Strategies for Alleviating Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain can be extremely debilitating. You probably feel like you're completely useless when those back pains flare up. To make matters worse, there seems to be nothing you can do to reduce your pain.

Sure, over the counter medications provide temporary relief.

But what they really do is mask what's truly happening with your back.

And after they wear off, you return to square one.

The following strategies can alleviate your lower back pain:

1. Use willow bark.

As the name suggests, willow bark is extracted from the bark of willow trees.

It’s a natural remedy for lessening lower back pain. It’s reported to work at full capacity after about a week of use.

• The recommended dose for willow bark extract is 120-240 mg.

• Are you prone to kidney disease or have bad reactions to aspirin? If so, you may want to seek your doctor's advice before using willow bark.

2. Participate in yoga.

Many sufferers of lower back pain can attest to the remarkable benefits of yoga.

The main benefits of yoga in relation to the lower back include:

• Core strength.

Yoga typically doesn’t consist of fast movement.

Instead, yoga is centered on slow, controlled, intense movements that help to build the core strength needed to protect the spine.

• Better posture.

Better posture can result in less pressure on the spine, relieving your lower back pain.

3. Avoid improper lifting.

The quickest way to end up with recurring lower back pain is through improper lifting.

Depending on the intensity of your issue, you may have to avoid lifting altogether.

• When you lift something, avoid bending at the back and then straightening up with weight in your hands. Bend at the knees instead.

• If you absolutely must lift, avoid using the hand on the side where your back pain typically occurs.

4. Sleep on a firm surface.

Your sleeping surface is important in your quest for less pain.

• Ensure your bed is firm enough to support your back, but not too hard to cause discomfort.

• The "safe" sleeping positions include on the sides as well as on the back. Avoid sleeping on your stomach, especially with your head elevated.

• Consult with a physiotherapist regarding your pillow. The angle at which you elevate your head can determine whether you end up with pain.

Neither a soft nor firm pillow usually works for lower back pain sufferers. Try to find a happy medium.

5. Keep active.

During the course of the day, constant activity is a good idea.

Dedicate 1/3 of every hour each to sitting, standing, and lying flat.

• This regimen might be difficult at work, especially lying flat! If that part isn’t possible, just try not to sit more than 20 minutes before getting up.

• Alternating between walking and sitting helps to relieve the pressure on the spine.

There's really no foolproof plan for alleviating lower back pain. Each person's situation is unique, so your results might also be different.

However, these strategies are certainly effective at helping to minimize the impact of your pain.

Over time and with consistent adherence, you should expect to start feeling better.

Say goodbye to lingering discomfort and hello to pain-free days!

Learn more about your health online when you read the rest of our information here about: Chronic Pain Management and also download the free health report available there!

Warren Tattersall has been a full time nutritional consultant for over a decade and works with people all over the world to help them improve their health, increase their personal energy levels and to use supplements to assist with diet related health issues.

Just send him a note on the form here - Contact Us - to request a personal no obligation one-on-one consultation with Warren

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