When you have bumps on your skin, you might think that they are acne. But there are actually a couple of different skin conditions that look like pimples, but aren’t. The two most common are milia and syringoma.
Milia are actually small cysts that are formed in hair follicles or in sweat glands. They look like small, white or flesh-colored bumps. They’re most often found in the eye area, nose, forehad, and cheeks.
But they can also be found on other parts of the body especially if they happen after a burn or skin injury. While these may be embarrassing, they’re not dangerous for your body. They’re just a cosmetic frustration.
Infants also get these and when they do it’s usually something that goes away on its own. In adults they can sometimes go away on their own, but they may also require some form of treatment. These are difficult to remove and you shouldn’t try to lance them or pop them at home.
A dermatologist may lance the cyst to unclog your pores and get rid of the milia. You may also be prescribed a retinoid cream. These creams are specifically designed to help unclog pores and help clear up your skin. You may also get microdermabrasion or a peel from your dermatologist to remove them.
Overall, they’re not as big of a burden as larger, cystic acne that can be very painful and inflamed.
Syringoma can also look like acne, but in reality it’s a harmless tumor that can be found in your sweat ducts. They can be found in the eye area, but are also found on the body in the armpits, belly, or genitals.
These generally are flesh-colored or yellow in color and tend to be quite small. The cause of these isn’t completely understood, but it’s believed to be hereditary in some cases. It’s also related to some conditions such as Down syndrome and Marfan’s syndrome. But anyone can get them.
These tumors are often removed surgically. They can also sometimes be removed by freezing or dermabrasion. There isn’t any other kind of topical treatment you can use to remove them on your own. If you suspect that you have them, you’ll need to visit with a dermatologist to determine a plan for removal.
Syringoma can be prevented, however. Working to keep your pores as clear as possible is helpful. Cleansing and exfoliating your skin can help to prevent them. You can also make sure that you protect your skin from the sun as it can make the condition worse.
Learn more about your health online when you read the rest of our information here about: Acne Vulgaris
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