A health article about Sound Vibration Healing from Your Health Online the A to Z directory of dealing with Health Problems & nutritional Self Care Strategies
You may have seen one of the many sound vibration healing centers that have been popping up all over the place over the last several years.
However, the use of sound for the purpose of healing and soothing has been going on for thousands of years.
In fact, the first musical instruments have been dated as far back as 43,000 years ago.
There’s evidence of sound being used for therapeutic purposes in Egyptian temples.
Hippocrates was playing music for psychiatric patients as early as 400 B.C.
Plato stated that music could influence the emotions and character of a person. Aristotle believed that music could purify the emotions.
The use of sound is now believed to be able to do much more than just benefit the emotional state of a person.
There are real physical and psychological benefits to be gained from this form of healing therapy.
You’re probably more familiar with Music Therapy than you are with Sound Vibration Healing. Are they the same thing?
They are related, but there are differences:
Music therapy has a formalized
program of study. You can study music therapy in many universities and receive
a degree in music therapy. Music therapists are licensed to practice music
therapy professionally.
Sound healing is unregulated.
Music therapy uses the structure,
melody, and rhythm of music to address a specific health issue. You can think
of certain melodies that just make you feel good. That would be an example of
music therapy.
Sound healing uses specific sounds and their vibrations to enhance
well-being. Sound healing advocates believe that every
part of the body is in a constant state of vibration, and those vibrations can
be used to create a positive change.
Music therapy and sound healing are closely related, but they are not precisely the same thing.
Music therapy is well-established in the Western world, while sound healing is in an earlier stage of development in this part of the world.
Even though this specific type of therapy is fairly new to the Western world, you’ll get to explore many facts, processes, and action steps in this Guide to enable you to take advantage of sound healing.
Plus: Generating vibrations with
your voice, including chanting, toning, and humming.
As you’ll see, you can receive many physical and emotional benefits from sound healing by learning these easy processes yourself!
There are many benefits from the use of sound therapy. There has been a lot of recent research in this area, and many of the touted benefits are substantiated with science.
There are also many claims that have not been proven but may be accurate. One thing is for sure, there’s no harm in trying it out for yourself!
Sound healing is used as a treatment for many conditions:
Post-traumatic stress disorder.
PTSD is a syndrome that frequently affects veterans and others that faced traumatic situations, including abuse victims, law enforcement personnel, and firefighters.
Sound has been found to be an effective treatment in greatly reducing
the symptoms of PTSD. Users listen to specific
frequencies while recalling the traumatic event.
Researchers believe this works by disrupting the brain’s link between the traumatic memory and the stress response.
Depression is one of the most serious and common mental disorders. Several studies have shown that listening to music, playing music, and singing can have an impressive effect on depression-related symptoms.
Users of sound therapy report feeling less anxious and worried about the future. This is one of the most common reasons for people to give sound healing a chance.
Tibetan singing bowls are commonly used to produce sounds that minimize feelings of anxiety.
If you’ve never heard the sound of a Tibetan singing bowl, be sure to look it up online. It’s a very unique sound!
Soothing sounds, such as the Tibetan singing bowl, have been found to be very soothing to those with autism.
The mental stimulation provided by sound therapy can help to boost mental performance and memory in everyone, including those with dementia. The effects are greater when the symptoms of dementia are less severe.
Ultrasound is used to treat some forms of cancer, but that’s probably not the type of sound therapy you were thinking of.
Sound therapy has been found to help patients deal with physical and emotional symptoms of cancer treatment.
Immune system.
Sound treatment affects the immune system in powerful ways. It reduces cortisol and boosts immunoglobulin levels. Immunoglobulins are antibody molecules.
At least one study conducted at a medical school has demonstrated that regular use of sound therapy can reduce blood pressure significantly.
Pain reduction.
Those suffering from chronic pain report a decrease in the level of pain both during and after a sound healing session.
“The world is never quiet, even its silence eternally resounds with the same notes, in vibrations which escape our ears. As for those that we perceive, they carry sounds to us, occasionally a chord, never a melody.”- Albert Camus
There are explanations for how sound healing works that are based upon scientific principles and those that are based upon ancient concepts from Eastern religions and medicine.
Both are interesting. Which theory is more accurate isn’t really relevant.
What matters is whether you receive benefits from practicing sound healing.
One of the ways sound healing is believed to work is through the unblocking of chakras in the body.
In many cultures, it is believed that there are energy centers in the body called chakras.
When these areas are blocked or dysfunctional, energy can no longer flow properly.
Pain, disease, and
various ailments can arise.
The traditional chakras include:
● Root Chakra
● Sacral
● Solar Plexus
● Heart
● Throat
● Third-Eye
● Crown Chakra
The chakras start at the base of the spine and move up to the head.
