Many people want to be able to work out in the comfort of their own home and you can successfully build muscle with dumbbells as a part of your home gym. You’ll want to make sure you have the right kind of dumbbells to grow with you as you get stronger.
Your best investment will be a dumbbell set that you can build upon. You’ll want to look for a set that allows you to build light dumbbells and add heavier weights when you’re ready to challenge yourself even more.
This is usually more economical than buying many different dumbbells in different weights. However, you can also build your set a little at a time by doing this. You’ll just need to think about how much space you want to take up in your home gym area with your equipment.
Once you have a high quality dumbbell set, it’s time to think about the types of exercises you can perform with them. You may want to begin with a video series such as P90x that instructs you on how to build strength and endurance. Your dumbbell set will be necessary in order to perform all the exercises.
You can also create your own routine without using a video. For example, you can perform sets of bicep curls, triceps extensions, and lateral raises. You can also add resistance to your lower body routine by holding barbells when performing squats, lunges, and calf raises.
When using free weights, you don’t have a built in mechanism to make sure you’re using proper form like circuit machines at the gym. Instead, you’ll need to focus carefully on making sure you follow proper form.
Proper form means being able to move in smooth, controlled motions. It also means that you fully extend your joint and complete the full range of motion. If you’re having hard time staying in control of the weight, it’s probably too heavy for you right now.
Switch to a lighter weight until you do have command over the weight. As you continue to work out consistently you’ll be able to increase the amount of weight you lift. Eventually you may find that you need to expand your dumbbell set in order to have enough resistance.
If you’re not sure how you should perform specific exercises you can look for online tutorials. You can also schedule an appointment with a trainer to help you get started with designing a proper workout.
But once you have the proper equipment and you know what exercises to perform, you can build muscle with dumbbells at home and avoid the gym completely.
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