Sugar Alternatives for Keto Dieters

The keto diet is a great way to get rid of those unwanted pounds. You’ll have to adjust your eating plan and stop consuming certain foods. Since the keto diet relies on low carb eating for its success, that means foods that are high in carbs should go.

Otherwise, they have the potential to make your carb count so high that you won’t enter into ketosis. Chuck processed foods immediately when you start this diet. Stop eating desserts that are loaded with carbs and sugar and with any foods that are known to be high carb, don’t even have those around so that you’re not tempted.

When you eat following the rules of the keto diet, your body will start using fat rather than relying on carbs for energy, which is what you want. The things that trips up many people on this diet is not eating as much sugar as they have in the past.

You might find it difficult to let go of that sweet tooth. If done right, you don’t actually have to stop eating sweet things. You just need to use a sugar alternative so that you don’t inadvertently sabotage your efforts.

There are plenty of sugar alternatives available that you can use to not only add to your favorite beverages, but to use in baked goods or in making regular meals that call for sugar.

These sugar alternatives come in styles that mimic granulated sugar, powdered and brown sugar and are low in carbs, so you get the sweet taste without risking your state of ketosis.

The first sweetener is erythritol. It’s a compound that’s known as sugar alcohol. You can find this type of sweetener naturally. Erythritol is what gives certain vegetables and fruits that sweet flavor.

When you use manufactured erythritol, it works by triggering the sweet taste buds located on the tip of your tongue. Your taste buds can’t tell the difference between the sweetener and regular sugar, so you get the same effect, but without the carbs.

This sweetener only contains a small amount of calories and research has shown it offers health benefits like helping keep glucose levels lower. Another sweetener you can use is sucralose.

This artificial sweetener isn’t absorbed into the body, meaning you won’t see any carbs or calories from using sucralose. The most widely recognized artificial sweetener made from sucralose is Splenda and it’s also the most popular because of the sweetness of the product.

Something else you can use instead of sugar is monk fruit. This fruit hails from Asia and is much sweeter than sugar. Yet, it doesn’t contain any calories. You use the liquid or powdered extract from the fruit to sweeten your foods. The fruit is loaded with health benefits, too.

Top Keto Snacks to Help You Avoid Carbs

Avoiding carbs is one of the key foundations of the keto diet. If you want to lose weight and reap the health benefits from being in ketosis, then watching your carb intake is a necessity.

You need to stay under 20-30 carbs in order to find the highest level of success. When it comes to meals and planning foods for specific mealtimes, most people do okay with limiting carbs.

But one area that tends to trip people up on the diet is when it comes time to grab a snack. It’s easy to forget the amount of carbs in the snack or not be as proactive as you need to be to look out for the sneaky diet busters.

It can be helpful to know ahead of time which snacks to grab and keep on hand. This way, when it’s time for a pick-me-up, you already know that what you’re eating isn’t going to blow your diet.

When you choose a diet, make sure that the amount of carbs it contains, if any, fit into your daily allotment of total net carbs. If you over-snack, you can have too many carbs. Make sure your snack items are ready to go foods that you can grab and go if need be.

You can have keto friendly foods like nuts, boiled eggs, or olives. Cheeses are a good idea, too. Choose ones like cottage cheese, mozzarella cheese or cream cheese. You can also have meats as snack foods.

These would foods like bacon or the higher fat cold meats. You can use garlic butter on bread made from almond flour to create a snack that equals one carb. Making a sandwich using lettuce leaves in place of bread and very low or carb free ingredients is also a good snack idea.

Some low carb/no carb ideas are to use broccoli, zucchini, spinach, mushrooms, cauliflower or bell peppers and some people like to dip them in a low carb Ranch dressing.

Celery has one carb and cucumbers only contain three. You’ll want to avoid carrots as a snack, since these are higher in carbs. If you choose to have fruits such as berries, always choose the lowest carb one.

A ¼ cup of strawberries gives you less than two carbs, but the same size serving of blueberries gives you five carbs. Bananas are high in carbs, so you’ll want to keep those off your low carb snack list.

When you feel like you need to snack on something that gives you a crunch, opt for pork rinds, which are a zero carb snack. If you’re craving chocolate as a snack, look for chocolate that’s specifically made for the keto diet – usually dark chocolate.

All natural peanut butter has less than two carbs per tablespoon, making it a quick and low carb snack. You can also look for keto snack bars. These are snack bars that are high in fat, but low in carbs.

Learn more about your health online when you read the rest of our information here about: diet plans guide and also download the free health report available there!

Warren Tattersall has been a full time nutritional consultant for over a decade and works with people all over the world to help them improve their health, increase their personal energy levels and to use supplements to assist with diet related health issues.

Just send him a note on the form here - Contact Us - to request a personal no obligation one-on-one consultation with Warren

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Watch for Hidden Carbs on Your Keto Diet

The carbs that you don’t know about can kick you right out of ketosis. These hidden carbs in foods can be high enough to make you hit your maximum carb limit (or even exceed it) and you won’t even know it.

Too many hidden carbs can thwart your diet and cause your weight loss to stop completely. To master the keto diet, you have to know what’s really in the foods you’re eating.

If you want to stay under 20 carbs with your keto diet, you have to learn to count all the carbs, and that means understanding the nutritional information on the packages. Some people on the diet believe that if they simply forego packaged or processed food and make everything at home, they’ll avoid consuming too many carbs.

But this isn’t true. Even if you make everything you eat yourself, you can still consume more carbs than you thought you were. Food items you wouldn’t think contain a lot of carbs can actually have a high amount.

Garlic powder, for example, has six grams per tablespoon. Many people think spices have no carbs, but you have to be extra vigilant when you’re trying to stay in a state of ketosis.

Whole dairy products are better on the keto diet than low fat ones are because low fat means higher carbs. If you haven’t been counting your vegetable carbs, you should. Lettuce contains just 3 grams of carbs, while kale can contain 9 grams.

Remember that the more ingredients contained in your food or meals, the greater the chance of hidden carbs. Have a policy that no ingredient is eaten unless you know the exact carb count.

Learn to investigate foods and food labels to catch those hidden carbs before they catch you. You can make small changes to lessen the amount of carbs you consume. Take condiments, for example.

Instead of using regular ketchup or bar-b-que sauce, switch to the versions that are either lower sugar or sugar-free. You won’t be able to tell a difference in taste, but the effect it has on your body will be better for you because you’ll be able to avoid all of the hidden carbs.

Even when ordering plain items, such as Dominos naked wings, you can encounter hidden carbs. While it looks plain and says plain, the truth is, all of the seasonings mixed in to make it taste good add up to a lot of carbs, so you have to look everything up on the company websites to keep yourself safe from hidden carbs.

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Warren Tattersall, health coach consultant.

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