What Causes Incontinence in Men and Women?

Incontinence means that someone doesn’t have the same urinary control that they used to have. The condition is fairly common and has a number of different causes.

There are some crossover causes between men and women, while some causes are unique to one particular sex.

Women are more likely to struggle with incontinence than men are in part because of having children.

When a woman becomes pregnant, the enlarging uterus pushes on the bladder and can cause urine to leak out.

This type of incontinence usually goes away after the delivery of the baby.

Having given birth is another cause of incontinence in women.

Giving birth affects the pelvic muscles which then don’t give the bladder the same support that it once had.

There can also be an injury to the nerve connected to the bladder.

If this nerve is injured while giving birth, then it causes incontinence.

Whenever the pelvic muscle is altered or damaged, that can cause an inability to be able to completely control urine.

Bladder problems and incontinence are common after giving birth.

Beginning menopause can also lead to incontinence for women.

This cause is linked to the way that the body is changing because of the onset of menopause.

Another cause of incontinence in women is exercising.

Any pressure on the pelvic muscles can push urine out when your bladder isn’t supported as well as it once was.

Besides exercise, you can also experience incontinence when you sneeze, cough or bear down using the pelvic muscles.

If your bladder becomes irritated because of an infection or a medical condition, this can also cause incontinence.

Some of the similarities in men when it comes to incontinence include nerve damage or damage to the muscles that support the bladder.

Though you don’t hear about it as often as you do with women, men can also develop a urinary tract infection, which can lead to incontinence.

Doing anything such as exercising, coughing, sneezing or bearing down can cause incontinence in men as well.

Any fast, forceful movement that causes the pelvic muscles to bear down can cause you to leak urine.

With men, if they experience any prostate health issues, it can lead to incontinence.

While this can be caused by an infection, it can also be caused by a growth, cancer or nerve problems linked to the urethra.

Changes within the urethra itself can also cause incontinence.

Men who experience health problems with the prostate and have to undergo a procedure or surgery to correct the problem can often have incontinence after this, but it usually doesn’t last too long.

Learn more about your health online when you read the rest of our information here about: Urinary Incontinence - free online health guide and also download the free health report available there!

Warren Tattersall has been a full time nutritional consultant for over a decade and works with people all over the world to help them improve their health, increase their personal energy levels and to use supplements to assist with diet related health issues.

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