After undergoing screening for breast cancer or being diagnosed, the most important concerns are treatment options for cancer in the breast. The good news is that modern medicine has provided many options for helping to eradicate this disease.
The treatment you receive will depend primarily on what stage your cancer is detected. It will also depend on your doctor’s philosophy and on what you want as a patient. Here we’ll look at the standard treatment options, but realize that there are many other options available.
Lumpectomy is a standard practice for women who have a lump and are detected in the early stages of breast cancer. With this treatment, the lump is removed and usually radiation is also performed to kill off any leftover cells that may not have been removed.
In more widespread or late stage cases, women may undergo mastectomy. This is a removal of all the breast tissue of one or both breasts. This insures that all cancer in the breast is removed. In addition, one may undergo radiation or chemotherapy.
Late stage cancer treatment will involve surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, hormone therapy or a combination of these methods. You will be part of the decision-making team and determine what’s best for you along with your healthcare team.
After the initial treatment for breast cancer, you may also continue on therapies such as the drug tamoxifen that has shown considerable ability to prevent cancer recurrence. You will also continue to be monitored by your healthcare provider.
Monitoring will take the form of follow up mammograms, blood tests, and possibly sonograms or biopsies. You will schedule these at regular intervals so that you’ll be able to detect any recurrence as quickly as possible.
Your treatment success will depend on many factors. The earlier your cancer is detected, the better chance you have for a cure. In addition, factors such as family history, genetics, the size and type of your tumor, and how far the cancer has spread will affect your prognosis.
The good news is that women who contract breast today will have a better chance than ever before to have successful treatment. Unfortunately, many women let the fear of cancer and treatment prevent them from getting regular screenings.
Make sure that you are performing monthly self breast exams and getting examined by a healthcare provider. If you are over 40 you should have a mammogram every year or two to detect problems. Most tumors are benign, but if you have cancer in the breast early treatment is your best option.
Learn more about your health online when you read the rest of our information here about: Breast Cancer and breast health issues
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