Understanding how to build muscle as an ectomorph is critically important to success. An ectomorph is a body type that tends to be very thin. This type of frame resists building bulk in either the form of fat or muscle. But that doesn’t mean it’s impossible to gain muscle.
If you’re an ectomorph, you know that you can eat a lot without gaining much weight. So if you want to build muscle, you’ll have to commit to increasing your caloric intake significantly and consistently.
For most males who are ectomorphs, it’s necessary to eat more than three thousand calories a day in order to build muscle and bulk up. Because your body is already very efficient at using energy, you have to provide it with even more to make more muscle tissue.
Much of the new caloric intake needs to come from protein and complex carbs. While it seems easy to add calories through high calorie and fatty foods, these aren’t the ones that will translate into lean muscle.
You need to eat whole foods that are packed with nutrients and the raw materials to make muscles during the recovery period. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, nuts, and healthy oils are all good sources of food for you.
The next thing you need to do is begin a weight training program designed to help you build muscle. You’ll need to train every other day and you’ll need to perform exercises that cause your muscles to fatigue at the end of the set. It only takes an hour per workout session to see results.
You also need to make sure you avoid overdoing it with cardio exercise. While this may be enjoyable and is certainly good for your heart, it will decrease your ability to pack on muscle weight.
Cardio takes a lot of energy and that’s energy you’ll need for your body to build new muscle tissue after a routine at the gym. If you use all your energy to run or bicycle, there won’t be much left for your muscles.
After you work out strenuously, you need to give your body the opportunity to make muscle for you. This doesn’t happen at the gym, it happens when you rest and sleep. That means that you have to give your muscles plenty of rest post-workout.
In addition, you need to make sure your lifestyle allows you to get eight to ten hours of sleep each night. This is the prime time for building muscle and repairing cells. It’s actually possible to build muscle as an ectomorph when you know the proper steps.
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