There is muscle and then there is lean muscle which most people are striving for, but why and how are they accomplishing it? “Bulking up” is muscle gain, this is when a person eats massively and works out massively so that the extra fat is stored creating extra energy that can be used to build up muscle. Body builders tend to go this route when working out.
Lean muscle, on the other hand, is when a person is vigorously working out but also watching the foods they are eating. They watch their calorie intake and keep the body fat to the lowest amount possible.
Lean muscle is healthier and makes you feel much better. It means building a good amount of muscles without building any fat to go with it. A lean body is much better proportioned and even healthier than a bulky muscular body that has abnormal strength and can lead to obesity if the person stops their high energy daily work outs.
Lean muscles hold strength and they hold it for a longer period of time. Lean muscles are built on a slow scale as your body becomes healthy and strong where as bulk muscle happens faster and you store fat in places that you do not need it.
What to Eat to Build Lean Muscles
Keep junk or processed food to a minimum because of the high calories and the low vitamin and minerals that these types of food have in them. Eat small meals often to help with your energy during physical activities. Eat complex carbohydrates and good protein sources. Think before you eat about what food you are going to eat and what it will do to your body.
When you are planning this consider high quality meal replacement Protein 'Shakes' as that can give you everything you need packed in proper proportion for optimum nutrition.
What to Drink to Build Lean Muscles
It is very important to keep hydrated at all times. Avoid things like juices and Kool-Aid, which may contain water but also contain sweeteners and usually lots of sugar. Water is needed to keep your temperature down and your strength up.
Strength Training
Strength training is a good way to build lean muscles. When you work the major muscle groups including: quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, back, chest, shoulders arms and abdominals you will gain lean muscle mass and become stronger. Cardiovascular training such as aerobic exercise is also a plus because it will increase the number of calories you burn and strength your endurance ability.
Strength training can also ease conditions such as arthritis, back problems, depression, diabetes, obesity and osteoporosis. Regardless of what you do to build lean muscle make sure you have talked to your physician first.
Know the foods that will help keep you on the right path, know when to push yourself and when to rest. Drink plenty of water so you stay hydrated and eat foods that keep you energized.
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