Chakras are mentioned in Hindu tantra, Buddhist tantra, Qigong, and Silat.
“Music has healing power. It has the ability to take people out of themselves for a few hours.”- Elton John
There are nearly an endless number of ways to experience sound healing.
The use of recorded sounds is generally believed to be just as effective as the use of instruments.
You could be driving your car during a sound healing session or lying on a mat.
It’s really up to you to experiment and see what works for you and fits into your lifestyle.
Anything that creates a sound could be used for sound healing, but there are several commonly used devices and techniques.
Let’s take a look at them.
There are several commonly used methods for producing sound-healing sounds:
Tibetan singing bowls.
We’ve already mentioned these, but they’re worth mentioning again. These metal bowls were believed to be first used around 500 B.C.
A mallet is used to strike the bowl and create a bell-like sound. The side of the mallet is also used to rub against the outside edge of the rim of the bowl.
Fortunately, you don’t have to
travel to Tibet to acquire your own singing bowl. There are many excellent
options available online for purchase.
There are bowls of different sizes and constructions to create
different frequencies.
You probably don’t have a harp, but you could. The harp has a soothing tone that many people find pleasant and relaxing.
A quality harp is about as expensive as a
decent piano, but if your budget allows, go for it! A more feasible option
for most of us is to make use of harp recordings.
A good drumbeat is hypnotic. Notice how challenging it is to walk by a drum and not reach out and bang on it. It’s primal.
Fortunately, there are many affordable drum options and hitting a drum is fun. You can really feel the vibration of a drum traveling up your arm and through your body.
Tuning forks.
A tuning fork can produce a sound and
also be used to apply vibration directly to a specific area of the body.
A well-played
guitar is a beautiful thing to experience. There are benefits to both
electric and acoustic guitars.
The piano is a common instrument, and everyone knows the sound of a piano. There is some argument in the sound therapy community whether a digital piano is just as effective as an acoustic piano.
However, a digital keyboard is always in
tune, is easy to move around, and can be much less expensive.
Like the harp or
singing bowls, the flute has a soothing quality.
You don’t have to learn how to play the flute or the guitar to receive health benefits. Recordings of any instrument can be just as effective as the real thing.
Even better, there are numerous free options available online for your listening pleasure.
Of course, there are also options to purchase recordings specifically designed for sound healing purposes. It makes sense to try the free options first.
Good speakers or headphones can be helpful! If you’re going to spend some money, this would be a good place to spend it.
Electronically generated tones.
An instrument isn’t 100% necessary. Many sound healing practitioners believe strongly in the use of single frequencies, rather than music.
A simple sound generator app or program can produce any tone you care to create.
Recordings are also available of the most commonly used frequencies.
Instruments, tuning forks, recordings and electronically generated tones are all viable options for creating sounds that can heal.
You might be wondering about the human voice as an option.
We’re going to discuss that next.
You don’t have to have an instrument or a recording to make noise. You can make use of your own voice!
Your voice is capable of making a wide variety of sounds. More importantly, you can generate vibrations with your voice that can be felt in your body.
This is considered by many to be the most effective form of sound healing.
See how you can use your voice to create healing:
Most people are familiar with the idea of chanting. The crowd often participates in chanting at a high school sporting event. And most of us are limited to such experiences with chanting.
Consider these facts:
Chanting provides the benefit of sound, but there’s also the benefit of the words being spoken.
Any mantra can be used as a chant. You can create your own mantra or find one online that feels right to you.
Chanting is believed to be more effective when done with others.
Toning doesn’t use actual words, which can be helpful if you’re simultaneously playing an instrument. It’s not always easy to chant and play a drum at the same time.
Toning maximizes the vibrations felt in the body.
Here are a few examples and the parts of the body that are believed to
be most affected by that particular sound:
● Eemm - eyes
● Kaa Gaa Gha - throat
● Wooo - kidneys
● Haa - diaphragm
● Eeeee - crown chakra
● Aaaayyyy - brow chakra
● Iiiiiii - throat chakra
● Ahhhh - heart chakra
● Ohhhhh - solar plexus chakra
● Ooooo - sacral chakra
Uhhhhh - root chakra
Note that the basic vowel sounds
are more general in their application.
Maybe you already hum to yourself. Have you ever wondered why you do it? It’s because it feels good!
Try varying the volume and pitch and notice the effect it has. Rather than humming a song, try humming one long tone.
Singing and humming to yourself could be enhancing your health. The human voice can speak words that heal or harm. Choose healing!
The sound of your voice has healing powers, too.
While there are sound healing centers and experts you can utilize, there’s no reason you can’t do it by yourself at home.
All you need are your body and the right sounds. Both are easy to come by.
