We all want this quit, to be the QUIT…the final and MOST successful attempt to stop smoking. But as you may have realized, quitting smoking is not a smooth and bump-free process.
You will encounter obstacles – both real and imagined. And each of these obstacles, when not dealt with effectively, can lead to a relapse.
You don’t want to ruin your fine start, which took a lot of courage, do you? Here are 5 warnings that every would-be quitter should ALWAYS keep in mind.
Warning #1: Don’t Be Impatient
When someone decides to stop smoking, the tendency is to expect that it will all be over within a month or so. And that would be REALLY nice. However, it doesn’t work that way.
Here’s what you need to keep in mind: smoking cessation is a step-by-step process. It’s not an event.
Quitting smoking means letting go of an addicting habit that we have carried for decades.
Breaking down all of the associations we have tied to smoking (stress reliever, party must-have, etc.) will take some time. Replacing them with new and healthier habits takes longer.
Don’t be impatient. Take one step at a time. Who knows? You just might enjoy your way to a smoke and cigarette-free life.
Warning #2: Stop Worrying About The Future
Nicotine withdrawal – it will play mind games with you early on. Expect it. You will think about smoking ALL the time. You will worry about how much you will always miss cigarettes.
You will keep thinking about how a party or a social event can’t be fun without your favorite brand of cigarettes. Some have called it “junkie thinking”, and it can be paralyzing to the new quitter.
If you find yourself panicking about your smoke free future, pull out of it and focus your attention on the day you have right before you. You won’t have any control over the past nor the future.
BUT you can control how you act and feel TODAY. Stay in control of today... and you will be strong enough to get through it without smoking.
Warning #3: Don’t Be A Pessimist
An average person has about 66,000 thoughts on any given day. Here’s the thing: about 66% of them are negative!
And if you add those negative thoughts to the nicotine withdrawal symptoms you are experiencing, it can get REALLY overwhelming!
Start paying attention to your thoughts and shun those that don’t serve your best interests. Give yourself a break and stop mulling over the things you can’t change such as all of the years you spent smoking.
As for your previous and unsuccessful smoking attempts, look at them as experiences to learn from not failures.
Warning #4: Don’t Neglect Your Physical Fitness
You are physically vulnerable during your early smoking cessation. It’s a time when you should be paying MORE attention to your physical needs. Eat a balanced diet, go out and exercise, drink a lot of water – I’m sure you know the drill.
By taking good care of your body, you will minimize the discomfort caused by nicotine withdrawal. It won’t be a pain-free experience, that’s for sure.
BUT you can be certain that it’s just a temporary phase... one that leads to a better life in the long-run once you pass through it.
Warning #5: Steer Clear From Alcohol
Alcohol and tobacco go together. And as a new quitter, you are tender. Putting yourself in a situation where you will be tempted to drink alcohol can be dangerous and lead to a relapse.
Yes, the time will come when you can drink without feeling that strong urge to smoke, BUT it won’t happen within the first few months.
If you are uncomfortable about going to a social event and drinking alcohol without smoking, take it as a warning sign. Perhaps you need to skip it.
Then for the future work out a plan ahead of time as to how to keep that social event smoke-free for you.
Learn more about your health online when you read the rest of our information here about: How to stop smoking
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