While there are several options to consider when it comes to stopping snoring, for some there are no other alternatives to surgery. Everyone reacts differently to treatment for snoring. Some can place an extra pillow under their head and be perfectly fine. For others, stop snoring surgery is the only answer.
If you have tried countless treatments and have had little to no results whatsoever, you may want to talk to a doctor to see if surgery is the right way to go. After talking with a doctor you will learn there are a number of different surgeries you can have to fix your snoring problem.
The most common procedure used to be uvulopalatoharyngoplasty (UPPP). What this does is remove excess tissues in the throat thus widening the airway to help decrease your snoring. What you will find is that recovery takes around three weeks and swallowing is extremely difficult during recovery. While it has positive results at first, the long term is shaky.
A stop snoring surgery advancement to UPPP is called uvulopalatoplasty and is laser-assisted. Using a laser, the soft palate is shortened and the uvula is cut away. If you find yourself snoring extremely loud and have countless restless nights, this is recommended for you.
Many times snorers have blockage in their nasal airway which is why nasal surgery is so common. This helps to remove obstructions in the nose or will correct a deviated septum that may be causing snoring. It is effective if there is significant blocking of the nose.
The next stop snoring surgery to consider is genioglossus and hyoid advancement. This helps to prevent collapse of the lower throat simply by pulling your tongue muscles forward. This is commonly used to treat obstructive sleep apnea.
This tongue suspension procedure will help to keep the tongue from falling back while you are sleeping. If the tongue does fall backward, what this does is block the airway making it increasingly difficult to breath. To correct the problem, a small screw is inserted into the lower jawbone and stitches are placed below the tongue.
One of the newest procedures that is applied to patients today uses radiofrequency energy and is called coblation channeling. This works to shrink and remove excess tissue and has had a fairly high success rate thus far.
Surgery should always be the last option regardless of what health problem you are facing. However, if you have tried several snoring treatments with little result, talk to a doctor and find the right stop snoring surgery option for you.
People from all walks of life are able to get real answers to their pressing questions about snoring and sleep apnea in the “Stop Snoring Solutions & Sleep Apnea Guide”.
Grab your copy today if you want the safest and simplest product to stop snoring you can get your hands on in the next 3 minutes.
Learn more about your health online when you read the rest of our information here about: What is Snoring?
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