Dentist. The very word evokes memories of noisy drills and aching jaw muscles - and pain.
It's hard enough to force yourself to go for just routine maintenance, but for cosmetic dentistry?
Even people who want to improve the look of their teeth and enhance their smiles hesitate when faced with the prospect of applying veneers.
Traditional veneers usually involve the drilling or grinding of sensitive tooth structure, often requiring an anesthetic and painkillers after the procedure. Because the tooth structure is destroyed, veneers are irreversible.
A newer alternative called Lumineers by Cerinate provides a painless way to straighten teeth instantly and whiten teeth permanently.
Made from patented Cerinate porcelain from the Den-Mat Corp., Lumineers are thin, yet strong, and can be used over crowns and bridges.
The procedure is non-invasive and requires no anesthetic or numbing shots.
Another advantage of Lumineers is that your original teeth remain intact.
Dentists seem to be lauding the procedure. Crystal Condit, a dentist in Raleigh, N.C., extols Lumineers.
"I was amazed at how my first procedure went," she said. "Thirty minutes of 'prep' time and a one-hour delivery with no anesthesia. The patient loved it."
Dental Products Report, a trade publication, recently awarded Lumineers a spot on its list of "Top 10 Products."
"There is no reason to suffer for beauty anymore," said Dr. David Nussblatt, a dentist in New York City. "Lumineers provides an amazingly natural, star-power smile easily and comfortably."
You can learn more here about best practices for dental care for healthy teeth
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