Is Keto Unhealthy for Your Heart?
The keto diet is one of the most popular diets around - and for good reason. Not only can it help you lose weight, but it’s also good for your heart. One of the many reasons that it’s good for your heart is because the diet cuts out foods that are bad for cardiovascular health while encouraging dieters to eat foods that are good for you.
One only has to look at the record number of diabetes cases as well as the vast amount of heart related health incidents to understand that the way people are eating is the root cause of some of these problems.
The low fat, high carb diets that have been touted as helpful simply aren’t good for your heart. High carb diets are the number one cause of long term health problems, as well as being a big cause of weight gain.
They’re simply not good for you the way the keto diet is. It’s one of the best diets you could possibly go on to gain both immediate and long term benefits for your heart. When you begin to follow the keto diet, the first thing that occurs is your insulin level drops.
This is beneficial to your heart because higher levels of insulin help the body store more fat. When you eat more than you should or weigh more than you should, your body has to produce greater amounts of insulin.
As a result of this, your body can become insulin resistant. Since insulin is what tempers the metabolism of certain cells within your body, it impacts your heart health. This happens because the higher the glucose load your body deals with, the more damage it can cause to the heart and the more it encourages plaque within your arteries.
The keto diet’s eating plan keeps insulin levels within a range that promotes heart health rather than diminishing it. Another hearth healthy point in favor of the keto diet is that when you eat this way, it lowers your cholesterol.
Some people might balk at that fact since fat is used as part of the keto diet. However, since healthy fats are used, the diet boosts your good cholesterol, which in turns lowers your risk of developing heart disease.
Studies done on the keto diet show that several metabolic risk factors for developing heart disease are lowered through the keto diet. These risk factors include not having a high enough level of good cholesterol, high or borderline blood pressure, abdominal fat, and high glucose levels.
The keto diet is healthy because it can keep your blood sugar level stabilized. You won’t crave the high sugar foods, which tend to send your glucose levels soaring, and then dropping, which can lead to overeating and retaining fat stores.
One Big Myth About the Keto Diet
There’s a big myth floating around the keto diet world that makes some people steer clear of the diet. It’s that the ketogenic diet is the same as a high protein diet. It’s not. In fact, protein should only be approximately 25% of your macros for the day.
One of the reasons people think keto is synonymous with high protein is that you can eat lots of protein foods such as eggs, chicken, beef, cheese and other meats for very few carbs.
This means dieters often fill up on these foods, and probably aren’t tracking their macros very well. If they were, they’d realize that the majority of their meals are made up of healthy fats, not proteins.
The macro count for healthy fats is approximately 70% of your nutrition for the day, with the remaining 5% being carbs. Healthy fats are beneficial for your body, while too much protein can be damaging.
One of the benefits and most alluring things about the keto diet is that you don’t have to go low fat. Fat is flavorful, so consumers love to be able to eat marbled meat, like a steak, without having to feel guilty.
When bacon and cheese are encouraged on a diet plan, it makes many dieters’ mouths water, so you often see people starting their keto diet with a heavy amount of meats and cheese.
But that doesn’t eliminate the fact that the real focus of the ketogenic diet is low carb, high fat – so it’s very important that as you wean yourself off carbs and sugar, you begin looking at which fats will keep you satisfied in lieu of larger portions.
Healthy fats are things like avocados, olives or olive oil, nuts and seeds. That doesn’t mean you can’t have other fats, but you really want to make the switch from cream butter and coconut to the ones listed above.
Keep in mind that as you stay on the diet longer, your taste buds will probably change. After going without sodas and using fake sweeteners for weeks, if you were to cheat and have a Coke or Dr. Pepper, it would probably taste way too sweet for you.
This is helpful because it curbs your sugar cravings and instead, you begin craving the healthy fats that benefit your body from head to toe. So enjoy the fact that you can have plenty of proteins, but don’t neglect the real star of this meal plan – the one that keeps you feeling full – fat!
Learn more about your health online when you read the rest of our information here about:
diet plans guide and also download the free health report available there!
Warren Tattersall has been a full time nutritional consultant for over a decade and works with people all over the world to help them improve their health, increase their personal energy levels and to use supplements to assist with diet related health issues.
Just send him a note on the form here -
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Plan Ahead for Success on Your Keto Diet
There’s a saying that goes, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” Nothing could be more fitting for those going on a Keto diet. Of course, it is possible to fly by the seat of your pants and make decisions at each meal, but in the very beginning, that might be hard to do.
Beginner Keto dieters need a little structure, and it helps to know the ins and outs of tracking carbs and macros as well as cooking methods and food choices that will help you lose weight fast.
The first thing you want to do is educate yourself on what you can and can’t have carb-wise and try to eliminate or replace those items in your kitchen. For example, you may not want to give up your coffee, but you’ll need to replace sugar with a sweetener that isn’t loaded with carbs.
You’ll want to plan for snacks on the go that work well with your keto plan, rather than relying on fast food stops or convenience stores that are packed with processed foods. You can have bags of pecans or string cheese to take with you.
Get set up with a carb tracking tool such as MyFitnessPal, where you can track the exact carbs and use a tool like TamperMonkey to track the net carbs in your meals, which is the true number of carbs you’ll be using as your guideline.
You’ll want to prepare for the beginning of your journey – the mental cravings and old habits can be hard to overcome if you’re not ready. You may even need to get sometimes to tide you over from keto flu if you suffer from that.
This is basically just a feeling of bring under the weather when your body is first going into ketosis, and the best fix for it is a simple chicken broth that you sip to get the electrolytes back in your system.
You definitely want to plan for some variety, too. Don’t get stuck eating scrambled eggs seven days a week, for every meal. You’ll burn out. Plan on some creative ways to make meals low in carbs – and learn which foods taste best to you, such as a chocolate mousse fat bomb as a special treat.
Don’t worry that the diet is complex, because it’s not. This is one of the easiest diet plans you’ll find. But you’re just not used to eating plenty of quality fats and protein – you’re probably used to eating low calorie, low fat, so planning is necessary to retrain your brain for your future weight loss success!
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