A health article about the various forms of Bronchitis from Your Health Online the A to Z directory of dealing with Health Problems & nutritional Self Care Strategies
Bronchitis is a common respiratory disorder that can occur to any age. It is usually associated with flues and colds.
When the complication is left uncured, this can lead to pneumonia. Bronchitis attack the immune system of a vulnerable person especially the smokers.
Bronchitis can be classified as acute bronchitis or chronic bronchitis, depending upon the span of the occurrence of the symptoms. Pulmonary specialists give detailed diagnosis and the treatments to particular types of bronchitis.
Acute bronchitis has the shorter duration of symptoms. It is accompanied by symptoms like flu, persistent cough, difficulty in breathing, congestion, and wheezing. The wheezing sound is common to people suffering from acute bronchitis. This occurs when the air in the bronchial tubes are hindered by the inflammation.
Acute bronchitis can either be caused by bacteria or viruses. These elements infect the breathing passages, thus constricting the proper function of the respiratory system.
However, acute bronchitis can be cleared up for days. With proper medication and sufficient treatment, the patient suffering from acute bronchitis can be cured.
On the other hand, chronic bronchitis is the long term occurrence of the symptoms. It can last for some months or even years. Certain environmental factors can trigger the chronic bronchial infection such as dust, certain odor and cigarette smoke. Unfortunately, not only the smokers are exposed to bronchitis, but those who can inhale their spute out.
Chronic bronchitis also requires intense and persistent treatment until the full recovery of the patient. If this ailment is not properly addressed, the symptoms can reoccur and even aggravate to a certain degree of complication. The treatment of chronic bronchitis shall depend on the triggering factor.
In any manner, bronchitis has primer symptoms. These are coughing, excessive mucus, fever, pains in the chest, inflammation, discomfort, and wheezing.
The symptoms of bronchitis can also lead to other respiratory problems such as sinusitis, asthma and complicated pneumonia.
Although bronchitis is a common respiratory disease, it is also often misdiagnosed. Because of this, Para clinical and physical examinations must be conducted in order to establish the accurate diagnoses.
With the help of the laboratory analysis and pulmonary tests, the most vital signs of bronchitis become eminent.
In any case, bronchitis must be given attention before its further damage. When the cause of the infection is bacteria, antibiotics can work best to cure this respiratory illness.
Fever is a chief indication that the bronchitis is due to bacteria. About 80% of patients prescribed with antibiotics can successfully find relief in five to ten days.
However, only the physician can prescribe the right medication according to the diagnosis and laboratory tests. It must be noted that the improper administration of antibiotics can harm the patient.
Antibiotics have reported side effects such as diarrhea, rashes and abdominal pains. These side effects cannot be neglected as they can cause another set of discomfort to the patient.
Nevertheless, they can be accepted during absolute necessity and the useful effects are denser.
When bronchitis is caused by viruses and other agents, antibiotics don't work. The only way to deal with such case is to rest longer, maintain the patient's humidity at a higher level, and keep the body hydrated by taking in more fluids.
This will last for some days and if the symptoms persist for two weeks, a doctor must already be called. The condition could have drastically stirred to become pneumonia or asthma bronchitis.
Other than bacteria and viral infections, there are other causes of bronchitis. These are the obstructions in the bronchial tubes due to the inflammation in the respiratory tract, organs, tissues and mucous membranes.
Because of the irritation, the secretion of mucus is increased. The mucus gather in the bronchial tubes causing the difficulty in breathing, coughing and the wheezing sound.
Bronchodilators are drugs administered to those who had difficulty in breathing. They help in reestablishing the respiration process. They are mostly used for patients suffering from chronic bronchitis and asthma.
Indeed, it is important to know the cause of the bronchitis. Such knowledge will lead to the proper treatment of the illness.
While certain medications can be administered to the patient as first aid measure, the doctor must still be consulted. It is also proper to notify him about those medications given to the patient.
Learn more about this subject here at your health online page that fully details the causes, symptoms, treatments and self help home remedy options for: Bronchitis BACK TO “Your Health Online”
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