With the problems associated with silicone, saline implants have come to the forefront. Still, you should be aware of negatives associated with saline implants.
Negatives of Saline Implants
Saline implants were problematic almost from the get go. In the 1960s, saline was investigated as an alternative to silicone because plastic surgeons were already noting the leakage issues at the heart of the silicone implant debate. The first saline implants were developed to overcome this, but punctured and deflated frequently. With the growing popularity of silicone, saline more or less disappeared as an option in the early 1970s.
With technological improvements, saline started to come back on the scene in 1990s after the FDA banned most silicone implants. Saline offered a solution in which leakage was less of an issue since saline solution was not harmful to the body when compared to silicone. Indeed, a form of saline solution is often given to patients suffering from dehydration. With improved technology, saline implants have become the dominant implants. That being said, there are still issues associated with them.
Notwithstanding the health issues, surgeons have always preferred silicone to saline from purely a result orientation. The solution in the implants is not as consistent as silicone, which can lead to wrinkling, drooping and general molding problems. In women with larger bosoms, the saline implants often do not provide much in the way of enlargement as they tend to flatten out. These issues are known to saline implant manufacturers, and new designs are being undertaken to address these issues. Check with your surgeon to find out the latest improvements.
On the health front, saline is undoubtedly safer than silicone. That being said, there are risks associated with pursuing implant surgery. Besides the inherent risk of surgery itself, both saline and silicone implants can have problems with bacterial and fungal infection. Again, your physician can best advise you on the potential risks associated with these issues.
The negatives associated with saline implants are restricted primarily to whether they provide the aesthetic appearance patients are looking for. Compared to the health problems associated with silicone, this is a relatively minor negative.
Learn more in our section here about the range of therapies and treatments available for breast enhancements
Warren Tattersall has been a full time nutritional consultant for over a decade and works with people all over the work to help them improve their health issues, including skin care, with inner and outer nutrition programs
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