It has worked for many. If it works for you, please pass on the good news.
Chiu Nan is not charging for it. So we should make it free for everyone. Your rewards is when someone, through you, benefits from the regimen. Gallstones may not be everyone's concerns, but they should be because we all have them. Moreover, gallstones may lead to cancer. 'Cancer is never the first illness', Chiu-Nan points out.
'Usually, there are a lot of other problems leading to cancer. In my research in China, I came across some material which says that people with cancer usually have stones. We all have gallstones. It's a matter of how big or how small, many few'.
One of the symptoms of gallstones is feeling bloated after a heavy meal. You feel like you can't digest the food. If it gets more serious, you feel pain in the liver area. So if yo think you have gallstones, Chiu-Nan offers the following method to remove them naturally.
The treatment is also good for those with a weak liver, because the liver and the gallbladder are closely linked.
1. For the first five days, take four glasses of apple juice every day; or eat four /five apples, whichever you prefer. Apple juice softens the gallstones. During these five days, eat normally.
2. On the sixth day, take no dinner.
3. At 6pm of the sixth day, take a teaspoon of Epsom salt (magnesium sulphate) with a glass of warm water.
4. At 8pm repeat the same. Magnesium sulphate opens the gallbladder ducts.
5. At 10pm take half cup of olive oil with half cup fresh lemon juice. Mix it well and drink it. The oil lubricates the stones to ease their passage.
The next morning, you will find green stones in your stool.
'Usually they float, Chiu-Nan notes, 'you might want to count them. I have had people who pass 40, 50 and up to 100 stones. Very many'.
Even if you dont have any symptoms of gallstones, you still might have some. It's always good to give your gallbladder a clean up now and then.
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