Every sufferer of panic attacks will know just how awful they can be. You may wake up in the morning and get that sinking feeling in your stomach that may herald such an attack.
The trouble is, even if it does not, you are so worried at the thought of having one that you cannot enjoy your life. If this is you then cheer up, help is at hand.
There are many different types of treatment for panic disorder, so you are sure to find something that works.
Even if it takes a while of trying different things, that is better than doing nothing about it.
Here are some of the treatments that may give you relief from this debilitating disorder.
* Mild panic attacks may well respond to alternative therapies that are aimed at reducing stress and keeping you calm. Things such as meditation, yoga, aerobic exercise or tai chi may all be helpful.
* Calming herbal teas or herbal supplements to relieve anxiety can be given a try. If they don’t work at least they will not harm you. Make sure you use good quality ones as the quality may not be regulated.
* Acupressure or acupuncture may be found to have a helpful effect.
* Counselling should be undertaken if the attacks are caused by a traumatic event such as a car accident or violent behaviour.
* Cognitive behavioural therapy is recognised as a good treatment for more severe panic attacks.
It includes a wide range of treatment from gradually exposing the patient to situations that may trigger the attacks to training in how to handle the emotional symptoms that come with an attack.
It even includes learning relaxation techniques. This type of treatment is also referred to as psychotherapy.
* Special medication can be prescribed by your health care professional and often this is taken in conjunction with other treatment for the best effect.
Some of the medications include sertraline, paroxetine, duloxetine and others. Tricyclic antidepressants are now used much less than they were because better drugs have been found.
It is important to be closely monitored by your doctor when taking any drugs.
Often the doctor will use both medication and other forms of therapy in treating panic attacks especially when they have progressed to panic disorder.
That is, the sufferer experiences severe panic attacks on a regular basis.
It is always best to be guided by your professional health care expert when seeking treatment, and soon you will see a good result.
Learn more about your health online when you read the rest of our information here about: Panic Disorder and Panic Attacks
** Further reading through our articles on health issues will give you a body of information that will help you decide what options you have to deal with the underlying causes of your problem through giving your body the nutrition products that will assist you body to heal from the inside out.
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We wish you well in your search for solutions to this problem and your movement towards better health in all areas.
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