their health, increase their personal energy levels and to use supplements to assist with diet related health issues.

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To have a free personal consultation with him to learn how incorporating nutritional supplements may improve your health concerns just visit “The Health Success Site” and download the free health report available there, or email warren@TheHealthSuccessSite.com to request a personal one-on-one consultation by email or phone.

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