Many children with Aspergers attend mainstream schools and most western countries have introduced legislation to support the inclusion of children with Special Educational Needs in mainstream settings.
One question to ask is what resources your local school can offer. Prior to the start of the school year, you will need to meet with teachers and school personnel who will be involved in your child’s life.
The purpose of this meeting is to help them learn about your child and special needs your child may have. Remember that you are serving as your child’s advocate.
Your child’s school will prepare an educational plan, called the IEP (Individual Education Plan) or some equivalent. Make sure you understand what that plan entails, and if you don’t, then ask questions until you do.
The rationale included in this plan will be a determining factor to your child’s success in school. Your ability to assist in this process will also be determined by your comprehension of the plan.
Your child’s teacher will need you to inform them of changes that occur in your child’s routine, in your child’s life, or in your child’s demeanor. As the AS child has difficulty in transition, these are critical changes in your child’s life.
Some parents actually prefer a special school setting as they feel the teachers are more specialized and knowledgeable and the resources are better. May have a variety of allied professionals including speech and occupational therapists onsite and also have extra facilities like soft play areas and even fully equipped sensory rooms.
Try to look at all the options and decide which environment your child is likely to be happiest in. He/she will learn best in a place where he/she feels safe and secure.
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