Acid reflux is a condition where the esophagus swells up due to regurgitation of stomach contents. Otherwise known as reflux esophagitis and Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), the problem arises when stomach acid goes back up into the esophagus. The condition is also often acknowledged as a symptom of heartburn.
To ease acid reflux, most people take antacids, medications that are generally based on acid suppression. However, drugs are seldom the key to fighting reflux esophagitis.
They do not exactly solve the problem. In reality, drugs may even worsen acid reflux. These antacids contain proton pump inhibitors that are considered to be the unhealthiest drugs that could possibly be taken by people.
When taken in, these drugs lessen the quantity of hydrochloric acid in the stomach and decrease the stomach's capability to accurately digest food. The decreased amount of acid in the stomach likewise weakens the defense mechanism the body has.
This doubles the chances of developing other recurring degenerative illnesses. A couple of studies signified that the reduction of hydrochloric acid in the stomach was deemed to be unsafe.
Of late, doctors have said that certain drugs intended to cure heartburn prohibits acid reflux but simultaneously boosts non-acid reflux. As a result, patients still experience distressing symptoms. In a recent study, researchers treated people experiencing considerable heartburn with proton pump inhibitors or placebos for a week.
The group's baseline occurrence of reflux events was elevated through a meal that stimulated the production of acid. The group also went through monitoring and polysomnography.
It was found that the group that took proton pump inhibitors had significantly lessened their episodes of total reflux incidences and acid-reflux occurrences. However, they had an increased number of non-acidic incidents like stomach bile regurgitation.
The researchers saw this as a reason behind the symptoms that people on proton pump inhibitors continually suffer from.
People with acid reflux would do well to resort to natural procedures in healing their condition. After a detoxification diet, stomach function can become regular again after a daily dose of a gallon of filtered water together with high amounts of probiotics. Similarly, some people notice liberation from acid reflux through Artemisia asiatica, a wormwood herb.
Aloevera has long been a healing product that helps to sooth and heal anywhere it touches. A high quality aloe juice will often assist with digestive problems.
Garlic, which contains ingredients that enhances bowel flora and destroys harmful organisms that cannot be eradicated by hydrochloric acid, is also effective in easing the condition. If not taken in as a juice, garlic must be chewed or crushed before it is swallowed. Ingesting garlic in one piece will not change the garlic component called allicin to its active element.
Likewise, following simple procedures that do not necessarily entail drug intake can prevent acid reflux. Eating small but regular meals can help the stomach exert less effort, thereby not necessitating as much acid secretion to aid in digestion.
Taking in food rich in complex carbohydrates like rice, pasta and breads controls excess stomach acid. They are also easy on the stomach. High fat meals must be avoided because they linger in the stomach longer and cause the stomach to produce more acid to digest them.
Overeating also accelerates acid production in the stomach. After eating, it is helpful to stay in an erect position for 45 minutes. And when lying down, the head must be elevated six to eight inches. BACK TO “Your Health Online”
the A to Z directory of dealing with Health Problems & Self Care Strategies for natural remedies to your health issues.
Even when we try to eat well, we're disadvantaged. The nutritional content of most food has been compromised over the years, not only by deficient soils and modern production, transportation, storage and processing methods, but also by the enormous amounts of chemical and artificial substances added to promote growth, storage life, taste and appearance.
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Further reading through our articles on health issues will give you a body of information that will help you decide what options you have to deal with the underlying causes of your problem through giving your body the nutrition products that will assist you body to heal from the inside out.
You can visit our health food products page here: Herbalife Health Nutrition Supplements and learn more about our core nutrition program, the Cellular Nutrition Advanced Program and also check out these targeted products, Florafiber to replace your healthy flora and Aloe Vera Juice to help cleanse your system.
We wish you well in your search for solutions to this problem and your movement towards better health in all areas.
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