How To Become A Runner In Five Simple Steps

Unlike many other sports, running is not an activity that you need a large amount of training or expensive gear to get started with.

In fact, there are just three things you need: a good pair of shoes, a place to run, and a little determination!

All too often, people put off their first run due to some misguided notion that they are “not a runner”. The reality is that everyone is a runner - you just need to get started.

Keen to get off the sofa and start pounding the pavement? Then read on for everything you need to know to go from aspiring sprinter to real-life runner.

Find A Training Plan

One of the most important things to kick off your running journey is to find a training plan that suits your needs.

This is important for helping you stay motivated and provides you with a structure to assess your training and monitor your progress.

This is particularly important for beginners. Any plan targeted at beginners will have been designed by a trainer with a knowledge of how runners grow, develop, and evolve.

This will help you to stay safe and avoid injury.

Make Yourself Accountable

Once you have found the perfect plan to follow, make sure you hold yourself accountable. A running buddy is a great way to achieve this.

This helps motivate you and encourage you to continue, since there is someone you will be letting down if you fail to show up.

A running group is also a great option - and this offers a chance to meet new, like-minded people.

Don’t Overdo It

Running can be addictive - especially when you are starting to see and feel progress - but rest days are crucial.

Your body needs to heal and recover in between runs; this is how you build muscle, strength and stamina.

Tempting as it can be, never skip rest days. These are as crucial a part of your training as your regular runs.

Don’t Skip The Prep or Cool Down

Any training plan you choose should include a warm up and cool down, and it is crucial not to skip these.

Warming up allows you to raise your heart rate safely, as well as warming your muscles and getting the blood going. All of these are important for avoiding injury.

Cool downs are also important for allowing your body to recover. Skipping this can result in cramps and injuries that can set your training back several steps.

No matter how short of time you are, give your body the preparation and care it needs by completing every warm up and cool down.

Final Thoughts

Perhaps the most important aspect of becoming a runner is believing that you already are a runner. There is no set body type or requirement for becoming a runner - it is something that everyone can enjoy.

And once you start, rest assured that you will discover a lifelong love of running.

Learn more about your health online when you read the rest of our information here about: Lifetime Fitness Exercise Guide and also download the free health report available there!

Warren Tattersall has been a full time nutritional consultant for over a decade and works with people all over the world to help them improve their health, increase their personal energy levels and to use supplements to assist with diet related health issues.

Just send him a note on the form here - Contact Us - to request a personal no obligation one-on-one consultation with Warren

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