While many women seek the holy grail of youthfulness, they still consume or do things that cause them to age. This is counterproductive if you really want to stay looking young for as long as possible. Here is a list of things that can cause aging.
* We all know by now that smoking is one of the main causes of aging. It is a proven fact that smoking causes the skin to become dry and wrinkled, not to mention also causing diseases of the lung like cancer and emphysema.
Those who smoke more than 10 cigarettes a day for 10 or more years will find biochemical changes in the body that cause their skin to age and become leathery and wrinkled.
* Smoking’s evil twin, alcohol does a great deal of damage too. The blood vessels and liver are both caused damage, not to mention all the other negative impacts on our lifestyle.
* Another cause of aging is food. Of course we need food for nutrition and health, but the wrong kinds of food fill our bodies with free radicals that cause a great deal of harm – and this food has no antioxidants to prevent the damage.
Fast foods full of fat and salt clog up our arteries and cause obesity.
* One thing we have no control over that does seem to have a part to play in aging is heredity. Members of the same family often seem to suffer from the same degenerative diseases that cause them to age faster than others.
But whether this is caused by genetics or lifestyle is often not clear.
Family members usually eat similar foods and exercise - or not - in a similar manner. If the parents attach importance to sports and healthy eating, their children are usually the same.
But sometimes you will see one person in a family become ill and even die from eating, smoking or drinking the wrong things, while siblings may change their lifestyle completely and be healthy and fit into old age.
* One of the most important factors in aging is lack of exercise. Exercise keeps you fit, strong and healthy. The kidneys and liver are assisted in their work of removing toxins by the sweat of exercise.
The muscles, ligaments and tendons are flexible and in good shape in those who exercise regularly.
* Over-work is another thing that can age us, especially if combined with a poor diet. In days of yore the women who did a man’s task on the farm or in logging communities while still bearing children and doing other housework seldom reached a ripe old age.
Even harsh weather conditions can lead to aging as the body battles to keep us warm.
* Too much exposure to the sun’s rays can also cause our skin to age quickly and wrinkles to form. Often, people who live in cold countries have lovely skin due to there being little sun or due to it being covered from the cold.
Learn more about your health online when you read the rest of our information here about: Anti Aging tips to stay younger longer
** Further reading through our articles on health issues will give you a body of information that will help you decide what options you have to deal with the underlying causes of your problem through giving your body the nutrition products that will assist you body to heal from the inside out.
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We wish you well in your search for solutions to this problem and your movement towards better health in all areas.
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