When you’re ready to bulk up, it helps to have muscle growth tips that keep you on the right path to the body you want. Keep these five things in mind when you’re working to build the body of your dreams.
Tip 1 – Limit your resistance training to three days a week. Many people feel that they need to lift weights daily to get a muscular body. But that actually keeps your body from being able to establish new muscle tissue.
Instead, perform strength training three times a week and then rest in between so that your body has a chance to recovery. The recovery period is when muscle growth actually happens – not the day you’re pumping iron.
Tip 2 – Take in enough protein and calories. You need to make sure that you don’t restrict your calories too much, even if you want to lose fat. If you don’t get enough calories your body will switch to starvation mode and you won’t put on muscle or burn fat.
You also need to increase your protein consumption so that your muscles get the raw materials they need to grow. Adding a protein shake or bar can help you get what you need. You can also get protein from lean meats, nuts, and whole grains.
Tip 3 – Add Creatine to your plan. Creatine is one of the best researched supplements and has been shown to clinically increase muscle growth. It allows you to have more energy when you work out so that you can build more muscle.
If you take a supplement that also includes carbs and protein, you’ll see even more results. Make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and take it before you begin your workout so that it will be in your system.
Tip 4 – Push yourself to lift the heaviest weights you can safely lift. Many people think that doing many reps is the key to bulking up. In actuality, you need to perform fewer reps with heavier weights to get more muscle growth.
Choose weights that challenge your body and push yourself to fatigue your muscle by the end of your set. You can work out for less time and get a much more effective workout using this method.
Tip 5 – Don’t set unrealistic expectations. A lot of how your muscles develop is dependent on genetics. You can do the best with what you’ve been given, but your frame may never look like the Incredible Hulk. Be realistic about your own limitations and give it your best.
With these simple muscle growth tips you can begin to see new definition, get stronger, and make your body the best it can be.
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