Intermittent Fasting Side Effects To Watch Out For

Intermittent fasting is a popular dietary trend, used to help with everything from increasing energy levels to losing weight. When doing intermittent fasting, you set aside periods of the day for eating and spend other periods not consuming any calories at all.

Research into intermittent fasting has linked the strategy to a range of health benefits.

These advantages include decreased risk factors for heart disease, reduced blood pressure, weight loss, improved insulin sensitivity, and better blood sugar control.

Unfortunately, intermittent fasting can cause a few side effects too. Here’s what you should be aware of if you’re going to give fasting a try.


If you’re not going to eat anything for set periods each day, you should expect a little extra hunger. When you cut down on calories, your stomach is going to wonder what happened.

If you do intermittent fasting correctly, and avoid reducing your calories too much, you should be able to overcome these feelings after a short while.

Studies have shown that hunger and cravings usually only last for the first few days of a fasting regimen.

If you continue to feel hungry after this, consider adjusting your diet.

Light-headedness and Headaches

Another common set of symptoms to occur during the early stages of intermittent fasting, headaches and light-headedness usually won’t last long.

You might experience mild headaches in the frontal region of the brain, caused by a feeling of stress due to lack of food.

If you’re already the kind of person who gets regular headaches, you’re more likely to experience this problem when you begin intermittent fasting, so keep this in mind before you begin.

Light-headedness can also be a problem for people who often have low blood sugar.

Digestive Issues

Digestive problems, like nausea, diarrhea, constipation, and bloating can occur during periods of intermittent fasting.

Reducing your food intake also means your body needs to change the way it processes and digests calories.

Certain problems, like failing to drink enough water during your fasting sessions, can also make some symptoms worse.

This is why it’s so important to make sure you approach intermittent fasting carefully, with a focus on staying healthy.

Mood Problems

Have you ever noticed you’re more irritable when you haven’t eaten for a while? If so, mood problems are likely to be an issue for you with intermittent fasting. When your blood sugar is low, this can naturally influence your mood.

Interestingly, studies have indicated women are more likely to suffer from irritability as a result of intermittent fasting.

However, these women are also more likely to experience a sense of pride and accomplishment after reaching their fasting goals.

Low Energy

We need calories for energy, so if you reduce the amount you consume it’s only natural, you’re going to feel less energetic.

Studies indicate many people practicing various methods of intermittent fasting experience low energy levels and fatigue.

If you’re worried about low blood sugar levels as a result of intermittent fasting, it might be worth speaking to your doctor.

This is particularly important if your blood sugar starts causing sleep disturbances or issues which increase your fatigue over time.

The good news is that, long-term, many researchers believe intermittent fasting can improve your energy levels and reduce fatigue.

Sleep Problems

Sometimes, the way you eat can influence the way you sleep. Certain studies show that sleep disturbances like being unable to fall asleep or remain asleep are some of the symptoms most commonly associated with periods of intermittent fasting

Fatigue is common during the initial days of an intermittent fasting regimen. This is when the body excretes a lot of salt and water through urine, which can increase dehydration levels.

Fatigue often has an impact on your ability to sleep well. If you’re reducing the amount you eat before bed, you may also find that feelings of hunger keep you awake.


Interestingly, during the initial days of a fasting regimen, the body will usually release a lot of salt and water in the urine, as a form of natural diuresis.

This helps to get rid of water weight, and can actually make you feel a lot better in the long-term.

However, if you don’t replace the fluids and electrolytes lost in your urine, you may end up becoming dehydrated. Some people who practice intermittent fasting can also forget to drink as often as they used to, which can make the problem worse.

Ensure you stay properly hydrated with plenty of water throughout the day. Monitor the color of your urine for signs of dehydration.


Finally, one of the riskiest side effects of intermittent fasting is malnutrition. However, this generally only occurs when you’re not following the guidelines for your fasting process correctly.

If you fast for extra-long periods and don’t replenish your body with the right nutrients, your body will suffer.

Make sure you’re still getting the right balance of nutrients when adjusting your eating habits.

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Warren Tattersall has been a full time nutritional consultant for over a decade and works with people all over the world to help them improve their health, increase their personal energy levels and to use supplements to assist with diet related health issues.

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