Stress Can Worsen Diabetes Symptoms

Diabetes is the kind of disease that requires careful monitoring. When diabetes is under control, you can live a normal life. But when you have stress to deal with, then this can worsen the symptoms that come along with the disease.

Stress can be so damaging for those with diabetes because it interferes with your ability to keep glucose levels within a healthy range.

Any time you feel stress, your body releases hormones in response and this raises your glucose.

Because this kind of reactional glucose isn’t used by you during the stress, it remains in the bloodstream. Whenever you have glucose in the bloodstream, you get a blood sugar spike.

What some diabetics don’t realize is that this kind of spike has nothing to do with food. So you can end up out of a healthy range even when you’re not eating food that raises the levels.

In fact, you don’t even have to eat at all to get higher levels. It’s all happening because of the stress.

When your body is under a constant battle of blood sugar spikes, this can affect you physically as well as emotionally.

It can become difficult to control your diabetes. You won’t be able to do it by tightening up your eating habits, since that’s not the root cause.

When your body releases cortisol in response to stress and it pushes your levels up, the only way to get it to back down is to deal with the stress head on.

What you may not realize is that a stress response for people with diabetes also affects how your body is using and storing fat. When you get stressed, you can gain more visceral fat.

That’s because there’s a molecule in the body that will trigger the fat cells and prompt them to multiply - all thanks to stress.

You can struggle to control your glucose levels, and you can gain more fat - but you can also enter a stage of deeper level of insulin resistance, which will further impair your ability to fight back against and control your diabetes.

You may end up needing more medication - or diminish your health to the point where you’re having to take insulin injections.

Stress can affect your diet and make you want to eat more as well as eat more of the wrong kinds of food.

This can contribute to glucose spikes and worsen your diabetes symptoms. But stress can also cause insomnia, which worsens how your body fares with having diabetes.
This can cause you to feel tired, affect you emotionally and contribute to your stress levels.

The best thing that you can do for your diabetes is to get your stress under control. Learn healthy ways to cope so that when a stressor occurs, it doesn’t have to impact your disease.

Stress Can Cause Obesity to Spiral Out of Control

When you’re under stress, it can cause you to gain weight. This happens when there are issues in your professional or personal life and your emotions come under fire.

You get angry or sad or anxious and your body starts pushing to produce more cortisol, which is known as the stress hormone.

It does this in response to your emotions because it’s trying to protect you. But it can do more harm than good. Thanks to having more of this hormone in your body, it pushes your glucose levels up.

This process is done by pulling the stored glucose from your liver. If you’re faced with a life or death situation, then this is a good thing.

But when it’s not, this elevated cortisol boosts the amount of glucose your body gets where it then remains in the blood stream.

This raises the levels of your blood sugar and makes you hungry. The more stress that you deal with, the hungrier you become.

This is a defense mode for your body even when you’re not in a fight or flight mode.

Your body is trying to prepare you for whatever you’re dealing with. You can start to crave foods every time you get upset and it becomes a cycle. You get stressed, you turn to food for emotional eating, you eat too much, and you gain weight.

When this cortisol level starts to go up, your body doesn’t want fruits and vegetables. It craves the fried and fatty foods.

It wants sugar and fast foods. The reason that your body craves food in these categories is because they’re known to soothe emotions.

You’ll feel better - if only for a little while. Most of the time, when you get scared and experience that flight or fight response, your cortisol spike is only temporary.

As soon as you’re no longer in fear, the cortisol returns to its pre-fear state.

Stress, on the other hand, keeps that cortisol at a higher level and it remains that way until you eat something - which is why many people learn to associate food as a stress reliever.

When you eat comfort food, your body gives you a boost of the feel good chemical in your brain. So you get a burst of endorphins and all feels right in the world. You don’t feel stressed any longer.

But you can gain weight and cause obesity to spiral out of control in your life if you don’t take the necessary action in order to deal with the stress.

If you learn what to do in order to manage your stress, you can break the connection between stress and weight gain.

Learn more about your health online when you read the rest of our information here about: Stress Management guide and also download the free health report available there!

Warren Tattersall has been a full time nutritional consultant for over 35 years and works with people all over the world to help them improve their health, increase their personal energy levels and to use supplements to assist with diet related health issues.

Just send him a note on the form here - Contact Us - to request a personal no obligation one-on-one consultation with Warren

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