It’s a cocktail, BUT one that you won’t enjoy consuming in a party.
With over 4000 chemical compounds – 200 of which are known to be poisonous and over 60 of which have been identified as carcinogens (cancer triggers), secondhand smoke can seriously put your health and, ultimately, your life at risk!
When a cigarette is smoked, ‘round about half of the smoke is inhaled and exhaled by the smoker. This is called mainstream smoke. As for the other half, it floats around the air and is known as sidestream smoke. When these two come together, they make up what we call Environmental Tobacco Smoke (or ETS for short).
ETS is secondhand smoke, and as continuous studies and research reveals, ETS plays a very serious role in health problems than you might think. Let’s take a look:
Circulation Study, 2005
Back in May 23, 2005, the publication – Circulation – released a study that looks deep into the effects of passive smoking (secondhand smoke) to the cardiovascular systems of non-smokers.
Through deep analysis of 29 different studies that measured the risk of heart disease in individuals who never smoked tobacco but exposed to secondhand smoke, the conclusions reached are very alarming!
Smokers only inhale half of the smoke from their cigarettes. Exposed nonsmokers ‘take in’ only a percent. BUT the risks of suffering from coronary problems are not too far apart.
Secondhand smokers run the risk of contracting coronary heart disease, and it’s about 30% higher than nonsmokers who are not exposed to ETS. Smokers, on the other hand, expose themselves to higher risks of contracting coronary heart disease, about 80% than non-smokers.
As if that’s not enough, the investigators found that the effects of secondhand smoke on the cardiovascular system can lead to cardiac diseases and severe problems in the circulatory system. Here’s to name a few:
• Stickier platelets leading to inflammation
• Reduced High Density Lypoproteins (HDL or good cholesterol) levels
• Increased insulin resistance
• Narrowing of the carotid arteries that carries blood to the brain
• Hardening of the arteries, leading to a condition which is known as Artherosclerosis
• Doubles the risk of heart attack
And more! Matter of fact, many of these health risks can be measured within just a few minutes of exposure to secondhand smoke. Now, imagine how serious these problems could get when you get a daily dose of ETS!
Secondhand Smoke And The Dreaded Cancer
Aside from the study mentioned above, the US Environment Protection Agency (or EPA) has classified secondhand smoke as Group A carcinogen.
When a cancer-causing substance is classified as Group A carcinogen, it means that they don’t start with a BANG. But they stay there, inside your system... slowly chipping away your healthy cells until the cancer becomes too much to handle for your body.
Yes, secondhand smoke is a silent, invisible, and efficient killer!
The cancers that are linked to passive smoking include lung cancer (and 3000 over nonsmokers die from it every year!), nasal sinus cavity cancer, cervical and bladder cancer.
In Conclusion...
Secondhand smoke is a serious health risk. Nobody wants to and should be forced to inhale a cocktail of invisible and silent-killing poison and cancer-triggers.
We don’t need more studies to reveal how deadly ETS or secondhand smoke is. What we need is to take action. And it all starts from you. Make your home a smoke-free place... one that is safe for you and your loved ones.
Learn more about your health online when you read the rest of our information here about: How to stop smoking
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