If you have been wondering how to get rid of stretch mark scars then you should keep reading. You will find some valuable advice in this article.
Stretch marks are caused by prolonged stretching of the skin and happen during pregnancy when your breasts and belly grows as the baby grows. They can also occur because of weight gain and they can be anywhere on your body.
Arms, legs, and buttocks. You may not notice them in these places until and unless you lose the weight but they are there.
One good way to lessen their appearance is to rub cocoa butter into your skin several times a day to soften the skin and keep it moisturized. Cocoa butter is a very rich cream that penetrates the skin all the way through so every bit of your skin is getting the help it needs.
Lanolin does the same thing and if you can find a cream that has a combination of both would be an awesome treatment for your skin. Make sure you read your labels when you are looking for the best creams to use.
Another age old product that is very helpful for a lot of people is Aloe Vera. Applying a high quality gel regularly can have good results.
Do not use creams that have a lot of other things in them that you can't even pronounce.
If you have a natural foods store in your neighborhood then go there to find these creams and ask if they anything else on how to get rid of stretch marks.
Internally you can use fatty acid capsules to promote elasticity in your skin. This can be to prevent stretch marks, like when you are having a baby or when you are striving for large and rapid weight loss. It can also be effective to ease existing marks. The Herbalife fatty acid product is particularly effective.
You may also be able to find some vitamin E oil. Vitamin E is wonderful for keeping your skin healthy from the inside out.
Not only could you take the vitamin E capsule every morning, you could also puncture the capsule and rub the vitamin E oil onto your skin just like you would the creams.
Who knows maybe you could even find a bottle of the vitamin E oil all by itself so you would not have to go to the trouble of puncturing the capsules. Vitamin E helps the skin regenerate and be healthier.
Increase your intake of certain vitamins and minerals during meals or ask your doctor about good supplements you can take. You probably took a good prenatal vitamin before and during your pregnancy.
Well, after the baby is born is no time to stop taking vitamin and mineral supplements so talk to your doctor and keep taking them.
As a nurse, I know that if the skin needs to heal, vitamins C and E are important along with a high protein diet.
The mineral zinc, taken with vitamins C and E will set your skin on a path of healing and, with some dedication on your part, you could have very healthy skin and very few stretch marks.
Lastly, do not forget the all important water. Drinking the recommended amount of water everyday will keep you hydrated and healthy. Your skin will glow if you stay hydrated.
These are all ways on how to get rid of stretch marks. Start today and with a little time you can reduce their appearance and look your very best.
Check out our Natural Beauty Acne Treatments and Skin Care for natural beauty and Acne Treatments herbal remedy recipes for home remedy solutions to beautiful and youthful skin.
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