The Role of Exercise in Controlling High Blood Pressure

If you want to combat high blood pressure, there are more ways than one to do it. A good method for you would be to stick to a regular exercise routine. If you want this truly, you can always control your high blood pressure. You might think that it is more easily said than done.

You should think again! When was the last time you played with your friends and family and had a really good time? Has it ever occurred to you that it feels great and you should be doing this much more often?

Then you can really enjoy this more often all by yourself if you do some physical exercise on a regular basis. Modern day exercises are really interesting and you won’t feel bored at all. There are numerous exercises that are usually recommended by doctors to hypertension patients. The right exercise depends on the degree of hypertension, health, physical stature and medication taken.

Take resistance training, for instance. People taking up walking, cycling, jogging or swimming for losing weight discover that such types of exercise happen to be highly enjoyable and effective. Even before you get started, you need to be well aware of the fact that you’ll start to get solid benefits in a matter of 6 to 8 weeks of regular workouts.

Working out is also related to high blood pressure monitoring. In the course of your exercise plan, you will see your diastolic and systolic pressure dropping by 5 to 10 mm Hg. But remember that the benefits depend a lot on how capable you are of developing a standard pattern of exercise.

If you suffer from pre-hypertension, you need to work out in a balanced way to keep your blood pressure within the normal range. Avoid losing the momentum! You’ll notice that your exercises are getting exceedingly easier to do within 2 to 3 weeks and that you are getting more used to your new routine. At one point, the high levels of blood pressure would hopefully start to drop.

You have achieved results. Great! You can reward yourself with a new tracksuit or anything of that type to keep yourself motivated.

No matter what, you would want to make sure that your exercise program will turn into a day to day habit that is pretty tough to break. Some clinical researches have shown that if someone works out with moderate intensity, this can turn out to be highly effective in reducing the systolic and diastolic pressure.

But you might be wondering what the term moderate is all about. Well, when you can work out without getting too tired or getting out of breath quickly and when you know that you can strain yourself a bit more if you want to, then your exercise routine could be called moderate. Roughly speaking, the moderate level of exercise is about 60 % of your current maximum capacity.

Aerobic workouts are known to be best when it comes to increasing your breathing frequency. They give your muscles much more oxygen for burning the extra calories. People who are in the habit of attending aerobic classes on a regular basis can benefit a lot from them.

Fortunately, you can choose between higher impact aerobics and lower impact ones. According to the majority of health care experts, it is best to go for lower impact aerobics to begin with. They could be much more suited for those who have high levels of blood pressure, as they are gentler and more effective when it comes to raising the body’s overall oxygen intake.

You may have the opportunity to do some walking and cycling instead of driving or taking the bust to work. It’s much better compared to driving. No matter what, you want to do something that raises your physical activity. You want activity that will translate into lower blood pressure.

It’s better to leave your car home when you can walk or cycle to the grocery store, to your kids’ school or to the park. Avoid driving or taking a lift, when you have the time to walk. Head for the office half an hour earlier to be there in time or leave the car at a secured spot that is a good walking distance away from your office.


Warren Tattersall has been a full time nutritional consultant for over a decade and works with people all over the world to help them improve their health, increase their personal energy levels and to use supplements to assist with diet related health issues.

This site has many helpful tips about nutrition and free health plans to reduce your high blood pressure and help you with a healthy heart. Not only will you get valuable :cardiovascular problems health tips about fish oil for cardiovascular health.

To have a free personal consultation with him to learn how incorporating nutritional supplements may improve your health concerns just visit “The Health Success Site” and download the free health report available there, or email to request a personal one-on-one consultation by email or phone.

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