“How do I fight off the urge to smoke in holiday parties and social events?”
If you are asking that question, especially if you have A LOT of events lined up in your calendar, then you’re smart to be concerned.
We all know that alcohol and smoking go together... and it’s not good for someone who’s in the early smoking cessation phase.
Alcohol lowers down your guard... it lowers your inhibitions. While it may be good for having fun and adding crazy twists to stuff that you do, it can make you think that smoking just one cigarette or for just one night can’t harm your quitting program.
And before you know it, you’ve just relapsed back to your addiction... and could end up smoking more than you usually did.
So what should a would-be quitter do to fight off that very strong urge to smoke and still have fun?
Plan ahead! This is the very first step in facing these unhealthy urges with confidence. Look at the events you will attend for this year and come up with a strategy to make them smoke-free.
Preparing fortifies your resolve to remain free from nicotine. Here are some tips and tricks that will help you come out on top:
Tip #1: Just Don’t Drink!
This is the most simple and obvious choice. Steer clear from alcohol TOTALLY.
Why not drink cranberry juice or another alcoholic beverage instead? Trust me, no one else will know aside from the bartender.
Tip #2: Know Your Limits And Don’t Push Yourself Beyond It
Now, there are occasions where you simply can’t avoid drinking alcohol. If you have to, be careful. Set a limit for your alcohol intake prior to the event and, more importantly, stick with it!
You can easily replace every other shot of vodka or tequila with water and lemon. This will help dilute the alcohol you consumed.
It keeps you hydrated; gives you something to sip on while jamming with friends or co-workers; and makes sure you are sober enough not to slip to the “Just One” trap.
Tip #3: Map Out An Escape Route
For sure, other people will be smoking at the event. If it doesn’t bother you, then all is good. BUT if it does, then you better have an action plan in mind.
Maybe you can explain that you quitted smoking just recently and you would really appreciate it if they refrain from smoking nearby.
Failing that, excuse yourself for a couple of minutes. Go to the bathroom or outside where you can catch some fresh air.
The key here is to quickly change your focus whenever you feel yourself being drawn to those nicely packed cigarettes.
Tip #4: Don't Go
If you think you are still vulnerable and won’t be able to maintain your quit-program and attend the parties at the same time, then you should consider skipping it.
Now, to those of you who are frowning at this thought, it’s not really trying to deprive you of your social life. It’s more of reminding you of your priorities. And besides, this is only temporary.
It will take months to completely get over the habit, BUT you will get there. There will be more parties next year, BUT your smoking cessation program needs your focus and attention now.
Learn more about your health online when you read the rest of our information here about: How to stop smoking
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