Many people have tried everything to lose weight and they end up being just as heavy as ever – or even more so in some cases. These people often consider weigh loss surgery as the answer to their problems. This form of weight loss certainly works, but is it safe for you? And is it the answer for you personally? A doctor is the only one who can advise you on whether you should have surgery to correct your weight problem.
One thing you need to remember is that all surgery carries some kind of risk and so should be avoided if possible. The trouble is that being obese is also a big health risk as it puts strain on all your organs and joints. Plus, your obesity could well be cause by a medical problem and so if this is not seen to, will surgery actually help, or will you simply pile the weight back on again afterwards? Such questions can only be answered by your doctor.
Here are two types of surgery for losing weight.
* Laparoscopic gastric banding is a simple weight loss surgery procedure that divides the stomach into two parts. It leaves a small opening between these two sections so that food can pass through. What happens is that you feel full more quickly and so don’t eat as much and that full feeling lasts longer because it takes the food longer to pass through the narrow gap. If you imagine a balloon that is partly blown up and has a belt tied around it, you will have a good idea of what gastric banding is like. The advantages of gastric banding is that the food still passes through to the intestine where nutrients can be extracted from it, and it can be both adjusted or reversed. The procedure is usually done with keyhole surgery so is minimally invasive.
* Gastric bypass or stomach stapling is another procedure that can be chosen. In effect the stomach is stapled so that only a small pouch remains at the top for food to enter and the rest of the stomach is not used at all. The exit from the pouch thus formed directs the food straight into the lower part of the jejunum, thus calorie absorption is reduced considerably. While this is often a successful weight loss surgery option, risks involve lack of iron and calcium and the risk of anaemia.
Learn more about your health online when you read the rest of our information here about: Weight Loss
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We wish you well in your search for solutions to this problem and your movement towards better health in all areas.
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