How Omega-3 Foods Bolster a Diabetic Immune System

You may have heard of omega-3 fatty acids before, often times found on pill bottles of vitamins. Omega-3s are very good for you, with their primary benefit being heart health. They help improve blood flow and can reduce the symptoms of inflammation, making you much more comfortable and making your heart much healthier.

The main immune system benefit of omega-3s is that part of them help your white blood cells communicate better and make them stronger. If you’re not aware, your white blood cells perform a very important task in your body, which is finding and fighting foreign bodies such as viruses.

The white blood cells will alert the rest of the body when it finds a virus, and will start to break down the virus cells and dispose of them. If you want to have a good immune system, you need to have strong white blood cells that have all the nutrients they need, and omega-3s are an important component of that.

For diabetics, the best source of omega-3s that you’re going to find is fish. Fish are a great source of these fatty acids, while being fairly low carb at the same time. While salmon is the most common fatty fish that you’ll find, there are others that you might find to be better or more convenient to buy.

Something you need to be careful of is how the fish is prepared. Of course a fish isn’t going to be diabetic friendly if it’s been deep fried, but oven roasted or pan seared fish is great.

If you’ve never cooked fish at home before, don’t worry, because it’s very easy to do. If you’re buying a whole fish then you’ll need to remove things like scales, but if you just buy the fillets already precut, then it’s much easier and you don’t have to worry about cleaning it up nicely first.

All you need is some seasoning and an oven and you’re good to go! You should also avoid eating your fish with certain things if you’re diabetic. For example, many people like to put sauces on their fish.

These sauces can have tons of carbs or sugars depending on what it is, so you want to avoid those as much as possible. Additionally, you should avoid high carb side dishes, such as French fries, which are frequently served with fish.

Try some oven roasted vegetables or a small salad instead, both of which are much more diabetic-friendly options.

Pairing Protein, Fiber and Zinc to Boost Your Diabetic Immune System

There are some often overlooked micronutrients that are key parts of your immune system. While everyone focuses on vitamins, they may forget that things like protein, fiber, and zinc are all very important parts of helping your immune system stay strong and competent, and call all be found in some great diabetic-friendly foods.

Protein is very important for your immune system. Many people may only associate protein with the stuff that weightlifters drink in order to get big muscles, but protein is actually the building block foundation of most cells in your body.

This includes your immune system. If you don’t get enough protein regularly, your body won’t be able to produce strong white blood cells, nor will those cells be able to use the other nutrients efficiently.

Zinc is used in most processes by your white blood cells. White blood cells are important because they’re your primary defense against viruses that are trying to take hold in your body.

If they don’t have things like zinc that they need to use to gain energy or communicate, then they won’t be as effective. It’s good for diabetics in general to get a healthy amount of zinc, because it helps mitigate some of the long term effects that diabetes can have on you.

Specifically, diabetes and high blood sugar can damage your heart as the years go on, but zinc helps strengthen your heart so that it’s not much of a problem. Finally, fiber has a much better use than just making sure you’re taking regular bathroom trips.

It actually helps improve your gut bacteria health greatly, which is an important part of your immune system that handles contaminates that may be found in your food. Fiber is also great for diabetics, since it helps keep your blood sugar much more stable, and makes insulin much more effective.

If you really want to go for one food that will help you boost all of those things, you should look into hummus. It’s made with chickpeas, which contain all of those nutrients in good amounts, and it has been recommended to help diabetics boost their immune systems.

Typically, people eat hummus with things like bread or crackers, but you can also use slices of raw vegetables and it’ll be just the same. You want something firm so that you can sort of scoop the hummus, such as long slices of bell peppers.

Learn more about your health online when you read the rest of our information here about: What is Diabetes guide and also download the free health report available there!

Warren Tattersall has been a full time nutritional consultant for over 35 years and works with people all over the world to help them improve their health, increase their personal energy levels and to use supplements to assist with diet related health issues.

Just send him a note on the form here - Contact Us - to request a personal no obligation one-on-one consultation with Warren

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