When it comes to cancer of breast tissue, there are some signs and symptoms you can look for. Remember that the earlier you detect breast cancer, the more likely you are to be cured by treatment.
Letting it go for a long time increases your risk of it spreading and even causing death. The best way to make sure you get early treatment is to know your body well and pay attention to changes that could signal a problem.
The main thing you need to look for and pay attention to is change in your breast tissue. When you perform a monthly breast self exam, you’ll get to know your body really well and what’s normal for you.
When you find things have changed, it’s time to let your healthcare provider take a look. There are several things that could signal a problem, though finding these things doesn’t mean you necessarily have cancer of breast tissue.
One common sign of breast cancer is discharge from the nipple. During your monthly self-exams, you should gently squeeze each nipple and check for discharge. If you notice discharge and you’re not pregnant or breast feeding, this could signal a problem.
If you notice a lump in your breast, you should also have it checked out. Some women describe feeling a thickening in a specific area of the breast. This is also a sign that something could be wrong.
Your breast tissue also goes into your underarm area. Make sure that you also examine that part of the breast. If you notice a lump or thickening in the underarm area, it might be an indication of cancer of breast tissue.
Another indication of breast cancer is a change in how the breast or nipple looks and feels. Any changes should be taken seriously. These changes include those in size and shape of the breast. You may also notice that the nipple or areola have changed color or have become scaly.
Another thing to look for is a change in texture of the skin. In some cases cancer can cause the skin to look dimpled like the skin of an orange. This could be an indication that something is wrong with the breast tissue.
There are many causes for lumps and changes in the breast that are not related to cancer. However, early screening for cancer of breast tissue can help you to get treatment and a cure if you do test positive for cancer.
Learn more about your health online when you read the rest of our information here about: Breast Cancer and breast health issues
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We wish you well in your search for solutions to this problem and your movement towards better health in all areas.
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