How Music Can Help Treat Insomnia

Sleep is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. When you don't get enough rest, you'll feel frustrated and lethargic. This can become a real challenge if you don't find a way to combat it.

There are a variety of strategies you can use to help you go to sleep. People often employ a warm glass of milk, counting sheep, or reading, but sometimes these remedies simply don't work.

Music, however, may be the solution you've been looking for to help you with your sleepless nights. The right type of music can help you relax, while the silence around you just might invite your mind to wander in worry.

These insomnia tips will show you how to use music to get a peaceful night's sleep:

1. Softer music at a low volume is best. Mellow, sweet music can relax your mind and body. If the tempo is too fast or the volume is too loud, however, you'll toss and turn amidst the noise. The transition to sleep can be made much easier with soft background music that blends into the surroundings.

* Artists like The Cure, Tom Waits, and Nick Drake make great sleeping music. Put the stereo on repeat or set up a playlist on your computer that will play the music you select throughout the night. That way, if you do wake up, you can fall right back to sleep easily.

* Acoustic versions of songs can also calm your mind and help you drift off to sleep.

* If you like a bit of variety in your sleeping playlist, movie soundtracks (like the one to "Garden State") make excellent choices.

* Classical music is an often overlooked, but effective, sleep aid.

2. Music helps pass the time. One of the temptations of insomnia is to get up and do something to take your mind off the fact that you can't sleep. Often, this wakes you up instead of calming you to sleep. Instead of lying in bed and feeling bored, play music to take your mind to a different and more pleasant place. In no time, you'll be sound asleep.

3. Music melts away stress. Your insomnia may be caused by worry and anxiety. If something on your mind is keeping you awake, music will keep your mind distracted until you're able to drift off to sleep.

* Music has the ability to alter your mood. Soothing music can calm you down when you're angry, afraid, or upset.

One Drawback to Music as a Sleep Aid

Once you get used to falling asleep to music, you'll experience more restful nights and productive days. As a result, you become accustomed to this new pattern of falling asleep. Sometimes, however, you may find yourself in a position where you can't listen to your favorite tunes as you drift off into dreamland.

Also, you may find it difficult to fall asleep without the music you've become accustomed to if you're sleeping in unfamiliar surroundings. One solution is to hum your nighttime tunes as you lay down. Sometimes, simply listening to the music in your head can do the trick.

Music is inexpensive, has no side effects, and is surprisingly effective at helping with insomnia. Tonight, you can rest easy and wake up refreshed in the morning by falling asleep to the soft, sweet sounds that bring you the peace you crave.

Overcoming Insomnia through Exercise

If you're experiencing problems sleeping, there's a good chance you aren't getting enough exercise. Both mental and physical exercises are effective ways to help you experience a deeper, more restful sleep.

For some people, exercise is enough on its own to overcome their insomnia. When you exercise, you're placing extra stress on your body and, in order to compensate for this added stress, your brain dictates a greater need for deep sleep to aid in recovery.

Bright Light and Your Internal Clock

Have you ever noticed during the warmer months, when you're outside and active, you tend to get tired earlier in the evening? This is due to the extended amount of time you're exposed to sunlight and the physical activity.

Exercising in a brightly lit area with a lot of sunlight increases your energy levels. Also, increasing your exposure to sunlight helps control your body temperature rhythms that regulate sleep.

What Are the Best Exercises for Fighting Insomnia?

Almost any physical activity can help you combat insomnia. However, there are a few particular exercises that seem to work better than others.

Here's just a sampling of exercises to overcome insomnia:

* Treadmill - Best when used next to an open window with plenty of sunlight pouring in
* Bicycling - The movement and constant concentration needed are especially effective.
* Stationary Bike - Not as effective as a real bicycle, but works great on rainy days
* Jump Rope - A good exercise to do that's stationery and requires little equipment
* Dancing - One of the most enjoyable ways to get exercise
* Walking & Jogging Outside - This is probably the easiest way to get exercise, exposure to sunlight and beat insomnia.

What Time is the Most Effective?

The best time to exercise is about 4 - 6 hours before bedtime. If you exercise just before you retire for the night, your body won't have enough time to cool down properly. This can make it harder to get to sleep. Remember that you should avoid caffeine or eating late, as well.

Get Your Mind Active, Too!

When you exercise your body and mind at the same time, you'll notice you'll get a deeper and more fulfilling night sleep. It's very easy to exercise your mind while you're involved in physical activity.

Some ways to do this while you're exercising are:

* Doing simple math problems in your head
* Reciting something you need to remember
* Listening to an audio book or podcast
* Reading a book, newspaper or magazine

Avoid doing the same exercises every day. Mix things up so your activities keep your body and mind fresh and active. Monotony causes the effectiveness of the activities, both physical and mental, to wane.

You may also want to keep a journal of your exercise activities and your sleeping hours. Once in a while, you can analyze what combination of exercises - both mental and physical - gave you the best sleep results. And once you're equipped with this newfound knowledge, you can create a custom workout, which will improve your health and help you beat the insomnia bug for good!

Learn more about your health online when you read the rest of our information here about: Insomnia guide and also download the free health report available there!

Warren Tattersall has been a full time nutritional consultant for over 35 years and works with people all over the world to help them improve their health, increase their personal energy levels and to use supplements to assist with diet related health issues.

Just send him a note on the form here - Contact Us - to request a personal no obligation one-on-one consultation with Warren

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