How do you retire when your super is not going to pay what it promised?
Everyone says that “The Market” will pick up. They say that “You have never lost anything on shares until you actually sell them! Hold and the market will come back and the value will return.”
This is great advice if you are in your 30’s. What do you do though if you are in your 50’s or 60’s? The market may be booming again in 2015, but is that something that you want to bet on for your retirement income? Most of us didn’t realize that our “Oh so secure” superannuation policies were a gamble in the first place!
The idea that we had was that we can work hard and long, pile as much as we can into our super fund, and then, when we retire, it will be “Easy Street”. This has changed. In fact this concept has fallen out of the sky like a flaming comet.
So we come back to the same question, “What can we rely on to support ourselves in retirement if we cannot rely on our superannuation?”
My answer is that the only thing we can rely on - ourselves.
I am not saying that we need to pack supermarket shelves on an hourly rate.
There are many ways to create an income stream that will follow us wherever we.
If you can find a way to earn a thousand dollars a month, outside of what you do now and in an ethical way, trading on the skills and abilities that you already have, then you can set yourself free. Free from the demons that sit in the back of people’s minds telling them that they are going to be old and poor, maybe old and sick and poor, and shivering under blankets because they can’t afford to heat their house properly.
Where do you go to find an opportunity?
You have already started the process by searching out articles like this one. Getting started like that is the hardest part. Now you know you are looking for something then the process can begin.
The key thing you need to be looking for is something that you enjoy, something that you like. If you can find something that is of real interest to you then it is a paid hobby to work with it, not a job.
The second thing is finding a company or an organization to work with that is solid and reliable. We have all learnt from superannuation what happens when we rely on the wrong people.
If you are going to work with sales and marketing then you should be looking for the best product in that market area. You need to know that what you are offering people is of a quality that you can be proud of.
If you are working with a marketing opportunity then try to avoid “Ground Floor Opportunities”. There is an attraction to “the next new thing” that is forecast to “sweep the market”. 95% of these companies will not be in business in 5 years time. The majority of them will not be in business in 12 months.
If you are looking for a way to give stable income to support your retirement then you must be sure that the company is going to be there to pay you for the work you do. Do your homework and check that the company you chose to work with is solid.
If you are doing something for a small company make sure that any understanding you have is in writing. If you have a good relationship that means you do not need things on paper then no-one will have trouble with putting the understanding down on paper. Just do it. If there is no problem then it is easy.
If there is any problem formalizing your understanding on paper, then just get up and walk out of there. If you are looking for replacement for superannuation you cannot afford to take any more chances on not getting paid.
This applies double to anything that you are doing on a personal basis with friends or family. Just make sure that whatever you are setting up is set up of firm business principles.
So in summary, take time going into things and ensure that whatever you do is something you are going to enjoy and will keep your interest over time and make sure that you are going to be paid on your work this time.
Warren Tattersall has been successfully running his MLM home based business full time for over a decade. If you like what he writes then visit his website at or email and request a personal one-on-one consultation with Warren. He will be happy to be in direct personal communication with you.
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