High blood pressure or hypertension actually killed over 56,560 people in the US in 2006. In the US, around 74 million people who are 20 years of age or older have alarmingly high levels of blood pressure. One among 3 US adults suffers from high blood pressure.
Among those who suffer from high blood pressure, over 77% are well aware of the critical condition that they are in. Among all people suffering from high blood pressure, almost 68% are undergoing treatment. Over 44% have it well under control, whilst almost 56% do not have the situation under control.
The main reason for the 90% to 95% of these HBP cases isn't known. But, high blood pressure can easily be detected and is usually controllable. Between 1996 and 2006, the gross death rate due to high blood pressure raised by over 19 percent. Then again, the real number of deaths was actually 48%.
In general, African Americans are more likely to develop high blood pressure symptoms compared to Caucasians and Hispanics. Within today’s African-American community, the ones with the topmost rates of HBP are older, mid-aged, less educated, obese, and physically stationary and have diabetes.
In the year 2006 the surveyed death rate due to HBP in 100,000 people was over 15 for the Caucasian males and 51 for African American males. When it comes to females, it comes down to 14 and 37 respectively.
Needless to say, high blood pressure (hypertension) remains a highly serious health hazard and shouldn’t be taken carelessly. On an average, 50,000 US people die every year due to high blood pressure.
Over 60 million US people who are 20 or older suffer from high blood pressure. Over 90 % all HBP cases do not have any known cause.
Still, the condition is easily detectable and treatable. The African American males remain at much higher risk of HBP, as mentioned before. High blood pressure could lead to kidney and/or heart failure.
High blood pressure or hypertension killed almost 50,000 Americans in the year 2002. This was listed as the primary cause of death in around 260,000 cases that year.
Another study has found that around 65 million US people at the age of 6 and over suffer from high blood pressure. High blood pressure happens to be the single chief risk factor causing stroke.
Around 700,000 US adults are likely to have a new or repeated stroke in the year 2011. Over 162,500 of them are likely to die. Stroke happens to be the third major cause of death amongst Americans.
It is also one of the leading causes of grave and long-term disability. There are many out there who are under the wrong assumption that stroke happens to be an "old guy’s disease." Still, that is not the case, as strokes can occur in people who are under the age of 65.
The great news is that you’ll be able to protect yourself from stroke. For this, you have to know the risk factors. Then you need to reduce the underlying risk factors.
Take the steps to learn all about the warning signs / symptoms of stroke. Stroke happens to be a special kind of cardiovascular disease. It affects the arteries which go into the brain.
The stroke occurs as the blood vessel, which is carrying oxygen and nutrients into the brain, gets damaged. It could be clogged by some sort of clot. As this happens, a part of your brain will fail to get the blood it needs and it will eventually start to malfunction.
Clots blocking the artery can cause different types of ischemic strokes. And this happens to be the most typical kind of stroke. Did you know that Ischemic strokes now account for around 88% of all strokes? There are some ruptured blood vessels causing hemorrhagic strokes.
As the part of the brain starts to malfunction due to the absence of proper blood flow, different parts of your body get affected. Then again, strokes might cause paralysis.
They can affect the language and speech and vision. This can cause further problems. You can also take note of the TIA (transient ischemic attack). It is a special "warning stroke."
The high blood pressure statistics are shocking. Do what is necessary in order not to become part of the statistics.
Warren Tattersall has been a full time nutritional consultant for over a decade and works with people all over the world to help them improve their health, increase their personal energy levels and to use supplements to assist with diet related health issues.
To have a free personal consultation with him to learn how incorporating nutritional supplements may improve your health concerns just visit “The Health Success Site” and download the free health report available there, or email warren@TheHealthSuccessSite.com to request a personal one-on-one consultation by email or phone.
The Health Success Site has many helpful tips about nutrition and free health plans to reduce your high blood pressure and help you with a healthy heart. Not only will you get valuable :cardiovascular problems health tips about using fish oil for cardiovascular health you can also download a free ebook about cardiovascular health at the site.
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