Toning is a great way to use sound healing in your daily life. There’s nothing to buy and nowhere you need to go.
Toning is easy to do, and many people feel it is one of the most effective ways to perform sound healing.
Use these steps to perform toning from the comfort of your home:
Focus on the part of the body that you want to target. Try to feel the vibration spread to that part of your body.
Play around with your mouth position and find the most resonate way to make your tone. You’ll feel the vibration in your body increase when you hit the sweet spot.
Vary the pitch of your tone and experience the effect on the vibration.
Repeat each tone five to ten times.
Some believe that you should start at the bottom of your body and work your way up. Others believe it doesn’t make any difference.
Toning might seem a little odd. But it’s easy to do and can be accomplished on any budget!
“There is geometry in the humming of the strings, there is music in the spacing of the spheres.”- Pythagoras
You can hum anytime you like, but it works better when you’re focused on what you’re doing. Doing other things while you hum can reduce the effectiveness of your humming.
Just as with toning, set aside time just for humming.
Follow a similar approach as you would for toning:
Ear plugs are another option.
Remember to focus on the body part
that you wish to address.
If your reason for humming is more
general, such as anxiety, focus on the part of the body where you feel the
anxiety symptoms.
Humming is one of the easiest ways to apply sound healing to your life.
Humming is a skill you already possess, and it’s fun too. A few minutes of humming is easy to incorporate into your life.
Proponents believe that the brain slows down when it hears a repetitive drum sound.
You’ve probably felt the hypnotic trance-like feeling that a drum can create in your consciousness.
Fortunately, drums can be found quite inexpensively online and locally in many locations.
Check out a few drum-therapy videos on YouTube and determine which drumming sounds you like the best. Do some research and track down the type of drum you enjoy.
Consider these suggestions to
enhance your drumming experience:
Drumming can be done comfortably for a longer
period of time than most other types of Sound Vibration Healing. It can take a long time
to get sick of the sound of a drum.
Tuning Forks
Tuning forks are considered to be one of the most effective ways to demonstrate the relationship between vibration and sound.
There’s no doubt that a tuning fork makes a distinct sound.
If you’ve ever looked closely at one or touched one while it was making a sound, there’s no doubt it vibrates, too.
Tuning forks are unique in that they generate pure tones without any harmonics.
Tuning forks were originally produced to create pure tones for musicians to use as a reference for tuning their instruments.
A tuning fork can be an interesting way to perform sound healing!
Use these ideas to see how a
tuning fork might benefit you with sound healing:
Tuning forks come in different frequencies. Tuning forks are quite inexpensive, so the average person can afford to own several.
There are sets of tuning forks designed to be used
for sound therapy purposes. A typical set commonly includes eight tuning
● Root Chakra - Note of C - 256 Hz
● Sacral - D - 288 Hz
● Solar Plexus - E - 320 Hz
● Heart - F - 341.3
● Throat - G - 384 Hz
● 3rd Eye - A - 426.7 Hz
● Crown - B - 480 Hz
● Higher Octave of Root Chakra - C - 512 Hz
Try holding the fork against the
part of your body that you want to target.
Try holding it against a bone. How
does it feel?
A complete set of tuning forks can be found for under $50. You’ll be the only person you know with a set of tuning forks!
Tuning forks have the potential to be one of the most beneficial ways of using sound healing because the vibratory nature of a tuning fork is so obvious.
Recordings can be a highly effective method of administering Sound Vibration Healing, too. With a pair of earbuds or headphones, you can benefit from sound healing even if you can’t be alone.
Imagine stretching out on the floor and just listening to the peaceful, healing sounds. It’s relaxing just to think about it.
Follow these steps to use recorded sounds as a source of healing:
● If you’re suffering from physical pain, you can certainly locate that.
There are thousands of recordings on YouTube and other websites.
Search until you find something that appeals to you. You might have to experiment until you find the right recording for your purposes.
This is a great way to check out how your body and emotions respond to different instruments and tones.
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Sound can be used to alleviate certain physical and emotional ailments.
Many of the benefits of sound healing are supported by scientific research. There are bound to be even more benefits yet to be discovered.
There are many ways to generate the sounds needed for sound healing.
These include:
● The voice
● Various instruments
● Tuning forks
● Electronically generated tones
● Recordings of any of the above
Many believe the vibrations of certain sounds affect the vibrations of different parts of the body in positive ways.
The reason why sound healing works isn’t as important as the fact that it does work.
Those that wish to participate in sound healing in a group setting can seek out similar-minded people.
There are businesses, informal groups, and sound healing experts available for group work. Sound healing can be a great bonding experience.
Give sound healing a chance. You might find the relief you’ve been searching for!
Below here are examples of Health Success Results other people have had with using Sound therapy as a self care strategy.
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